Mari gets expelled... well, kinda

So, I'm not aloud ro go over to grandpa's on the weekends anymore, figures, but I still see him. He picks me up from school some days, or he'll come over for dinner. The main annoyance was that I had to stay at the manor while Dad was on patrol, which led to copious amounts of time with my younger cousin.

"TJ, why are you so sad?" Julia asked, looking up from her drawing. I shrugged, giving her a small smile as she leaned into my lap. "Don't frown, you look like gong-gong when you frown." She giggled when I stuck my tounge out at her.

"You know that she's like, seven, not three, you gotta talk to her." I looked up at Mari's voice, rolling my eyes as she walked past with a few of her little underlings. 

One of them waved down. "Hey Tom, not seen you in a while. Hows our favourite little brother?" Her name was Betty, Metty, something etty. I put my hands over Julia's ears, looking the girl in the eyes. 

"Root in hell." I uncovered Julias ear's, getting a glare from most of the girls as they quickly ran up stairs.

"I heard what you said, it's okay, I hear that stuff at school all the time." She went back to coloring, giggling as I tried balancing a pencil on her nose.

"No, comn', I know you can do it. Watch." I pulled the pencil up, balancing it right on the tip of nose. I picked up another one, putting it on her own nose. "See, your doin it. Now," I turn her around, pulling her picture up. "if you're do with this, then what time is it?" 

She got up, running as she jumped onto the couch. "Movie time!" I pushed her over into a large fluffy blanket, getting a remote tossed near my face, I grabbed it, turing the holo on, hearing squeals of joy. "I wanna watch the one about the girl in the tower, who saves the guy from his bad guy friends and they help each other, and then she sings and her hairs gets all glowy!" I crack a smile searching up Tangeled on the hot bar. It's nice to know that kids still rememeber some detials. "Are you gonna sing with her like you used to?" She asked, snuggling up in my arms, the blanket getting tossled about. 

"Anything for you Julia." The movie started, the singing started, and my high pitched voice filled the room. It wasn't the best friday night, but, hey, it wasn't the worst. 

After the moive Julia went up to bed and I went to do the only crime related thing left that I could do, spare. Anthony and Andrew were both out tonight, so it wasn't really sparing, more, beating up attack dummies as bat logs came in slowly form that nights duties. The only exciting thing that happened was getting to patch a call through to Uncle Dick from the school. Yeah, really exciting. 

It was hours until they got back, already three am. Nothing big must of happened, because no one even bothered entering hand logs or going over that nights previous logs. They all got out of costume, heading upstairs for an okay nigths sleep. And then Uncle Dick and Aunt Kori got back.

"And the school called saying she was suspended for a week because of the content and maybe expelled if they found out it was recorded on purpose." Uncle Dick said, practically yelling as he got in on his bike. Guessing he didn't see me, as he threw his helmet towards the rack behind me. It hit the ground with a clanging noise, getting Uncle Dicks attention finally. "TJ, go back up stairs, it's too late for you to be up." I could feel the death stare from Dad across the cave.

"Stop parenting my kid Grayson!" He muttered, getting both of their points across.

I put up my hands in defence. "Fine, I'll go sleep, but, just so you know, Mari has about six friends over right now and they've been here for hours. Wouldn't wanna be a snitch, but, hey, as long I get to keep sparing down here, whats the harm in keep all of you informed." I calmly let slip, slowly climbing the stairs. "Oh, and Julia's asleep, and would like you all to know, that if she had to pick her lover or magic hair, she would pick magic hair." I opened the elevator door, slipping back up stairs. 

Tim and Cass were already up there, and I could feel Cass' eyes burning into me. "Hey, Thomas, could I talk to you for a second." I nodded, heading to the back porch with her. She sighs, and then siftly, takes my arms, bending it back to pin me straight on the groud. "You saw my warning didn't you?" I gasped for air, pulling back and making her let go.

"What are you talking about? Warning, Aunt Cass, why would I need a... warning." I started think, and she answered my suspitions.

"The vision, with your mother, your father and I, I warned you! And then you didn't come to me, so I thought, hey, maybe that wasn't him, it could've been just you from that moment, but no, now I'm getting calls form Jason talking about some sorta vision, and then I get a call from Fucking Slade about how I shouldn't freak out if you come to me for advice, because he told you to! And worst of all, now I have to realize that then vision I saw was real, and will happen, and there's nothing I could possibly do to stop it." I caught her as she fell back, bringing both of us to the ground. "God, what, how.. TJ, I'm so sorry." She cried into my shoulder, pulling my confusion out of the picture, bring only more concern.

"Mari! You better have your friends ready to leave by the time I get up these stairs." I looked back up, pushing the back door closed before Uncle Dick could walk by.

