It's not your fault

Konnichiwa!!!!!! Here it is ^_^ the next chapter... Thank you for waiting... :) I can't say anymore words so here we are :D

"But..." Haibara said

"Just keep quiet Haibara, everything will be fine." Conan cut her words

"But how! How can everything be fine!" She shouted


Haibara interrupted him "It's all my fault! I escaped from the Organization, now all of you are in danger!"

"But if you never escaped from the organization, you can never have us, your friends, your family..."

"But I can't let you die just because of me!" Haibara started to cry in guilt


Haibara stood up. She saw a splinter and picked it up then started to say her words...

"If I die right now, right here, everything will get back to normal, right?"

She looked down

"Haibara, Don't do that! please calm down, drop that, okay?" Conan says as he try to convince her to keep calm

"How can I calm down! I caused all of you to get in trouble..."

"No Haibara..."

"If I die, everything will be fine..."

"No Haibara!"

"No one loves me..."

"You're wrong Haibara!!!" Conan shouted at her

Haibara then raises her chin and stares at Conan


"You're wrong with everything you have just said Haibara...  You never caused me to get in trouble, if you never escaped in that Organization, I can never meet you..." He said


"If you die right now, everything will get even worse, I will be hurt, not just me, but everyone..."


"And it's not true that no one loves you,,, I'm right here..."


"So please! Don't die right now! Drop that splinter Haibara!" He shouted again, trying to convince her to drop the sharp thing

Haibara, did what he said, and looked down full of guilt. Conan walked towards her and hugged her

"Didn't I promised you that I will protect you?" Conan said calming her

*sob sob*

"Edogawa-kun!!!" Haibara burst into tears and hugged Conan back.. tightly

"Everything will be fine, Haibara... I'm here for you, 'cause I love you..."

The tavern was really dark, so all they can do was to wait for help. Conan's wristwatch is not working this time so the flashlight is useless...

After waiting for some time, a light lit their faces and a voice asked them

"Kids, are you okay?" A police asked

"a-ah, yeah..." Conan answered

The police rescued them, and now they're safe. But the member of the Black Organization has escaped.

Hi!!! is this chapter okay? Thanks for reading... and now... the most awaited part, the last part ^_^ the next chapter is actually the last...I hope you will like the last part of my story ^_^   

and also sorry for the typos...
