Night 2

Some of the students were sleeping, others were crying/panicking because of theyr classmate's death

————–at the other night—————–

All of them woke up..

They all heard an "kazoo" noise


???: Sounds like Green is awake.

Susie: There is another!?

???: I think he knows you're in there.

???: No need to worry about him, though, he's blind.

???: How can he catch you if he can't see you?

Berdly: He is blind, but not deaf.

Temmie: WHERE IS MY EG???

Susie: stop the chit chat, let's go finish the next tasks!


They all got to different directions, some of them go in group.


Susie: Ok, why are we even collecting DOG FOOD?

Noelle: maybe to feed the radio guy's pet.

Susie: or... maybe the next monster is a dog?

Temmie: can Tem join your group???

Noelle: oh, sure!

Susie: okay, I guess..

We all heard an weird squeaking noise coming from the next door, we were curious to know what it was, so we entered it


Noelle: hmmm, I wonder what that noise is..?



Susie push Noelle out of the Green monster's way, they didn't get caught, but Temmie put theyr box on, and got caught by the monster, as it bite Temmie and swallow theyr dust..


Noelle: oh my... TEMMIE!!

Susie: RUN!


I grabbed Noelle's hand and ran away from that monster..

We both ran to the theater and put the dog food at the food machine


Berdly: Calculating the amount of food in a dog food bag, only two bags of food are necessary to fill this machine...

Susie: hey nerd, we have the bags

Berdly: ah great.


Susie and Noelle put the dog food in the machine, filling it totally

After that, all of them got permission to go to the dorms, and one of the sleeping bag that was Temmie's was gone; wich they knew why..


???: That's a surprise. Orange left his cave.

Susie: Sh#t, ANOTHER?

???: maybe he smelled the food.

Catti: I would like to be the one eating that food.

Kris: ...

Noelle: guys, I think it would be better if we rest, we need energy for tomorrow..

Monster kid: yeah, she's right..

Snowy: I'm gonna miss Temmie and Jockington..

Noelle: we all will, but we need determination to survive those monsters...

Kris: .... Kris does a thumbs up

Susie: alright, then, let's rest...


401 words


This chapter is kinda short, and might not be the best one, but, hope y'all like it!
