the fist kiss (sam)

this one is going to be kind of a sam imagine. on my page dean gets a lot of attention so this ones for sammy.

backstoryโ€” the winchester's and i have been friends since elementary. i grew up next to bobby singer so anytime the boys were over i'd hangout with them. i was their only real friend growing up. the days they were with john were the hardest days cause they were all i had. as soon as dean got a phone i gave him my number. i'd call every night to check up on him and sam. dean and i were 3 years apart. i was just a year older than sam. sam and i always shared a better bond. yes dean had his brotherly moments with me but i only ever thought of him as a brother figure. sam on the other hand, we were best friends i could never see him as a brother mainly because i've had a huge crush on him since day 1. dean tells me in secret that he sees the way sam looks at me when i'm not paying attention and he's never seen sam look at a girl the way that he looks at me. but sam and i had never came clean to each other, till today...

it's about 6:30pm, sam, dean and i are sitting in the library researching a nearby case. sam and i keep looking up from our devices to make eye contact. at one point dean looks up from his computer and he sees sam looking at me as i'm still looking at my computer. dean clears his throat then says "sam, can i talk to you for a sec?" i look up and watch sams eyes move to dean, he then says "uh, yeah, sure." dean and sam both stand up and walk to the other room. dean looks at sam then says "tell her." sams eyes widen and he says "tell her what dean?" dean rolls his eyes then grunts "tell her how you feel. jesus sam. you've had a crush on her since 6th grade. and she likes you too. you kids are extremely stupid. you guys could've been together for the past 15 years." sam blushes a bit then explains "i don't think she feels that way about me dean. she's out of my league. hell im a nerd and she makes fun of me for it all the time. she always says that i'm weird and read too much. she doesn't like me dean." dean lets out a chuckle before he says "that's her way of flirting. being a nerd and being overly smart is a turn on. i watch her eyes when you walk by, they light up. she likes you sam. i'm going out for bit, to check up on the case and stop at the bar. take this opportunity of alone time and make it worth every minute." sam let's out a nervous giggle and walks back to the table, dean following behind him.

sam sits down and dean stays standing. i look up from my computer as dean says "i'm gonna head out for a bit. i'm gonna check up on the case then get a drink." i smile then say "okay. don't have too much fun without us." dean chuckles then walks out the door and enters the garage. i look up at sam with a little smile on my face and i wait for him to look up at me. i question "so just the 2 of us huh?" sam nods and says "i guess so" i keep my sweet smile on my face as i close my computer, then his. i ask "so what do you want to do? we have the whole place to ourselves. and i'm bored. and you need to stop reading for once." he laughs then says "i don't know. there's not much to do.." i think for a second then say "i got an idea. let grab the biggest blankets we have here and make a cute fort." he raises and eyebrow and asks "a fort? really?" i giggle then answer, "yes! dean would never let us. but he's not here and we don't have to worry about being made fun of. it's just us, so let's make the most of it." sam nods as he says "then let's do it. go grab every blanket and heavy things you can find." we both run away is opposite directions. about 10 minutes later we both meet up in the library, hands full. we drop our piles of crap and he says "let's get to building." we each had maybe 3 blankets. and we each hand books as weights. we grab 6 chairs and we make a rectangle. with about 4 feet in between the chairs across from each other, and 2.5 feet between the chairs that are side by side. we drape 3 bankers over the tops of the chairs and we weigh it down using the books. the base of the fort is made but now we need to make the inside comfy.

i make a comfy mattress out of the extra 3 blankets. i put the computer in their for us to watch a movie. we stand there to admire our work and i say "awesome. i'm gonna go gets some pillows and snacks." he gives a gentle smile then says "okay." i run to my room and i grab the 2 pillows off my bed. i then run to the kitchen and i grab 2 packages of skittles, and i pop some popcorn. i then run back with my hands full. i set the 2 pillows in the tent side by side and i put the snacks at the edge. i crawl in then i yell to sam "come in!" he laughs as he crouched down. his 6'4 body could barely fit. but he laid beside me. i open the computer and i hop on our shared disney plus account and i turn on star wars. that was the movie series me and sam watch while deans out. i put the computer at my side near my hip and i noticed that sam wouldn't be able to see so i suggest "lay between my legs. you'll be able to see it better." his eyes widen and he says "you sure? i'm fine with not being able to see. as long as it's just the 2 of us i'm happy." i blush a bit as i say "no, it's fine. i promise." i spread my legs to make an opening for him. he looks at me then moves to sit where i left a space for him. he sits awkwardly not knowing if he should lay back into me like i said to. i stack his pillow behind me so my body is propped up. i put my hands on his chest and i slowly push him back into me as i say "it's fine. lay down." he follows with my movement and puts his body weight onto me.

i start the movie. we sit hear for a bit giggling and eating food. this is truly the closest sam and i have been, and we aren't making any moves. i get bored so i move my hands up to sams hair. i start to run my fingers through his hair and i play with it a bit. he lifts up his head slightly to look up at me. i take my hands off his head and say "sorry. if you don't like it, i'll stop." he smiles and says "no. i like it. please, continue." he lays his head back down and i play with his hair once more. about an hour or so has passed and we continue to just watch the movie. sam out of no where says "y'know, you remind me of princess leia. beautiful,smart, and a born leader" i giggle and say "really? then does that make you han solo? charming,kind, and leias partner in crime.." sam turns over a bit so that he can see me. he stares at me for a couple seconds then says "hm. i guess so." i stare at him with a cute smile on my face and i finally grab his face with my hands and i bring him into the kiss. our lips interlock for a good 10 seconds then he pulls away and says "wow. i've been waiting for that since 6th grade. better than i imagined.." he rolls over onto his stomach. i keep my hands on his face. i move a piece of hair from his face then i run my fingers through his hair as i say "me too sammy. 10x better then in my dreams." he leans back in and his lips wrap around mine. he rolls over to land beside me but and pulls me on top of him. i let out a little giggle then i kiss him a couple more time. i lay my head above his heart and he wraps his arms around me then kisses my head. i rest my hand on his peck and i make little circles. we go back to watching the movie.

about another 1.5 hours pass and sam and i are fast asleep. it's about 10 and dean is just now getting home. he walks through the door and sees the tent. he says "what the hell?" he walks over to us and lifts up a part of the blanket to see us. i slowly open my eyes and see him. i give a gentle smile and i put my finger to my lips to tell his to keep it down. he smiles then gives a thumbs up. he whispers "that's my girl." he turns away and goes to bed. leaving sam and i there sleeping through the night.
