Chapter 14


*smile*-action or expression


"Hello"-shouting/narrator/ All might

3rd POV

I ran out of title idea

it has been a few weeks when momo confessed to akaza and when momo told her parents they called akaza to talk to him you might be thinking "he would be fine he has  done it before" but this one is different lets flash back a bit

Flash back brought to you by chibi akaza

we see akaza Infront of a gate 

(ignore those guys)

Akaza: that's some gate* presses the doorbell*

then a voice came from the speaker it was momo

speaker{momo}: izu is that you?

Akaza: yeah im here

speaker{momo}: wonderful pls come in mom and dad are waiting for you

then the gates open and he went inside he saw momo waiting in front of the house no mansion

momo: hey izu

Akaza: hi momo

momo: come mom and dad are at the living room

she guide him inside the house which was huge  he saw some fancy stuff like art vases and whatnot 

Akaza: "so fancy"

when they arrived in the living room akaza could feel 2 kind of aura's one excited and one is rather menacing 

Momo: mom dad izu is here

akaza; hi sir , ma'am

mikasa: Hello dear *smiles*

Oscar: hello izuku 

Mikasa : pls have a seat

both akaza and momo took there seat 

Oscar: i see that both of you are dating now *menacing aura*

Akaza: yes sir

mikasa: well I'm happy for you two

momo: thanks mom

Mikasa; i still remember when momo always talk about you*giggle*

Momo: MOM*blushing*

Oscar: well i don't agree to this

Momo: DAD

Mikasa: honey

Oscar: i mean he already have a girlfriend and now momo is joining

Momo: itsuka did agreed on sharing

Oscar: well i still don't know what if he favors itsuka more than you or favor you more than itsuka

Mikasa: your dad does have a point dear

Akaza: um can i speak

Mikasa: go on dear

Akaza: sir i promise i will not treat them unfairly live favoring one over the other 

Oscar: i see fine then

Akaza: thank you sir 

Oscar: But...

Akaza: but?

Oscar: *menacing aura*if you hurt my baby girl i will kill you

Momo: dad I'm not a baby anymore

Akaza:"deja vu" yes sir i will take care of her

Mikasa: good now* looks at momo* when can i have grandbabies *smiles*

Momo: MOM!!! *blushing*

Akaza: " definitely Deja vu"

present( after noon)

we see izuku in casual clothes because he's going on a date with momo and itsuka, he's gonna pick them up by their house 

(far left with his iconic red shoes )

Akaza: plans check, money check and now i just have to get momo and itsuka

he goes to the gate only to see itsuka there 

Akaza: itsuka what your doing here i was about to pick you up

itsuka: i live a few blocks away from you so i thought i could  just go here

Akaza: i see well then how about we get momo for our date

itsuka: yeah lets go 

they go to momo's house and found her waiting with her dad crossing his arms in the gate

Momo: izu itsuka *hugs itsuka*

Itsuka: hey momo *Hugs back*

Akaza: hey no hugs for me* fake crying*

Momo: *giggles* here *kiss his cheek*

Akaza: thanks *looks at momo's dad* oh hi sir 

Oscar: hi izuku now*menacing aura* if something happen to my little girl i will end you

Akaza: yes sir 

Oscar: good

Momo: bye dad

Oscar: bye sweety *cheerful aura*

akaza & itsuka: " a complete 180 "

they left for their date first they went to a mall to buy things like clothes and watnot they use momo's money ofcource akaza carried the bags and after that they went to a wakdonalds 

akaza went to order while the girls wait for him and something happen which akaza didn't like

Random guy: hey ladies do you mind if i join you two

Itsuka: who are you?

Momo: sorry but  where waiting for someone pls seat somewhere else

RG: why dont you girls hang out with me instead *seats right next at momo*

momo: pls get away from me

Itsuka: Hey we didn't allow you seat with us

Rg: oh shut up *tries to grope momo*

the key word "tries" because the protagonist is here

Akaza: what are you trying to do with my momo* angry aura*

Rg: oh so your the one their waiting for*stands up* how about i pay you for these two fine girls huh.