I brought Aunt Cass over to one of the benches, pulling a blanket over her shoulders. It was mid march, way too cold in gotham, expecially at night. "Aunt Cass, your message in the vision... I was going to listen to it, but then I started training, and I knew you would be able to see through any lies I said. And then Alice moved in, so I just never saw you. And then dad found out. I don't know, but he vision just felt too good to be true. Like, she was alive, and that could never happen... right?" I know about the Lazarus pit, but if she had gone there, we would know by now... "Right?" I can feel the tension in the air. I heard a light knock, looking up to see Anthony at the back door. He walked over plopping down next to the two of us.

"You two look freezing and in a bad position to talk, but, Bruce wants us all inside. Sorry." I smiled as he grabs my arm, pulling me inside the now warm living room. 

Mari was sitting on the floor in front of her parents, sending a glare my way. Julia was asleep in Tim's lap, Andrew head resting on his fathers shoulder. Dad had his eyes closed as he slowly sipped some sorta tea. Grandpa was sitting in his normal chair, Selina curled up on a couch near by, with Damian at the end. Cass walked in, sitting with Tim and them, Anthony joining me on the floor in front of Dad. 

Grandpa cleared his throat, getting everyone, but Damian's attention. He looked over, noticing the young man still looking through something on a holo screen. I saw Uncle Dick and Tim smirk as Grandpa took the holo screen away from the now startled Damian. "I was listening."

"Likely. Now, I just wanted to make it clear, that coming up is a very important event for the Wayne family, and also the bat family." His smile felt like staring into the sun for took long. "Wayne enterprise annual Ball, along with the Justice League entering.  Anthony, Andrew, if I'm correct you two are both on the ballot this year?" I looked over in shock, Anthony giving a very happy nod as Andrew just groaned into Tim's shoulder. "Well, they other thing that will be happening is recruitment for the young justice team. no-"

"Oh yeah, you guys recruit for that. Hey, just watch out, pretty sure that hive guys gonna break out of bell rev like.. eh, April fourth, give or take a day or two." I sigh in relief as Alice comes, sliding down next to me, I nod a small thank you before hearing Grandpa sigh loudly. 

He gripped his face, looking from Alice to Dad, who shrugged like he was just as lost. "And how would you know that?" I try to hide a smirk as Alice chuckles.

"Should I tell him, or, would this not be the best time?" I knew he was talking to me, but Pinched my sides to stop myself from laughing. "Okay, so, I'm guessing you haven't forgotten my dad, well, that particular situation gets you a lot of places, and meeting a lot of people. Well, I've been to Hive academy close to twenty different times, and if you look closely, whenever BB escapes for real, it's always as close to the number 4 as possible. reason being that the fourth, the fourteenth, and the twenty fourth are the same day that Bell rev resets security, or, as we all know, the weakest time for security. He usually does it either that day, the day before, or the day after. It keeps a schedule and it makes people unaware of the tread. I really thought batman himself would've seen that pattern by now, cause like, what's it been, 30 plus years?" I slapped his shoulder, warning him to stop. "Okay, god, like you care all the sudden. But, really, bats, it's as simple as that. And I know that month because the guy calls at least once a month to make sure his offer of me going to his school still stands. He's been itching to get out for a month now." I let out a sigh, feeling the stress release from the situation. 

"Thank for the intel. Like I was saying, Young justice recruitment. Mari, your father will talk to you about that, and TJ, same goes for you. If either of you actually decided to join then Damian or I will help you get settled with the team. And Pain." I looked back at Grandpa, seeing fire in his eyes. Alice chuckled again, snapped back up.

"Oh, I'll be there boss, wouldn't miss that great of an opportunity to mess with the Luthor brat." I hit his shoulder again, making him wince this time. "I mean, yes, how much fun being a hero is, thank you Bruce for helping me find my path." He said, sarcastically. "Better?" He whispered, getting a nod back from Dad and I.

Grandpa, Uncle Dick, and Uncle Damian all sighed, the younger two shaking their heads at the two basically mercenaries. "And, before anyone tries to get out of it, you are all coming to the banquet, that includes you Jay." I heard dad groan behind me, then a scuff from across the room. 

Selina slinked up, smiling at the large party. "This is a big years for villains too, watch out for that. Mask had one thing planned, St had something else, and now Lex was suppose to be in charge. Just watch out for any power shifts in the villain world. And watch out for the super brats, just because their the super brats." I saw uncle Damian look to make a comment, deciding not to in the last moment.

"Oh yeah, was this is star year or circle?" Alice asked out, getting confused looks from everyone but Selina. 

