Escaped subject

A child in the Galar region by the name of Victor. He is a child whom was experimented on by a mysterious government organisation

He's one of the children who were conducted in an experiment that's creating a new stage of the evolution of humanity

Most people would agree to make an experiment about evolving the human species as a whole

But what people missed the most is seeing the cruel truth behind the other side. A dark side behind the experiment

In order for that promised result, they would use children as lab rats to be used in an experiment, and Victor is one of those children

He was put into the experiment after being told that he and other children would be playing forever without their parental guidance

He thought that it was a paradise for the very first time he went in and most of his time spent there

Of course, not everything is clear cut from what he wasn't seeing the true intentions behind all of it

Most children there were either orphans or homeless before going to the experiment thinking they'll provide safety

But that still won't stop him from having fun, right? Unfortunately, these children soon start disappearing as times move on

They would mysteriously disappear after going into a "special chamber" or "magic needle" and many more names that was disguise by the people conducting the study

He would get required to have a shot by the scientist and experiments. They would assured him that it was just to keep him and the other children healthy

Those were lies, even if he saw the same children who got the shot and experimented like he had, they would be sick and weak, mostly those are the ones who would only disappear

But he's an exception, yet somehow he survived every shot and test that impressed every scientists presented at that time

He thought that it will be over soon in the future. But it didn't, he spent years that felt like an eternity in the experiment thinking it'll be over after every test

It never was, there is no end to the experiment even if they did, it still doesn't seem to end, so there will never be a light at the end of the tunnel

Many children died as a result of the experiment, yet he survived all of it which makes the scientist has a keen interest in his potential

But one scientist is an exception, he took care of him like it was his child. Of course, he doesn't keep him since it's for the experiment

But one day, he had enough of the experiment and goes to the higher-up of the lead experiment


A door was knocked and the higher-up heard the knock in his room

???: "You can come in,"

The scientist then opens the door to reveal himself to him

???: "Ah, Masumi. What makes you here?"

Masumi: "We need to talk about this,"

???: "What is it you may ask? Is it needing more subjects?"

Masumi: "No, much more important than that,"

???: "What will it be?"

Masumi: "I want this experiment to end,"

That statement made him stop and look at him

???: "No, I don't think so,"

Masumi: "Why can't!? Using childrens as lab rats for this experiment is inhumane!"

???: "Masumi, have you ever heard what these childrens are? Most of them are orphans and homeless, so they aren't that important in life,"

Masumi: "I know, but it doesn't mean you have the rights to take their lives! Because they can be the future generations!"

???: "Do you have any idea how important this experiment is? This is an experiment to create new evolution of humanity, don't you think that sounds great?"

Masumi: "It doesn't, using the Giff genes into these children creates monsters,"

???: "That's how it works, sometimes you gonna have a failed subjects, but there's plenty of them to get experimented on,"

Masumi: "Failed subjects? You mean we let those roaming the earth?"

???: "The Giff genes we're using is quite powerful and uncontrollable, so we can't do much when going to killing them,"

Masumi: "This is too cruel for you to take their freedom into an endless suffering, you do know that,"

???: "That's how an experiment goes, not everything is going to be perfect,"

Masumi: "That's it, I'm going to give these childrens the freedom they deserved!"

???: "What can you do? We'll just take them back to our lab, nothing you do can make them free,"

Masumi: "..."

???: "Nothing have to say?"

Masumi: "..."

???: "If you don't have anything to say, we can talk about Subject 019 if you wanted,"

Masumi: "You mean... Victor?"

???: "Yes, that's his name isn't it?"

Masumi: "What are you going to do with him? Are you planning on going to use him?"

???: "Let's say, he's quite a popular one in this experiment. And yes, we'll be using him as our successful subject to the public of our progression,"

Masumi: "Is it because he's the successful one?"

???: "Indeed, and he'll soon be using those powers he obtained from this experiment, and make him do what we want,"

Masumi: "Don't you know how dangerous his power is if he was left in the hands of someone like you?"

???: "I know, and I don't care,"

Masumi: "That's just terrible,"

???: "Not only that but also the previous successor too,"

Masumi: "You mean the person from Project Vail experiment?"

