Deidara x Reader Part 5

  "Hidan?" you said. He stopped sleeking his scythe, and looked at you. "Yeah?" "Since you're Jashinist..." "What about it?" "You like to feel pain?" "Hell yeah! So?" "Do you wanna know what is the most painful thing in the world?" "Yes! What is it? Hm? Tell me!!" "It... it is..." you looked at your hands that were on your thighs. 

"It is... love." You raised your eyes to look at Deidara. He turned his eyes away from you when you looked at him. Everyone stared at you in silence. You stood up and went quickly to your room, tears flowing down from your eyes. You sat on the floor on your knees, wiping tars away quickly.

"He hates me. He said that he doesn't want to see me... but I love him... If he wants, I'll make sure that he won't see me again."  you thought. You stood up slowly and sat at your table. You took a paper and pencil. "Hmm... what should I say..." you thought and tapped the pencil to your lower lip. You said sentences and words in your mind a while, and then wrote it on the paper.

"My friends,

I'm sorry that I leave, but I have to. I don't want to make your life too hard, and I know that I have done so. I will miss you all.

Itachi: You are very talented and strong, and you know it. Even if you are cold and emotionless, you have a heart. If someone, I do know it. You were always there for me. Thank you. Thank you very much. 

Kisame: You always were so kind and nice to me, and always protected me. You were like my father, brother and best friend at the same time. I'm very thankful. You trained with me and taught techniques. 

Kakuzu: You are very clever, but even if you don't speak much and all, I'll always remember that time when I made you laugh!

Hidan: You are annoying, stupid bastard. No, just kidding! You have a weird sense of humor, but I kind of like it! Even thought you cuss a lot, it doesn't matter since it is so funny to listen when you're angry! You really made me laugh.

Zetsu: Thank you for teaching me to take care of plants. I thought that it could be really useful, but now when  I have to go, I never couldn't use it. Sorry for that, but thank you.

Tobi: You brighten this place up! You are funny, kind, sweet and cute, and so childish- in a good way. I hope that Deidara won't crush you when I'm not here to save you anymore.

Pain-sama: You are very good leader, and I hope that you know that I will always respect and await you. Please keep the Akatsuki the same way, even if I won't be here anymore.

Konan: The angel of the Akatsuki. You are beautiful and strong. I have always admired you. Please don't change, you are perfect. And my only female friend. Thank you very much.

Sasori: I'm sorry about what happened. But you are like a brother for me. Kind, nice and caring. I loved you as a brother, a family member. Also, I always had admired your puppets- they are awesome.

Deidara: I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I still don't know what I did, but I will respect your wish. You remember, you said that you didn't want to see me? So I'll make sure that you won't see me never again. Again, I am really sorry. I forgive you. I forgive that you punched me. I will forgive everything, even though I know that you won't forgive me. But the last thing I have to say for you is: I love you. I always will. And I want you to know that.

So, as I said, I will really miss you all, but this is only thing that I can do. Thank you about all what you have done for me. And sorry about everything that I have done for you. 

Goodbye, my dear friends.


You left the paper on your table, took your kunai and jumped out of the window.

You ran away from the Akatsuki hideout to the forest. You ran about an hour and arrived to a square.

At the Akatsuki hideout:

"(Y/N) has been long away from here..." Kisame said in the living room. 

"She looked pretty sad when she left." Kakuzu said, counting his money.

Suddenly Itachi stood up. "Something's wrong. I feel it." he ran to the door of your room, Kisame, Hidan and Sasori following him. He banged the door with his fist. "(Y/N)! Are you okay?" Nothing. "(Y/N), answer if you are there!" Hidan yelled. Silence.

 "Jashin fucking damn it...." Hidan mumbled under his breath. Itachi kicked the locked door open. " (Y/N) is not here. Why is the window open?" Kisame said, as Sasori gasped. He held the paper that were on the table, reading it, hands slightly shaking. "What's that?" Itachi looked over his shoulder, reading the paper. "What the heck is that!!? Where'd she go!?" Kisame yelled and walked around the room, nervous. "WHAT THE FUCK!!?? WHAT DOES SHE MEAN!!!?? ONLY THING THAT SHE CAN DO??? WHY DON'T I KNOW ANYTHING!!!!????" guess-who yelled, causing the others run at your room. "What are you yelling at?" Pain asked, slightly annoyed. Hidan ripped the paper from Sasori's hands and pointed it. "THIS!!! THIS IS WHAT WE ARE YELLING AT!!!!" he shouted. "I think that you are the only who is yelling here..." Kakuzu mumbled. "WHAT THE HELL KAKUZU!!??" Pain and Konan were reading the paper, furrowing. "We have to find her. As soon as possible." Pain said. Everyone dashed out of the window, but Sasori went to get Deidara. 

"Sit up, we have to go now." he said to blond haired male. "Well what is it now?" he asked annoyed. 

"(Y/N)'s gone." Sasori said, and suddenly Deidara ran out of the hideout. 

"I have to found her. I have to. I caused this." he thought when he ran as fast as he could.

