I woke up, hyperventilating, tears running down my cheeks, and sheets drenched in sweat. Another nightmare. I rolled over to look at the time. 2 am. I wouldn't get any more sleep tonight and I knew that. I also knew that I couldn't just lay here for five hours. Maybe I could go down to that studio that Tony told me about? Painting usually calmed me down.

I sighed and forced myself out of bed. Exchanged my big wet t-shirt for another,dry t-shirt and some shorts before sneaking out from my room. I really didn't want to wake Peter up, not only because that's rude, but also cuz I would have to explain my very obvious tear-stained face and i just wasn't in the mood for that.

I stopped myself just before I got to the elevator and turned around towards the kitchen. Opened the refrigerator and picked out a monster energy, downing the whole thing in about ten seconds. 

The big elevator doors opened, revealing a beautiful room filled with canvases, paints and brushes, everything you could possibly need. In the middle of the room, two chairs were put, with a place to put the canvas in front of it And in one of the chairs sat Steve.

"Oh, I'm sorry, ill leave," I said as soon as I saw him. He had ignored me or hadn't heard when I came, because he whipped his head around when I spoke up, looking surprised. He studied my face for a few seconds, making me regret deeply that I didn't wait for my crying to not be so obvious.  "No, stay," He said and nodded at the chair beside him.

I picked out a paintbrush and filled a pallet with greens and browns before I sat down. I picked up the brush and let my body do the rest, going on pure muscle memory, painting a forest I had painted a thousand times before.

"Another nightmare huh?" Steve asked, keeping his focus on his painting. "Yea, once in war, always in war" I explained. "Same, I can never sleep after a nightmare, painting here is what keeps me sane". 

I looked over at his canvas to see what he was painting. A half-finished portrait of a beautiful woman with big, brow locks and full red lips was showing. "Who is she?" I whispered, stunned by her beuty. "Peggy, a girl I knew in the forties". "Were you dating?". "No, we weren't" Steve chuckled. "Even tho everybody wanted us to". "Why not?" I asked. "Story for another time". i accepted the answer and continued painting

"Is that the Amazonas?" Steve asked, nodding towards my painting. "Yea, my brother and I used to paint this exact forest when we were kids" I explained. "I've always wanted to go to the Amazonas, it seems nice". "It's beautiful, many people are scared of the animals, but as long as your nice to them their nice to you" I started talking about the forest, dreaming away to my old home. Steve probably didn't care, but he let me talk, it was as if he could see how calm it made me.

"Sorry for earlier" Steve suddenly said. I turned towards him confused. What was he sorry for? He hadn't done anything wrong. "For bringing up your past, I didn't know" He quickly explained when he saw my confused face. "It's alright Stevo, I'm fine". Steve frowned and turned to me. "Don't call me Stevo" he said half jokingly, half serious. I got up from my place and went towards the big elevator. "Mkay, I'm going to sleep Steve-a-roonie" I smiled teasingly as I let the doors close.