Akaza: your paying me huh*smirk*

Rg: name your price 

Akaza: how about no * punches the guy square in the face* 

Rg: what the hell *punches akaza but he dodges*

Akaza: i will make you pay for trying to touch my girls and thinking i will leave if you just give me money *pissed*

Rg the runs for his life but he got punched so many times that made him unconscious

then the guard arrived after a bathroom break and he saw akaza holding Rg

Guard; umm how can i help you sir

Akaza:; take this molester before i punch him to death for touching my girl

Rg: h-help mme

Guard: um yes sir*takes Rg*

akaza came back to the girls and saw itsuka comforting momo

Akaza: momo are you ok

Momo: *sniff* im fine izu

akaza: if that happens again i will beat them to a pulp so dont worry okay *smiles* 

Momo: Okay

Itsuka: see told you it will be fine

Akaza: now what do you say we eat 

Momo: yes

after they ate akaza saw momo still sad so he decided to cheer her up by watching a movie

Akaza:*looks at his wallet* " i still have enough" say girls what do you say we go watch a movie

Momo & itsuka: sure

then they watch the new jujutsu kaisen Movie which they enjoyed after that momo called her ride so they dont have to carry all the things they bought when it arrived akaza just put the stuff in the car and momo told the driver to put the stuff home after that,they decided to go to the beach to be specific The Takoba Municipal Beach as they went there they heard a explosion where they rush to  the explosion and saw katsumi and shoka being held hostage  by a sludge villain and trying to escape so they ask soome one near them.

Akaza: um excuse me what going on here?

Random Citizen: two girls are being held hostage by a villain

Itsuka: what are the heroes doing

RC: their doing nothing

Akaza: what!!!

RC; yeah their saying that they dont have the right quuirk or something

akaza looks at katsumi and shoka and he can see in their eyes that they begging to be saved and then he looks at the heroes who are doing nothing and something inside him scream to save them so that he did.

akaza rush thru the crowd and the heroes despite the heroes shouting for him to come back he didn't he just kept running to the villain  to save katsumi and shoka

Sludge villain: oh some one wants to play hero i see

Akaza: *still running and has his quirk active*

SV: oh a brave one well then come and get me brat * shoots tendrils*

then in a blink of an eye the akaza was infront of the villain

SV; what the

akaza then take katsumi and shoka out of the sludge and they were barely conscious 

Katsumi & shoka ; izuku?*weakly *

they then falls unconscious he than places them near the heroes 

Akaza: take care of them *goes back to the villain*

Death arms: hey kid come back here *got ignored*

back to the villain


akaza then rush to him dodging every sludge that he fired then

sludge was splattered on the ground he then saw two bottles and he gathered the sludge in the bottles so  the villain cant escape. when he finish he heard cheering from the crowd

he then goes to  the heroes and give them the bottle and was about to leave but

Death Arms: you boy are in so much in trouble

Akaza: why because i stole your spot light 

kamui woods: no its our job to keep people safe

Akaza: then why did you guys didn't do anything to save them

Mount lady: we didn't have the right q-

Akaza: what right quirk

MT: well yeah

Akaza: let me ask you what is a heroes job

MT: to save people

Akaza: and what you guys did


Akaza: nothing you guys are nothing more than fakes who's in it for the money and fame


Akaza:  Thats what i  thought now if you excuse me i have a date

he then leaves little did he know the whole thig was being broadcast live

they continued their date itsuka and momo noticed that akaza was still mad

momo: izu you ok* worried*

Akaza:: im fine 

Itsuka: you clearly not

Akaza: i just *sigh* their heroes and their not doing their job

Momo: just forget about it izu and enjoy our date ok

Akaza: ok

they go to the beach to relax and enjoy the sunset after that they decided to go home son momo called her driver to drive them home.

time skip brought to you by chibi itsuka

when akaza arrived home he was met with a smack in the head by his mom

Akaza: what was that for mom

Inko:*angry*  look at the News

Akaza looks at the news and saw it was him talking to the heroes

Akaza: hehe

Inko: dont hehe me what if you got hurt

Akaza: i cant just let katsumi and shoka die

Inko: *sigh* fine i will let this slide and i will talk to the hero department about them

Akaza: does that mean im save *hopefull*

Inko: no your punishment is no katsudon for you for a  week

Akaza: FOR A WEEK!! 

Inko: do you want a month * menacing aura*

Akaza: shutting up

Inko: good 

Keizo: honey, kids dinners ready

Inko: coming honey

Izumi: coming dad

(yes she calls him dad)

Akaza: coming *depress aura*

and thats where im gonna end todays chapter

im sorry for the late update again i got writers block hehe

hope you enjoyed todays chapter
