Part 17

As we get near the gate of the pier. I told KID to stop and hide the motorcycle underneath a tree --- as we put the helmet beside the motorcycle

"So where do we go, young lady?"

"There is two places that I thought about"

"Then bring your thoughts out"

"The warehouse and the exact place of the pier"

"So now we take a separation plan?"

"You, KID, take the warehouse and I will take the pier"

"Got it!"

KID take his leave as I told him

I took a deep breath and take out the gun --- as I may need it some time.

As I started to run to the pier

This place is too huge for transferring goods and other stuff --- as this place might be an abandoned private place as it looks like

It takes minutes to get near the pier. I took a glimpse of someone standing in the end of the pier

Laughing with a big smile in the face

A man in a black suit

"Welcome, Sherry!"

No it's impossible... Why is he here?


I know it is late and it's quite short...
But busy on things like that and like this! T.T

Will update this week again FOR SURE!
