Who do you chose

Angel and alastor soon come down with eri
*molly* "awww al you and my brother look so cute but I still want eri!"
*angel* "no we're adopting her!"
*molly* "oh no you don't give her here!"
*angel* "hey al hold eri" they both charge at each other "me an al are adopting her!"
*molly* "oh hell nah" as they continue to fight
*alastor* "oh my god here we go again" everyone looks at alastor confused alastor puts his hand up and a tentacle grabs both molly and angel pulling them away from each other "ok shut up you two! Why don't we let eri choose?"
*molly* "grate Idea al!" Alastor puts down angel and molly and angel walks up next to alastor "so eri who do you want to be your parents?"
*eri* "mr deku!"
*angel* "ha in your face molls!" Molly pouts
*alastor* "eri has chosen" he hands eri to angel "sorry molly but your brother gets this one!"
*molly* "it's not fair! He got fat nuggets last time!"
*angel* "bc fat nuggets chose me and I needed him more!"
*molly* "I guess your right you did need him and now he's your emotional support animal" angel shakes his head
*angel* "come on eri come meet your brother fat nuggets my pig!" He starts to walk away "oh and thanks al for bringing my stuff here!" He waves and leaves
*molly* "so al still simping for my brother" alastor turned bright red "I'll take that as a yes" molly puts her hand on his shoulder "but if you hurt him I'll hunt you down my self" she squeezed his shoulder so hard I could of broken
*alastor* "u understood dear!" Charlie was shocked alastor never studders
*charlie* "d did alastor just studder?" She whispered to vaggie
*vaggie* "I think he did I didn't know he could do that!" She whispered back
*molly* "now!" She takes her hand off of alastor "how long have you two been dateing angel refuses to tell me!"
*alastor* "almost two years dear why?"
*molly* "I wanna know when the wedding is!" Alastors face turned reader then a tomato
*alastor* "d dear I d don't t think h Hes r ready f for t that" he said Turing redder and covering his face soon angel came down with eri
*angel* "AL MOLLY THE PROS ARE OUT SIDE!" They both shaped their neck to the door as aziawa, present mic and all might came thz the door
*angel* "told you it wasn't a good idea molly!"
*eri* "aizawa!"
*presint mic* "what happened to dadzawa?"
*eri* "mr angel and mr alastor are adopting me!" Angel looked at aizawa with a 😬 face
*angel* "hey al can you teleport me to the lov bace"
*alastor* "of course dear I'll be there soon!" 'Snap' and angel and eri were gone "molly dear next time don't kidnap a child!" He hit the back of her head "my god you and Angel get into so much trouble"
*molly* "what ever do you mean al?" She said dramatically
*alastor* "we'll there was the queen's crown host witch failed, there was stealing husks beer, kidnapping angel last year for two days I was about to hunt you down, there was the time you stole a puppy from a pet shop then blamed angel you BOTH stole fat nuggets and do I need to start on your fights and pranks" he continued as he finished listing everything
*molly* "me course trouble never" she says while putting her hand on her head
*alastor* "oh and then there's use today you KIDNAPPED A PRO HEROS CHILED!"
*molly* "ok ok cam down al I get it me and angel are trouble makers but you don't Evan wanna know what we got up to before we met you!"
*all might* "step away from the radio demon!"
*molly* "or what anyway to me to my brother and eri please"
*alastor* "of course dear!" He snaps his fingers and molly was gone
