chap 5 card night

Dee got grounded

Dee's pov

Oh shit

Y/n: good luck geting out of that

Hi mom and dad...

Few mins later glam Vicky and dee and heavy make it home

Glam: your grounded for kissing a lady without consent

Vicky: ya what he said

Glam: your going to say sorry tomorrow at card Night

The next day y/ns pov

Umm wtf just happened idk but I liked it

K imma get ready

5 mins later y/n gets ready

Game night huh??


Time skip your at dees

Y/n : hi dee

Dee: hi y/n

Heavy: hi y/n
Glam: hi y/n

Y/n Hi Glam hi Vicky and hi Heavy

Few mins later

Vicky: come the fuck on were is i- oh here it is...let's go over the rules of poker my fellow degenerates

Heavy : who every wins gets..

Dee: were with you heavy were playing with debtors flights where you repay your losses with hard labor .... who ever loses get house cleaning duty for a week

Heavy: huh wait a minute if dad or y/n loses with ether one of them  have to clean

Glam : nope :)

Heavy : but why

Vicky: because dad and I are playing for money in the event of defeat Weare losing cold hard cash basically since your dad and I are already adults well you guys ate just kids AH SUN OF A BITCH FUCKING..glam shuffle cards

Glam: ok :)

Vicky: I mean seeing is how you're..good at it and you can dish out chips

Glam: ok:)

Vicky: ok the rules of this game are fucking crazy combinations can consist

Of any of the five community cards

Heavy and y/n whoaa~

Dee: ma I think everyone knows the rules

Vicky: no you don't know the rules of this game while everyone can still use community cards every player still gets to of their own

Heavy: no way

Y/n :

dee : oh come on heavy and y/n you guys really dident know this

Vicky :Dee if you're  so smart maybe you could explain the rules

Dee : Texas halldum also know as unlimited hold em differs from classic poker in that all receive 10 additional cards after everyone's place bets the dealer dishes out the 1st three cards called the flops following this

Vicky : oh jeez enough I found ourself a genius where's our green rooster

Glam : hmm we decided not to get any green rooster because oh you mean chive!! He was supposed to get here at 4 it's all ready 5 39 witch means in about 5 minutes he'll walk in spouting his typical nonsense to the tune of some old ladies crossing the street

Vicky: nah there's no way he's that predictalbe  more then likely he's-

Chive: hay hay dudes what's up Damm you wouldn't belive how many old ladies walk these streets I mean i just couldn't  pass them by  and are you Dee's gf

Dee: no she's not

Chive what about heavys gf

Heavy: nope she is me and Dee's friend

Chive ok

Y/n Hi I'm y/n and you are..

Chive: im Chive nice to meat you

Vicky:  all right are we starting or what oh the most important thing about poker is being able to hide your emotions do that no one knows what's in your hand ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WHAT IS THIS SHIT WHO IS DEALING WHOSE HANDS SHOULD I PISS ON

glam: I'll rise 35

Vicky: what it's the 1st round is checking too hard

Dee: like many you just told use you gotta hide your emotions

Vicky : how am I supposed to hide them when I have a pile of shit in my hands any way I fold

Chive :oh nah dudes with pocket aces there's no reason to stay in


dee : oh PlEase he dident throw pocket aces he's just trying to confuse you  just cus he said he had pocket  aces is doesn't mean it's the truth hmmm re-rase 150

Heavy : so where are these five other cards that I can combine off of ?

Vicky: there aren't any thank your dad now we have to call to stay in and see the next three cards

Heavy: we'll in that case fold

Glam: call

Vicky how the hello these cards are shit ugh I'm grabbing some beer

Glam: dee are you familiar with the program seal brute

Y/n giggles

Dee: something to do with hackers

Glam: yep are you aware at all that I installed spam wear protection to restrict access to websites that I think could be harmful to you and heavy


dee: so what someone trues to break through the protection and gain access to the site using primitive Trojan wear  how naive

Glam: no someone gained access to the sites by bypassing the protection with software under the guise of seal brute guesser 350
Rise 350

Dee: guesser 358 a cheep application  only an adult could pull that off re- rase 800

Glam : or a youngster who's very skilled some one who's at the top of ther class im school and knows how to make money off of helping the kids who are left behind that someone could afford such an expensive program re-rise 1500

Dee: however we shouldn't write off the possibility  that some wrongdoer had enough funds to acquire said program with the aim to dose attacking institutions  witch ate of interest to him all though the actions of a capable youngster quit convenient  re-rise 3000

Vicky: I'm back what do we got here still on the 1st round hahaha

Dee: Y/n duck

Y/n why

Dee: hurry

Y/n k ew

Dee:told you

Vicky :of fucking course damn I should have went all in

Chive : Vicky shhhh we got a clash of the titans here

Glam: do exaggerate cive that was an ordinary exploratory conversation I believe dee is right our private server was breached by a wealthy adult hacker in order to gain access to our cache of restricted site and and organize a dose attack upon the institutions of his interest  all in

Dee: crap fold

Vicky: Glam why are the kids so pale

Glam: no clue heavy your the dealer deal

Heavy: ok I'm just gonna play it safe and only place when something good comes my way 5 mins later

Heavy: *crying* snif snif*  I don't understand maybe it's something to do with me damn I lost everything

Vicky quit whining well damn what useless cards I have I'll probably check

Chive check

Dee check
Y/n check
Heavy check

Glam check

Vick: no one's raising what's this bull shit when I get shit it rise rise

When I got pocket kings every ones check Check  mother fuckin check and no rise  thats it im leaving this world heavy im leaving tou all my chips


Vicky : all 4 of them

Heavy oh thanks

Vicky this deck must be curst when your done with it im fucking burning it 

Chive guys this is the game tou gotta play it

Dee: im in shock  how dose he pull it off dad you know him all your life how could you lose to him

Glam his emotions contradict his actions idk how he dose it but i cant put my finger on it  a tactic to beat him at this game

Dee: mhhhh ok already  let's not waste Time

Glam last round

Dee ok right away I fold

Y/n same -_-

Glam I. Interest  in checking her final signs of  paranoid psychosis  what'll it be Chive one last give a way

Chive : you trying to scare me or something

Glam rise 2000

Chive call

Glam nice I have 4000 left all In

Chive all in all in is all in why not call

Glam well what do you got

Chive what do you mean what to I got  no clue  I don't peek at my cards where's the intrigue in that haha well looks there

Glam kids light the bonfire 

Y/n oki

Y/n sorry I gtg bye dee bye heavy bye Glam bye Vicky bye Chive and one more thing sorry

Glam: for what

Y/n hacking in to your internet stations

Glam you did that

Ya and ok bye

Glam : wait-  nvm sorry dee

Dee: nah it's fine

The next day