???; "Indeed, and I have a full control of him,"

Masumi: "You know what, I'm out of here,"

Masumi walks out of the room leaving him there. While the higher-up was calling someone on the phone

???: "Make sure to not make them escape,"


As Masumi exited the office and went straight towards where the experiment kept the subjects

The problem was, that if he decided to free them, they would be put back into the experiment anyway

But he has a plan, instead of freeing all of the children, he decided to free Victor instead

It was the right move since he was the more successful one in the experiment than the other children

If he decides to get Victor to escape, then maybe they won't use him as a weapon for whatever reason is

So he earlier took the two Drivers he was making before going to the room where they kept the subjects

And a Vistamp that he created as well for him and Victor to escape with

Then he thought about destroying the place to remove evidence of the experiment that even happened and maybe set those kids who are suffering, free from the experiment


Masumi came to the room where they kept Victor and unlocked the door. He entered the room to see him still sleeping in bed and goes to wake him up

Masumi: "Hey, wake up,"

Masumi shakes his body to wake him up and he woke up to see him

Victor: "Mr Masumi?"

Masumi: "Come, let's go,"

Victor: "W-where are we going...?"

Masumi: "Wanna see a beautiful sky?"

Victor: "Huh? Now?"

Masumi: "Yes, come with me, you'll see how beautiful it is,"

Victor: "O-okay,"

Victor got up from bed but was still tired and held Masumi's hand as they got out of the room


Masumi soon rushed to the exit with Victor in his hand to make him escape the inhumane experiment

Victor however was still confused and panicking about what is going on

Masumi assured him that it was going to be okay and that he'll see the beautiful sky he promised

He keeps calmed down after what Masumi told him and they kept going further into the hallway

Unfortunately for them, something is blocking their escape


As they were going to be close to the exit, a bunch of Giff Juniors appeared, blocking their path

The Giff Juniors has a humanoid body, crumbled paper and skeleton-like motif on them and their bodies

Both of them stopped as they see the Giff Juniors are blocking their way

Victor: "W-what are they?"

Masumi: "Don't worry, you'll be okay,"

Then, someone came out of the crowds of Giff Juniors, it was the higher-up he talked before

???: "Masumi, give it up. Your plans have nowhere to go,"

Masumi: "I will not! After seeing these childrens, I won't let you do any more experiments on them!"

???: "Too bad, now let go of Subject 019, or else we'll force you to do it,"

Masumi: "Victor, stay here,"

Victor: "M-mister?"

Masumi: "Do not be worried, I'll make this quick for you and your friends,"

Masumi after telling Victor to stay behind then approached the higher-up

???: "So you've made up your mind? That's good, or else you'd be beaten up into pulps,"

Masumi: "Rose, I don't agree with your experiment,"

???: "You dare say my name?"

Masumi: "I do, cause I don't have respect for you for all those unfortunate children,"

Rose: "It doesn't matter, you'll be dead anyways,"

Masumi: "If so, then you'll be coming with me to the grave!"

Rose: "That won't happen, return Subject 019 back to his room now!"

Masumi: "I did not say I agree!"

Masumi took out a Driver that made him surprised

Rose: "That Driver..."

Masumi: "This Driver is one of my creations, and I'm taking you with me!"

He puts the Driver on his waist that connected with belts around his waist

Juuga Driver!

Rose: "Isn't that the one you said is still a prototype?"

Masumi: "Indeed it is, that's why I'm destroying this place,"

He took out the Vistamp he created and press it


He inserted the Vistamp into the Driver and 10 animals comes out of the Vistamp in different colours while the standby is playing in the background

Rex! Megalodon! Eagle! Mammoth! Ptera! Lion! Jackal! Kong! Kamakiri! Brachio!

Masumi: "Just to remember, I was the one behind the creation of the Rider System, that's one of your biggest mistakes. And another thing is to use inhumane subjects for these experiments,"

Rose: "No matter what or how powerful you made them, it still won't stop Giff from being born,"

Masumi: "If so, then I'll be waiting... No, they'll be waiting for you in hell,"

He pushed the Vistamp to the side that activated his transformation


Masumi: "Henshin!"

He's enveloped in a black tornado to form the Rider suit. The constructs of the other animals combine with Masumi to complete his transformation

Jusshu no idenshi! Tsuyoki kokorozashi! Hazero! Hoero! Chouetsu seyo!

Masumi: "Kamen rider... Juuga,"

Go over...

(Transformation sound)

Victor was amazed by his transformation while Rose was shocked to see he has transformed into a rider

Rose: "That's it! You're going down!"

The Giff Juniors went in and surrounds him and going for an attack

Masumi turns his head to Victor for the last time

Masumi: "Victor, close your ears and eyes,"

Victor: "H-huh? W-why?"

