bakugo ending

"go after him" shinso mumbled.


"we can see you want to, just go." mina gave the other female a sad smile. "do what your heart tells you."

y/n gave the two a sympathetic smile before standing up and leaving.

she looked around in the hallway and saw bakugo waiting for the elevator to arrive.

"bakugo!" y/n yelled as the elevator door dinged open. she quickly ran over and held her arm out so the doors wouldn't close.

"what the hell are you doing?" bakugo rolled his eyes once he realized he would be stuck with y/n until he got to his floor.

y/n skimmed over the buttons as she tried to find a button that would stop the elevator.

"perfect!" y/n said as she made the elevator stay in place.

"what the hell!" bakugo barked as y/n stood in front of the buttons with her arms out.

"we don't leave until we figure this," y/n motioned between herself and bakugo. "out, okay?"

bakugo sighed and sat down on the elevator floor.

"fine. let's figure this shit out."


"you sure you don't just want attention from me," bakugo starred coldly at y/n, who had been sitting next to him for quite some time now.

"i'm pretty sure it's more than that," y/n smiled at bakugo.

y/n held out her hand and motioned for bakugo to intertwine his fingers with her own. he hesitated, but he obliged.

y/n smiled to herself before lifting up his hand and kissing it softly.

"this won't be easy for many reasons. but i'll happily figure things out along the way with you by my side, if you let me."

"fuck it. doesn't seem like i'm getting rid of you anytime soon anyways."

y/n's smile grew wider as she turned bakugo's face to look directing at her own before placing a quick peck on his lips.

"you gonna talk to eyebags and raccoon eyes?"

"well," y/n stood up and pressed the button that stopped them in the first place. "i'm sure they already know."

bakugo nodded before turning to his side as the elevator filled with silence.

"uh bakugo," y/n turned to her partner with a nervous look on her face. "the elevator isn't starting."

"oh for fucks sake," bakugo groaned as he took out his phone to text aizawa about the elevator being broken.

y/n sat back down next to bakugo, rested her head on his shoulder, and looked up at him while he texted his teacher.

"think they'll allow me back to visit?"

"after you broke the elevator?" y/n nodded slightly. "not a fucking chance."

first ending done!
