
After school I picked up all my things from my locker and headed for the exit when he caught up. "Xiao!" I turned around seeing Venti behind me. Once he caught up and caught his breath, he looked at me. "Can I have your number?" I stared at him noticing the blush on his cheeks. I nodded "Sure." I took my phone out and we exchanged number's. I saw his eyes light up and I smiled. He waved goodbye and went to find Albedo and Barbara. I walked home. 

I opened the door locking it from the inside out. I noticed no one was home so I went to my room. I put my bag down on the floor and popped into the shower. Yes, I have my own bathroom. After my cold shower I put on a plain white t-shirt and some trousers. I sat down on my bed and took out my phone. Venti had already text me he said 'Lisa made us cupcakes! I'll bring one for you tomorrow!' I smiled and replied. After a few hours of reading and doing homework, I hear the door open. I walk out into the hallway and to my surprise dad is at the door. "How was work?" I said calmly. "How was school?" He completely dodged the question, so I won't ask again. "It was fine, I made a friend." I pick up a bag and help my him carry them into the kitchen "Good for you." I start to put things away. I put the milk, eggs and blueberries in the fridge. "Are you making dinner tonight?" I asked my dad even though I already know he won't. "Your old enough to cook." See. I sighed and walked back over to my room. I sat down on my bed and took my laptop out. I put my headphones on and watched some Netflix for a few hours. 2 hours later turn my laptop off and walk out into the kitchen. I grab the ingredients and I start to make the almond tofu. When I've finished, I check the time and it's 18:15. I take my Almond Tofu and I go to the living room, and I turn the TV on. I spend the next 20 minutes eating my dinner while watching TV. My phone start's ringing. I mute the TV and put my food down. I grab my phone and answer the call. "Hello?" I answer. "What's up?" I recognise the voice. "I'm just eating my Almond Tofu." I respond. "What about you?" I continue eating dinner while I listen to my friend talk. "It's movie night here, Lumine decided we're going to watch finding nemo..." I smile. "Didn't you watch that last time?" I joke "Yeahhh." We continue talking like this for another hour till Aether hangs up. I sigh and pick up my empty bowl. I take it to the kitchen, and I do the washing up. Then I go back to my room and watch TikTok's till I fall asleep.

The next morning, I woke up to my phone lighting up. I looked at my phone to check the time and it's 5:40. I sigh and sit up. I look at my phone and I notice how I have 3 missed calls from Venti. I put my phone down and get dressed. Then I carefully do my makeup. Bright red mascara but not too much because I don't want to stand out. Then I pick my phone up and check my voice mail. "Why would Venti be awake this early?" I call Venti but no response, so I assume he's sleeping. I sigh and start packing my bag.

Venti POV:

My phone started ringing out of nowhere. Who called? Who was it? I take a deep breath before picking my phone up off my bed. Xiao? "Why would he call me? Maybe he saw my missed calls?!" I fall backwards covering my face with my hands. I sigh and look up at the ceiling. "It's so early for this. We only met yesterday so why am I trying to ask him out?" I spend a few minutes thinking before I sit back up. "What if it wasn't a date?" I smile and I text Lumine. 

Xiao POV:

It's 6:10 and I just got a text from Aether asking if I want to hang out? Why so early? I look at my phone while I think. "Maybe something happened? No." I sigh and text him back 'Sure where?' Aether almost instantly text back he said, 'Outside the local Starbuck's at 6:40.' I put my phone in my pocket. It's at least a 20-minute walk from here so I better start going now. I start walking to Starbuck's. I arrive at 6:34. I notice Venti sitting down on the pavement with his phone. He's wearing a lovely green jumper, a pair of jeans and a very detailed beret with a Cecelia flower on it. I walk over to him. "Venti? What are you doing here?" I look down at Venti and he looks up at me and our eyes lock. I feel a red blush spread across my face. "Lumine and Aether are meeting me!" I raise my eyebrow because I'm confused. "I didn't know you and Lumine were coming?" Venti smiles "Don't worry about it!" I sigh "Since we're early want to get some drinks?" I suggest seeing Venti stand up "Alcohol?!" I blink once "It's Starbuck's so that's a no-" Venti's smile fades and I laugh. "Come on, I'll pay." I take Venti's hand and we both head inside. Once we're inside we choose our drinks and go to order them. I laugh watching as Venti tries to explain how to spell his name to the Starbuck's employees. Once I've payed and we got our drinks we go back outside. "Aww Lumine and Aether still aren't here" Venti whines. I take my phone out and check the time. It's 7:15. "There late." I sigh "What do we do?" Venti complains. I shrug and we both stand there in complete and total silence. 

Venti POV:

I look down trying to think of a new plan. I take a sip of my drink and my eyes light up "Wanna go to the park?" I smile "The park? Really?" Xiao responds genuinely seeming not interested. "It'll be fun! Please?" I smile and Xiao does a small nod while hiding his face. I chuckle and we head towards the park. I hop onto the swing. "Join me!" I place my drink down on the grass. "I'm good." I sigh and stand up on the swing "If you say so!" I swing backwards and forwards till I can feel the wind against my face. Xiao sits down on the grass beside my drink. I hear him laugh. 

I jump off the swing and sit down next to Xiao. "We should do this more often!" I smile while taking a sip from my drink. "Maybe." Xiao smiles. We finish our drinks. 
