
Kendall's POV

"Soooo." Billie was walking to the side of me.

 There was an awkward silence.

"Soooo." I repeated.

"What do you wanna do?" she asked. 

When she asked I spotted a waterfall. 

"This." I replied while grabbing her hand and running to the waterfall. 

"What are w-Oh my god its so beautiful" she cooed. 

"I know right." I said while smiling.  

I looked at Billie then at the water. I smiled even bigger when an idea popped into my mind.

I started taking my clothes off. 

"what are you doing?" Billie asked while looking at me. 

"Uh, getting in the water of course." I relied in a teasingly way.

"But its night and we don't know what's down there." Billie looked at me and then around us.

I pulled off my shirt so that I was left in my bra and underwear. 

"Wait is THE Billie Eilish scared of the water?" I asked teasing her once again. 

"No. well, maybe." she replied. Not looking at me. 

"Its ok, I won't let anything hurt you." I said looking at the water.

"How are YOU going to do that?" she asked in a not-believing way.

I acted hurt and started fake crying. What she didn't know is that I'm a really good acter.

"Hey, I didn't mean it in that way." she said coming over to me. I was turned the other direction of her.

She came over and put her hands on my waist.

"Gotch ya!" I yelled turning around. 

"Fucking bitch." Billies said putting her hand on her heart. 

I looked towards the water and saw steam. 

I smiled and walked to the water. 

"SO your really doing this?" Billie asked.

"Of course." I looked back and replied. 

Once the water touched my skin I accidentally let out a moan. 

I felt my cheeks heat up. 

I heard water being splashed so I looked back. My eyes widened as I saw Billie coming into the water. I didn't think she would actually get in. 

"I didn't think you would get in." I blurted out. 

"Why would I not get in?" She asked teasingly. 

"Well, you being scared and all." I said as I watched her get closer to me with a smirk.

"I'm not gonna watch you have all the fun." she replied with a big smile. 

I didn't say anything, letting my actions take over. I splashed Billie with the water. I started laughing uncontrollably when she slipped, falling all the way into the water. 

I watched as she came back up, the water falling down her neck to her chest. 

"You like what you see?" she asked with a smirk coming closer.

"Fuck no." I replied not in the most believable voice. 


Is all she said before picking me up.

"No! Billie don't!" I yelled while laughing. 

Suddenly she threw me, I wasn't prepared so when I went under the water it went up my nose. 

I quickly pushed myself up to the surface, when I did I coughed over and over. 

Billie just laughed making me laugh. 

When I finally stopped coughing I swam under the water and pulled Billie down.

We didn't notice how long we were gone until we heard our names being called.

"Oh shit, how long were we gone?" Billie asked looking around.

"I don't know. We should get dressed." 

When Billie nodded I started walking back to our clothes. 

"There you guys a-Continue fucking i'll go away." I looked over and saw Jackie smirking at me.

"Shut up Jackie. We found this waterfall and took a swim. Nothing happened besides her almost drowning me." I said 

"I wish you were getting laid, you desperately need it."  Jackie sighed 

"Whatever, I haven't felt like that for anyone yet." I rolled my eyes at the end playfully. 

"Doesn't take away the fact that you still need it." 

I was going to say something, but was interrupted by Billie laughing.   

"What you think this is funny?" I asked fake being mad.

"Uh, duh. would I be laughing if I didn't?" 


"Touche." I said pulling my pants up. 

"Thats what I thought." I felt Billie smirk behind me. 

"You know what that just proved me?" I asked turning to Billie.

"What?" Her face now serious.

I walked closer, and looked into her eyes.

" Even though I just met you I can tell by the way you flirt and act like everyone wants you, its just covering up the fact that you haven't been laid in years. But you have no one to do it with." I smiled while looking all over her body.

"You want to know something?" She asked coming closer.

I didn't answer, but just started at her in amusement. 

"I have girls and guys drooling over me, that fuck them selves thinking of me. I can fuck anyone I want, but you... You have no one that would fuck you. Even if you payed them, they still wouldn't do it. That's very sad." She said with a smirk.

" Fuck you." Is all I said before walking away. 

I know that I shouldn't act like this, and that I said somethings to. But it still hurt. I really did have no one. No one in that way. I wanted someone to hold me, to kiss me with passion and not because they are horny. I've been used by the people that I loved the most, but I'm done with letting people in for that reason. If I ever caught feelings for someone, I just distance myself in fear of falling in love again, and being hurt again. 

I didn't hear footsteps behind me, I'm guessing they stayed behind. 

I'm just gonna go to bed. 
