The whole truth

I have been living on cloud nine since the party. More specific, since Pedri told me he loves me.

I wanted us to be together. But for that to happen, I had to fix things with Gavi. It was not fair to him.

After the party, when me and Gavi reached my dorm, I decided to tell him. I told him about everything from when me and Pedri were kids and the time up until now.
I was grateful for the time I had spent with Gavi and I let him know that I never intended to lead him on, and that what I felt for him was real. It's just that the feelings for Pedri were stronger.
Gavi was obviously hurt, but he understood.
He told me if things with Pedri didn't work out, he would be more than willing to replace him.
Unfortunately, I don't think any can ever replace him.

I still haven't been able to talk with Pedri about what happened at the party, but we have been texting. He told me that he was going to end things with Aurora, before he could be with me for real.
I didn't expect less from Pedri. He always wants to do the right things. I love him for that though.

Me and Hera was walking together on campus one day after a lecture, and decided we wanted to get a cup of coffee before the next lecture.
Campus had this lovely coffee shop, which me and Hera visited regularly.

The first thing I saw when we entered was Aurora. She locked eyes with me for a second, but turned her attention to the one in front of her. She was sitting down with Pedri. He couldn't see me, because he was facing the other way.

Just when me and Hera was about to pass them to walk up to the counter. Aurora leaned over the table and kissed Pedri on his lips.
Pedri pulled back in shook. Then he saw me standing right next to him, and panicked.
"Y/n! It's not what it looks like!" He said, standing up.

I didn't know what to believe, I just needed to get out.

I turned my back on him and sprinted away. I pushed the door open and ran straight to my dorm.

I laid down in my bed on my back, staring up in the ceiling. I wish I didn't have to witness what I just saw in the coffee shop. It made my blood boil thinking about Pedri kissing another girl.
A part of me knows he wasn't responsible for the kiss, but I'm still mad at him for still going out with her after confessing his feelings to me.

How hard was it to break things off?
Me myself did it right away with Gavi. It was hard, but I was willing to make that sacrifice for me and Pedri to be together.
Yet, I was still waiting for him to do the same.

Maybe I am being too impatient and insensitive. Pedri and Aurora have been dating for longer than me and Gavi.
Well, that thought just made me feel worse.

I was still laying in my bed, not moving. I felt empty.

*knock knock*

Someone was outside my door.

"Y/n, please let me in. I need to explain." The knocker said. It was Pedri's voice.

I sat up in the bed and looked towards the door. I already knew I was going to let him in. I was just taking my sweet time.

I got out of the bed and walked to the door. I put my ear against it to check if I could hear him.

I could hear his breathing. It was going fast, as if he had ran all the way over here.

"Y/n, please." I heard him begging in a whisper.

I unlocked the door and pushed it open. He stood there like a lost puppy, and I felt bad for making him stay outside for too long.

I stepped aside so he could come in. I avoided looking into his eyes and kept my gaze lowered. After he had stepped inside, I closed the door behind him and leaned my back against it.

It was quiet and without looking at him, I could've sense he was eyeing me, trying to figure out what I was thinking.

"Let me start by saying, I ended everything with Aurora. What she did in the coffee shop was so far beyond." He said, dragging the word "far".
The words made me look up at him.

"I was going to end things today anyway. I can't stand not being with you when I know I could be." He said, looking at me with spark in his eyes.

"Please don't be mad at me for what happened. I would never kiss her." He tried to convince me.

"I am not mad at you." I said. Sure I was annoyed, but it wasn't really at him. I was bothered by Aurora, because I am sure she had purposely tried to piss me off by kissing him in front of me.

"You're not? So you still love me?" He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer.

"You idiot. I have loved you for more than ten years. I could never stop loving you." I said, giggling to stop myself from getting too emotional.

"You have? Wait.. you have loved me since we were little?" He asked, looking at me surprised.
"Yes. Since the first time I saw you, I think." I said, smiling at the thought of the memory.
"You remember that day?" He said, laughing.
"Of course I do! Don't you?" I asked, laughing too.
"I do. I remember it very well, actually." He said, gently stroking my face with his fingers.

"I think I have loved you too ever since then. Since I saw you crawling in my grandparents garden, trying to get that one flower. I remember you smiled at me when I handed it over to you. I believe I fell in love with you right in that moment." He said, getting lost in his thoughts.

"I am sorry I lied to you." He said, snapping out of his dreaming.
"What did you lie to me about?" I said, giving him a confused look.
"The things I said about Gavi. He is a great guy. It's just that I got so jealous seeing you with him. I told you he was untrustworthy, just so you would stop seeing him. I hated the thought of someone, who wasn't me, being you." He said, ashamed.

Pedri being jealous of me dating someone else, made my stomach turn. He had felt the same way as I did about him and Aurora. I felt guilty. Enough time had been wasted. It was time to finally do what was right.

I locked my arms around his neck and made our faces come closer. Our nose tips were touching and I closed my eyes.
"You don't have to be jealous anymore. I am all yours." I whispered, leaving a small space between our lips. I wanted him to give in first.

My mouth was still open from the words I had just said. I was breathing against his lips, and I could feel the warmth from his breath on mine.

With no warning, he kissed me on my opened mouth, pushing me against the door. He took my breath away and I could feel him smiling into the kiss, which made me smile too. I have dreamed about kissing Pedri my whole life.

I started to kiss him back. His kisses was rough, but soft at the same time. It was perfect. Everything was perfect. Just like him.

He pulled back, out of breath. He looked into my eyes deeply and tucked my hair behind my ear.
"I love you so much." He said, lifting my chin up to give me a soft peak on my lips.

"I love you more." I said, blushing at his words.

Maybe this was the start of our swan journey.
Or maybe it started that day all those years ago. I don't know. But what I now for sure, is that if I ever lost Pedri, I would pass away from a broken heart.
