5 same

Wonwoo woke up, slowly opening his eyes, as lights started to peek into the inside of his eyes. He woke up to nothing, as he could find his sister was already not in the room, most likely headed to her university. Weakly, he attempted to sit on his bed like his usual boring position; what could he say? With legs unable to move there wasn't anything he could do other than dancing his thumbs on his phone screen.

In silence, the memory from last night replayed inside of Wonwoo's head; the truth that he saw his own grim reaper right before his eyes, the conversation, and the grim reaper himself; his cloak-covered tall figure, striking feature of his face, his piercing yet assuring eyes even with no emotion, his moonlight-struck jawline—Wonwoo shook his head to remove the thoughts of him admiring his very own grim reaper, which one should be scared of. But it wasn't for him. It was his first day, that he couldn't wait any longer for another night.

He slowly took a glance at his dresser to pick up his phone and found a piece of sticky note in pink color with neat handwriting Wonwoo would always know whose that was.

'I'm going early, Wonnie~ I don't want to disturb your sleep so just contact Nurse Choi if you need something!'

- Loves, Eunmyun'

Wonwoo muttered okay to himself and stick the note back to the dresser, right next to the tray on which was Wonwoo's regular hospital breakfast. He slowly, with a bit of a struggle, drag the tray closer so he could pick it up with no significant difficulty and put it on his lap. The warm steam of the soup touched Wonwoo's chin and nose as he sniffed the usual aroma he had every morning. Wonwoo took his phone afterwards to see his friends goofing around in his group chat; how Soonyoung slammed Jihoon's room door open—in Jihoon's house, as a side note, and forcefully dragged him from the bed after being permitted by his parents to do so as they were really late because of Jihoon. Wonwoo just smiled quite brightly for his standard as he replied something like 'lol' or along the lines. He put his phone back and turned on the TV, searching for a good channel to watch while finishing his breakfast.


Ill be late again tonight
Im really sorry ><

Wonwoo sighed in defeat as he could picture another lonely night, at least until he fell asleep, while reading the text his sister had sent. Eunmyun was really close to graduating, just with a few research activities left before she could finally graduate from her prestigious university, that was what Eunmyun told her little brother. The frequency of her getting home late—or even staying at her laboratory got higher with each passing day so Wonwoo didn't have any chance but to understand.

Dont worry so much noona
Noona fighting!

Uhhh our little sweet wonwon
Ok take good care wonnie~

Wonwoo smiled at her sister's reply, calling him with 'Little Wonwon', the nickname their mother usually addressed him as during his childhood. Wonwoo didn't mind being alone; on the opposite, he actually enjoyed the feeling of being alone, not surrounded by the urges to interact with the surroundings. He put down his phone and took the TV remote from the dresser, turning the TV to scroll through channels, trying to find any appropriate channel to watch. And his fingers stopped pressing the button when he stumbled upon one action film.

Wonwoo knew very well he didn't enjoy films, especially action-genre, as much as he enjoyed reading books. He just had finished his last book he piled up to read while doing nothing in the hospital today. He was looking for a way to pass time, because Wonwoo also knew very well that he wanted to meet his grim reaper again.

And Wonwoo knew very well it was about time when his phone clock suddenly showed 00:40 am as the credits rolled.

He knew very well.

As the credits finished rolling and ads rolled in, Wonwoo turned the TV off and stared to the usual place where his grim reaper would be: the corner. And he was there. "You're here again," Wonwoo said, contrast to previous events, calmly, with rather joyous tone could be extracted from his voice as it was one moment he had been waiting for. He wanted to know him more, ignoring the fact that he was going to die in 36 days, according to his grim reaper.

Wonwoo's grim reaper made his appearance again as he stepped closer to him, away from the corner of the room. Just as last night, the position and the lighting somehow made it clear for Wonwoo to grasp every feature of the grim reaper's face, something that had been lingering in Wonwoo's mind the entire day. It was a silence; the grim reaper didn't said even a thing with his deep voice Wonwoo would like to hear, and on the other side, Wonwoo wasn't any adept in starting conversation with anyone, let alone with something like grim reaper.

Wonwoo was about to open his mouth, probably blurting anything that popped into his mind, when suddenly got interrupted. "I do not understand why you are so calm," the deep voice echoed through the night room, surrounding Wonwoo's ears with the sound that had been replaying in his head. It was weird, but Wonwoo was glad to hear that.

"Why would I not be?" Wonwoo asked, trying to reply in a very same manner, calm, emotionless. He also kept his expression flat with his sharp eyes still staring right into the grim reaper's black eyes, which was only caused because of the scarce light throughout the room. One thing was sure, Wonwoo was curious what his real eye color was, and he understood very well it was weird, but he thought of that either way.

"Some people who could actually see me attempted running; some even killed themselves in shock, but that was their fated death in the first place," the grim reaper answered, throwing words that was supposed to put Wonwoo in fear.

"If I'm dying then that's it," Wonwoo said still in calm tone, probably even calmer than before. Silence took place again after Wonwoo's full of confidence answer, courageously blurted some dauntless words without any sign of fear could be seen on his face or heard from his voice. The grim angel was the one to be put to shock now, though, his expressionless face showed nothing such for Wonwoo to notice. "What's your name?" Wonwoo didn't even understand himself, but he asked that anyway.

It was a brief silent moment before the cloak-covered figure answered, "I do not have a name. I am just your grim reaper. I am tasked to take your life and not more."

"What if I call you Mingyu?" Wonwoo blurted an answer, or rather a suggestion, out of the blue, with a name he took out from some random space in his head.

"Call me anything, that will not matter. I am just tasked to take your life and not more," Mingyu answered, repeating an explanation from before.

"Take my life or not, that will not matter. I am just glad I got to meet you."

... What did I say just then...? Wonwoo asked himself, feeling strange of himself. It was indeed weird; someone being glad meeting his own grim reaper, being told when his death would be, was indeed something to be called bizarre. It was indeed strange, but Wonwoo somehow was relieved that he said that, much to his surprise.

As for Mingyu, this was his very first experience as a grim reaper; never had he expected that someone would be glad to meet him. He could feel a foreign, out-of-his-knowledge feeling starting to creep up into his chest, bothering his integrity. After a few seconds, with a straight face, he shrugged everything off, emotionlessly, yet questions were still lingering in his head, along the lines of 'what is this weird feeling I do not know of?'.

Wonwoo could feel a sudden vibration from his side, on his bed, a few times. It was his phone; someone just texted him. He finally looked away from Mingyu, the one he had been looking at for what felt like forever, and looked down to took his phone and found a message from Eunmyun, his sister.

Im bringing your favorite snacks in a minute >o<
Kibum also says he wanna stay a night i hope you dont mind
See you soon wonwon! ><

Wonwoo didn't bother to answer his sister. He immediately looked away from his phone after reading the texts, and to his disappointment, Mingyu was already nowhere to be found, disappearing into thin air like usual, along with the night. That was a short but meaningful encounter for Wonwoo; the disappointment on his face of Mingyu's disappearance started to turn into a slight smile as their conversations resounded in Wonwoo's head. He put his phone onto the dresser and carefully led himself to lie down back on the bed, pretending to just be asleep as he waited for his sister to arrive.

"Mingyu, huh?" he muttered to himself before chuckling to nothing, slowly pulling his blanket over his chest.


Did i say i don't have anything to do today BECAUSE here is double update because i don't have anything to do today i might just sleep this whole year. I hope you guys enjoy it! Thank you for your supports! Any vote and comment will be SUPER MUCH appreciated <3