Masumi: "I'm afraid this will be the last time, you see me alive,"

The Giff Juniors rushed towards him and Masumi then pushed the Vistamp to the side four times

Amazing Finish!

As the Giff Juniors were close, Masumi's leg turns bright gold

He hits the floor that made an explosion that consumed the building they were in entirely


The bright light blinded everything and everyone. All ears went deaf, they can't hear a thing after the explosion

That explosion destroyed the building they were in entirely. Victor thought that he died and that the white void was just the afterlife

As soon as time passed, he felt it was cold outside and there were sounds of nature instead

He finally opened his eyes to see he was under a tree and see it was daytime

He got up and look around to see he was in the forest and also see something disturbing


Victor: "M-mister..."

There he sees Masumi's body laying on the ground in his ruined lab coat and so injured after the explosion that he's close to death

Victor: "Mister, hey!"

Victor went up to Masumi's body and was worried. He's still barely conscious which made him relieved

Masumi: "Victor..."

Victor: "I'll call for help,"

Masumi: "Don't..."

Victor: "Huh? W-why can't?!"

Masumi: "You should hide and...isolate yourself from other people..."

Victor: "What?"

Masumi: "Please hear my words... Be safe..."

Victor: "I... Don't understand, I want to save you!"

Masumi: "Let me die here...and take this with you..."

Masumi proceeds to give him a red scarf, a strange Driver, and a data chip. Victor received the things he gave him

Victor: "W-what are these?"

Masumi: "That Driver... Is the Demons Driver, it'll be your friend... And that chip, give it to my son named George Karizaki...who loves scientific research like I do..."

Victor: "And this?"

He's holding up the scarf

Masumi: "That scarf... It's a gift from me..."

Victor: "Mister..."

Masumi: "Goodbye... To're like a son to me..."

Masumi closes his eyes and faces down to the ground and presumed dead


Victor holds all the stuff tight as they are valuable to him because they were gifted by a man who helped him escape from the place where he learns that doesn't give freedom

He got up and walks away from his dead body and into the forest

In the forest, he's scared that he's in the forest all alone after Masumi just died and was told to isolate himself from other people

Roaming around the forest while being cautious about the unknown things he doesn't know

Till then, he heard a sound nearby and looks around to see who or what it was and sees nothing there


Victor: "What was that noise?"

He looks around and was scared while backing away

???: "Psst, hey,"

Victor: "W-who's there!?"

???: "I'm over here,"

Victor: "W-where?"

???: "Look over your hand dummy,"

Victor looked down at his hand to see the Demons Driver was talking to him all along

Demons Driver: "Hey kid,"

Victor: "...waaah!"

He freaked out and dropped it and ran to hide behind a tree

He peeked back at the Demons Driver behind the tree

Demons Driver: "Oi! Come back here! I can't move ya know!"

Victor: "Who are you!?"

Demons Driver: "I'm Demons Driver, and I'm friendly, no need to be afraid!"

Victor then comes out from behind the tree and went up to it

Victor: "Demons Driver?"

Demons Driver: "Yes, that's my name,"

Victor then picked it up and looks at it

(Ignore the things on the side cause I can't find the right image where it is just the Driver. And also it has a face on the screen)

Victor: "Demons Driver? That's too long, how about Damon?"

Demons Driver: "D-Damon? That name sounds stupid!"

Victor: "But that name is short, so I don't have to call you Demons Driver anymore,"

Damon: "F-fine! If that makes you happy then why not,"

Victor: "That's more like it,"

Damon: "So, what do you want to do?"

Victor: "I want to know what can you do?"

Damon: "Ah, I can teach you or make you learn about something to make sure you are well educated about the world around you,"

Victor: "Teach me?"

Damon: "Yes, I can, and also socialize with you in case if you interact with another person,"

Victor: "Right,"

Damon: "There's a lot of things you'll learn from me until you're all grown up and going on your own,"

Victor: "Uh-huh, and?"

Damon: "Maybe I can make you train your powers,"

Victor: "Powers? I have one?"

Damon: "Guess you haven't seen them, but I'll show you during our training together. Now, can you turn up the switch that enables me to have legs?"

Victor: "Which one?"

Damon: "The one at the bottom,"

He presses the button in which Damon sprouts spider-like legs from its bottom

Victor: "Whoa!"

Damon: "Now I can move around, finally,"

Victor: "So when does it start?"

Damon then jumped and lands on his shoulder

Damon: "It starts, now,"

Chapter 1 ends.
