listen to the song beside>>>

Sid's POV

I sat in my empty house drinking. This happened every night now, I mean sure it wasn't healthy but hey I've got no one who cares and no one who will care If I die from Alcohol poisoning.

I watched the TV, the channel on MTV, playing some thing that had those boys on it. The boys who made me think they cared about me.

Those boys who think that I used them for someone to talk to when I was alone. I can almost remember his voice.

Which was a good thing because I was going to drink until I forgot his name. I looked at the clock, it was only 7:32 in the afternoon,

but hey, that means more time for drinking. I drank as I fell on the floor walking towards the TV. I scrapped my knee and I began to cry.

"I hate you!" I sobbed looking at the paused TV. It was his face. Ashton. Fletcher. Irwin. The boy who was supposed to love me but doesn't.

"Stupid boy making me love you." I cried laying on my floor next to the broken bottle of beer. I sobbed as I looked at the TV.

My heart hurting as I could still remember his name. I got up and wobbled to the kitchen grabbing a couple more beers, knowing pretty soon I shouldn't be able to walk.

 I sat on the floor in front of the stupid screen with his stupid cute face on it. "Are we wasting time talking on a broken line..."

I sang crying drinking some more. I heard something as I cried and and yelled at the big screen with his face on it. I looked at the clock, squinting to see the small numbers. 


Ashton's POV

I looked up at the house she lived in. I heard yelling as I walked up to the door. I knocked hard, the wooden door burning my knuckles.

She kept on yelling at someone. I couldn't make out words but I opened the unlocked door. I wrinkled my nose as the smell of alcohol filled my nostrils.

"I hate you, you stupid brown curly hair green eyed or brown eyes boy. I'm trying to forget your name but I can't.

You took my heart and you won't give it back." She sobbed. Following her voice I wondered into the living room.

And there she was. Sitting on the floor, blood on her leg as she looked at the television. It She continued to cry as she drank some more.

I looked around at the bottles. "Sid?" I asked. She turned and looked at me.  "It's you." She pointed at me her finger not even near me, telling me she was very drunk.

I couldn't say anything because she stood, almost falling as she said, "You're the boy who won't give me my heart back.

You hurt me you know. But I don't care because I love you." She pressed her finger to my chest. I couldn't hold my tears in anymore,

she wouldn't remember this anyways. "Why are you crying?" She asked her eye widening as she dropped a bottle and touch my shoulders.

The smell of beer surrounding her. "You. I'm crying because I love you and you're sitting her drowning your blood in alcohol."

I said more tears coming down. She giggled and said, "You just quoted Ed Sheeran." I smiled a bit and said,

"Will you stop drinking, Sid? Please?" I begged. "Whose Sid?" She asked and then her eyes widened as she said,

"That's me! My name is Sid." Her hair wasn't straight now because it was matted with tears, I'm going to say because I really don't know what it is.

"Why do you want me to stop? Is it your beer? Omigod did I take your beer?" She asked eyes widened and her hand went over her mouth.

Deciding to go with it I said, "Yea. It is my beer. Let's go get you cleaned up so you can go to sleep." She held out her arms.

I sighed and picked her up. "I love you, Ashton." She said to me as I walked up the stairs. The bathroom door had a sign on it that said 'bathroom' on it.

I set her down on the floor, not trusting her to sit on the counter without falling off it. I pushed the plug in the bathtub down and started her some bathwater.

I put bubbles in it like I used to do for my sister's baths. She told old for them now. "You have a very nice butt, Ashton." Sid giggled.

I turned around to see up standing and trying to get her shirt off. "Whoa." I said covering my eyes. "Wait till I'm out of the room.

And wash your hair please." I said finding the door and walking out. I didn't shut it in case I heard her fall.

I went into her room, because for some reason all the doors were labeled, and looked for some clothes. I found underclothes for her and a tank top.

Now for some shorts or something.  Finding some pajama shorts I went into the bathroom to see her, completely covered by the bubbles, playing with the shampoo bottle.

"Here's some clothes." I smiled at her. "I can't open this, Ash." She said her eyebrows together. I leaned over and took it from her.

I popped the cap and handed it to her.


I opened my eyes to a groaning noise. I looked around to see I was on the couch in Sid's room. "Shit." I heard and then a thump.

I sat up and stood. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "What are you doing here?" She asked glaring at me as she got up holding her head.

"Well I saved you from alcohol poisoning. You're welcome." I said looking at her. "Maybe I wanted to die from it." She glared.

"Well now that you're up..." I trailed off as I crossed over to her. Looking at the time really quick I pressed my lips to hers.

She didn't pull away but when I did she pulled me back.





Am I the only one who ships Sashton?



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lots of love

