'Are they dead or alive?'

Ni-ki's words created confusion, and a question that would never be answered. The rest shook their heads without knowing the answer. Everyone stood up one by one, either pacing around or leaning against a desk. Without any phones, they were stuck without help. 'We need to get to the administration office, where our phones are'. Jungwon planned, in which Sunoo questioned.

'But how? The whole hallway is filled with... them.' They hadn't seen what the hallway currently looked like, but they could hear the sounds. Jake looked towards the windows; they were on the second floor of the building meaning there must've been a ledge. 'Maybe, we could leave through the window? There should be a ledge or something.' Everyone nodded and walked towards the windows, looking for the direction of the office. They began to open the window and climb onto the ledge. The ledge was the width of their feet so they couldn't step back or make large movements. 'The administration office is at the end of the hallway, so we have to go left.' Heeseung said, holding onto the windowsill and trying not to fall or look down.

Everyone took small steps to their left and eventually reached the windows of the classroom beside them. They peeked inside and saw their friends as cannibalistic 'monsters'. 'MIN-JI!' Sunoo yelled; Min-ji was his close friend who didn't have the same luck in surviving as they did. His scream attracted the attention of the 'monsters' in the room. Suddenly, they ran up to the windows, smearing blood and insides on the glass. 'Shit, we got to go. Sunoo I'm sorry but we have to keep moving.' Jay said, trying his best to keep them alive. Tears were running down Sunoo's cheeks as he watched his best friend turn into a cold-blooded monster. He didn't hear his friends yell and tell him to move, he only heard the memories with her.

Then, a crack in the glass appeared, then more. 'Fuck, Sunoo please mate we are going to die.' Jake raised his voice slightly; the glass was going to break, and they would die. Sunoo was standing at the front of the line, meaning he was holding everyone back. More cracks started to appear, and the glass was about to shatter which set everyone into panic. Jungwon looked at the motionless Sunoo and immediately lost his patience. 'SUNOO FUCKING MOVE!' 

Finally, Sunoo snapped out of his trance and realized the situation they were in. He quickly moved further along the ledge, trying to get everyone away from the window. Sunghoon was last in line and rushed as quick as he could. Then, everyone heard the sound of the window shattering. Sunghoon had just made it past with only a scratch from the glass. They watched the 'monsters' spill out of the window and fall to the ground, quickly getting up and running to the grass fields.

'How are they still alive after falling?' Heeseung asked, watching them scatter and try to find humans. 'They're already dead, remember?' Ni-ki stated, remembering how they watched their insides be ripped out. 'Yet they still move'. After Ni-ki said that they continued to walk along the ledge, trapped in their thoughts. Their minds were filled with questions that could never be answered. The main question being, why did this happen? They passed more windows, remembering to stay quiet no matter what. Finally, they reached the windows of the administration office. 'Those things are in there. About 3 of them.' Jay stated the frustration in his voice being obvious. 'We can distract them using noise. No one is in the classroom beside it, we could knock on the windows.' Jungwon planned, raising his fist to the window. Everyone nodded in response.

Jungwon laid three knocks on glass as loud as he could, hoping they would run towards the window. The others watched the 3 'monsters run towards the window and hurried inside the office. 'Run and shut the door so they can't get it!' Sunoo exclaimed. Heeseung ran and shut the door while Jungwon was the last to climb inside. They began to search the room for their phones, searching for the cabinet with their class on it. Eventually, they found each phone and began dialing the numbers of their parents. 'No signal.' Jake sighed, everyone else groaning with frustration. 'Alright, now what are we going to do?' Ni-ki asked, they were hopeless and had no way of contact.

'Do we wait for the police?' Sunghoon questioned, still attempting to dial his parents. 'As if they are coming. If you look outside, you can see that it's not just the school that's infected with this shit.' Heeseung said, in which everyone stood up and looked outside the windows. These 'monsters' were wandering the streets and ambulances or police cars were scattered and crashed. Soon, everyone had no hope. All they could do was plan an escape route, but where were they meant to go? Everyone backed away from the window and sat down on the floor in a circle. They decided to have a discussion about this sudden outbreak, the outbreak of 'monsters.'

'We should give them a name.' Jake recommended. 'How about 'Zombies' like in the movies? This is kind of like that.' Everyone nodded, Jake was right, this was like the movies. 'Like 'Train to Busan' and 'All of us are dead.' Ni-ki said, with a slight smile on his face, remembering his love for these movies and series. Everyone wished this was all a dream, that maybe they fell asleep while watching 'Train to Busan' or something. But this was reality, even if they were unsure why. 'Guys just remember, these people aren't our friends anymore. No matter how much you loved them, you can't fix them or save them.' Jungwon said, warning everyone that life had changed fast, and they would have to get used to it. Everyone nodded, especially Sunoo who was trying to recover from Min-ji.

'Let's all stick together, until the end.' Jay said, smiling at them with pure love in his eyes. Everyone nodded, slightly smiling with him before all saying.

'Until the end.'
