
Shaw took me home after he saved me from a group of bad people that kidnapped me. As soon as the door opened, I rushed in and started to head to our bedroom.

Shaw closed the door and followed me, "Y/N."
I didnt listen and just kept walking. When we both made it into the bedroom, he walked over to the bathroom door and stood in front of it to stop me going in.
"I need a shower Deck," I muttered.
"Can you wait just a minute?" Shaw asked.

He could tell something was wrong. I had never been so shy and quiet around him.
"Can I check you?" Shaw asked another question.
I didnt respond.
"Y/N? You know I need to check," Shaw looked down at me.
I just shook my head to say no. Deck took my arm and was going to role up the sleeve, but I quickly pulled away.

He looked at me almost hurt. I had never done that to him. I'm always so open and confident when hes near me.
Shaw this time slowly approached me and gently took my arm in his hands.
"May I?" He asked.
I accepted it. He had to see it. He would at some point.
I nodded and he slowly pushed my sleeve up my right arm.

Carved into my arm was a bunch of scratches and the world "slut". Shaw looked shocked he held my arm so gently but just looked at me in pure disbelief and a face that screamed the word sorry.
"Theres more scratches and bruises," I cried, "I hate them. I hate them so much."

Shaw pulled me into a hug and didnt let me go, "This is what we are going to do. I'm gonna run you a nice bath. You can have candles and listen to music. Anything. Does that sound good?"
I just nodded.
"Good," Shaw pulled away and went into the bathroom.

Once the bath was run, I got in and it was peaceful and Relaxing. And Shaw stayed. He stayed and helped me clean up. I didnt ask. He just decided he would stay and wash my hair and more. He was the best boyfriend I could ask for.
