The Morning After... (a different take on Season 15's ending)

A/N: It's clear that most of us didn't like the ending we got in Season 15.

Let's see if we can change that... ☺️😅 All of this is safe to read. None of this is canon and there are no spoilers here. Also, sorry for being gone for so long. Forgive me?

The morning after the fight against Chuck felt just like any other. The air was cold, the silence was deafening but voices could still be heard from inside the Angel's head. They could all be drowned out, all but one.

"Fine! That's the way you want it?... Story's over. Welcome to the End."

Castiel could still hear the voice of his father in his head. The same father he spent years- scratch that, eons devoting his love and service to. He'd tried to do everything Chuck had wanted for so long and to be betrayed, without warning after murdering Jack, was...

It was-

Castiel lost his train of thought as he opened his eyes to look down at his hands clenching the bedsheets on top of him. He smiles and strokes the top of his left hand with his right thumb as he realises where he is.

He looks around the surrounding room and sees various family pictures of people who were now gone.

Mary. Bobby. The picture of himself, standing beside Bobby, Jo, Ellen, Sam and... Dean.

His smile slowly fades as he remembers everyone they'd lost to get to where they were. A Godless universe, yes... but a free one. He promised to always keep fighting. For Sam, and Jack. For Eileen, who had been spending her nights at the bunker with them all.

For everyone he failed. Everyone he could've saved if he'd been stronger.

for Dean. The man who had lost near enough everything and everyone he'd ever cared about but still managed to hoist himself out of the bed in the morning, which by the way, was more comfortable than it had any right to be, Cas had to agree.

He slowly but surely threw the sheets off of him to reveal himself only in a loosely buttoned and creased white shirt, as he scans the room for his daily armour. A jet-black suit jacket and a dirty tan trenchcoat. Cas's smile returned. They'd been through much together, but they still remained intact... Much like Team Free Will themselves.

As he stood there examining the clothes, he turns slightly and sees Dean's robe on the bedpost.

A smile creeps onto the Angel's face.


Feeling optimistic about the future with his family, and like a warm fluffy bear, Cas headed to the bunker's kitchen as his bare feet could be heard trudging down the hallway. He turns the corner to see Dean wearing an apron just below his waist, which reads "Kiss the Cook" as he flips pancakes whilst Jack examined him closely and eagerly holds his plate to his chest. Cas rolls his eyes.

"How did I get stuck with these idiots?" Castiel half sighs in a gruffer tone than usual having just awoken.

All four of them turn to face him as the blood rushes to his face. "Did I say that out loud?" he thinks to himself.

Sam and Eileen both briefly grin at the angel acknowledging his entrance before they look back down and continue to read from a computer screen placed in front of them.

"That's the one, Sam. Jody thought it'd be worth checking out and Claire and Kaia said they'd tag along if we end up needing an assist."

Jack tells the younger Winchester brother as he brings Saileen (SamxEileen for those of you not in the know 😉😂) their coffee mugs and runs towards Cas.

"How did you sleep, Cas?" the Nephilim asks, leaving his plate behind as Dean places the pancakes onto it.

Castiel looks visibly exhausted. The day they had yesterday was nothing short of intense and even that is putting it mildly...

Still! There were times he doubted the Universe and therefore, himself, would see today. He had his family to thank for that.

"I'm fine, Jack, really."

Jack shows a look of concern on his face which Castiel is thankful for. The son of Satan chose HIM to be his father and to teach him and guide him and he'd never  felt so loved... that is until the eldest Winchester brother made his way towards them. Cas's heart did little flips in his chest but he calmed himself so no one could tell.

Jack shot him a grin. 🤭

"How are you both?" Cas asks Dean and Jack.

"Well, I'm, uh... WE'RE alive. We have you to thank for that, Cas. We couldn't have done it without you." Dean replies, with sadness and yet, relief in his words.

"Dean... You brought us together, you gave us the strength to fight... If anyone saved us, trust me, it's you."

A slight blush could be seen on Dean's face. Adorable.

Jack kind of just sighed and folded his arms, before calling over Sam and Eileen to where Castiel stood in the doorway.

"No... We did it. All of us. Together..." Jack began as he placed his hand between them all.

" a family."

They all smiled, as they too placed their hands, one by one, in the middle.

"Team Free Will 2.0!" Dean announced proudly!

"Ahh... 3.0..." Sam corrected him as he winks over at Eileen

Dean looks down and shuffles his feet a little.

"Yup. 3.0, that's what I meant to say." He responds embarrassed as he awkwardly points over at Eileen.

Cas just shakes his head as his heart feels full of love for all of these people, but especially Dean as he watches him awkwardly shuffle away back to the grill as the rest of them sit down and dig in.

"Cas." Sam calls over to him and points to the seat next to Jack.

Castiel sits next to him as they grin at each other and Jack hands Cas a plate.

"I don't know how I got stuck with these idiots..." He begins as he stares back at Dean over at the grill, humming Metallica as he flips more Pancakes. Cas fondly remembers the day he met each of them. He remembers raising Dean from Hell, he remembers shaking Sam's hand in that hotel room, he remembers seeing Jack for the first time after he returned from the Empty.

"...but I'm glad I did."

A/N: Okay, I know it isn't perfect, but personally, this would have been a fine ending for me. I tried to write what I would've wanted from the ending if I wrote the show.

Everyone alive, everyone together, and everyone happy...

A family.

I love these characters so much and I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed envisioning this before writing about it. I wrote the whole thing with a wide grin on my face!

Sorry, I was gone for so long! I didn't mean to, it just sorta happened, but I love my audience and I hope you all continue to enjoy what I'm putting out. It won't be as long a Hiatus next time. I promise.