"Star darling, thats why your little pattern methods work so well right now. Wish I had a kid like you when I was still out there." She got a glare from Bruce, trying to laugh it off. "Kidding, only kidding." Alice chuckled with her for a little bit, other conversations starting to form. 

I leaned into Alice from the side, letting my head lay on his shoulder. He pulled me a little closer, talking mainly with Selina, Damian barging in at different points.

I look around, noticing that Veronica wasn't here. "Hey, where's Nik-"

With that the front door slammed open and shut, Veronica storming in towards Andrew. "You left me of Queens street! In an alley way?!" She shouted, waking the boy up fully.

"Hey, Nika, where ya be-"

"Oh you know where I've been. Dad, he left me in an Alley, way, you can not tell me that he isn't going to pay for this!" Veronica shouted again, I covered my ears, noticing that Uncle Damian and Alice had done the same thing, Selina with a pillow on each.

"Hey, calm down. I'm sur-"

"So that was you? You sounded like Banshee back there. Sorry sis, but, hey, at least nothing happened." Andrew tried so hard, just to fail.

Anthony perked at this. "You thought she was banshee, knocked her out, and then left her. You would've left banshee passed out in an alley way? What if she had intel, or a gun? What if you killed her?" Anthony was laughing at this point, listing off the many possibilities with Mari, as Andrew and Veronica started a full on screaming match. 

Grandpa sat down, just looking utterly disappointed. Uncle Dick and aunt Kori were trying to get Mari out of the situation, only failing as the girl got louder. Dad stayed out of it, watching peacefully from the background. Gaea was now in the room, coming to check the noise, Mari's Weimaraner, Cronus, joining her.  The two dogs looked at the commotion and I plugged my ears hard, knowing what was going to happen.


The loudest bark is when two large dogs bark, and these two were in sink. The yelling stopped, everyone looking over at the two dogs who were now lookin straight at me for a treat of some kind. I may be guilty of giving them both way too many treats. "Good girl, good boy." I squeaked out, pulling the two together as they happily sat down with me. "You people need to learn to be less crazy around attack dogs. This could've been worse." I smiled as Gaea nuzzled up to me, Cronus looking up at Mari, a whine coming from him.

"Oh fine, come here. Good boy." She called, leaning down so the dog could run to her. We both smiled as the two dogs started happily panting. 

Anthony came over, petting Gaea lightly. "Why couldn't we have dogs again?" He asked, looking up at Aunt Cass, who looked over at uncle Tim.

"Uh, because... Roy didn't give you one? I don't know. Did you guys ask for a dog?" I giggled lightly, Feeling a paw on my chest, slowly pushing me to the ground. 

"Yeah, I remember-" Anthony stopped talking, looking over at Andrew who raised his eyebrows at the gesture. "Dog." Anthony said blankly.

 Andrew nodded. He took a breath, going over something in his mind. "Nah, you asked Tye for a dog. And he said no because we were like eight." He nodded, walking over to where I was now trapped under my dog, slowly being lolled to sleep by the warm fur. "Yeah, and then you asked Mama for a dog and she sat for like, ten minutes trying to find a real reason for not having a dog, all while Jamie and Tye tried to work common sense into her." Tim laughed at that, I guess he did still work with The guys.

I looked over noticing that Anthony had been quiet, only to see my older cousin almost in tears. I tried getting up, only to have a large paw set on my face. "Annie, what's wrong?" I guess Damian noticed.

"Nu, Nothing, I'm just tired." I heard footsteps, guessing that he let and a light sigh before more foot steps, probably Andrew.

The adults kept talking, a few more sets of footsteps left, and I finally gave up on being saved, letting my mind drift and wander the warm  comfort of sleep.


(Andrew pov)

I ran after Anthony, the closer I got, the louder the sobs were. I got up to our old room in the manor, finding him in our old queen bed, curled up in a blanket. "I said it was nothing." He tried, but, hey, I'm his twin, I'm a little smarter than that.

"Yeah, but you're still crying." I pulled him up out of the blanket, letting him lean on me. "I'm sorry for whatever I said, but I need to know what it was. You know hate making you cry."  He was messing with his fingers, looking towards the bay window, looking right into the forest behind the manor. He sniffed, looking back at me.

"Would.." He stopped, taking in a breath. "Could we go see Mama and Tye before we go for recruitment. I know you-"

"Okay."  I said quickly cutting him off. He looked up.

"But I thought-"

"It doesn't matter. Annie, I would do anything for you. Spending a day with Mama doesn't sound that bad." I pulled him all the way into my lap, getting a small smile from him. 

He sighed, letting his eyes close. "We're gonna have to go home still, aren't we?" I nodded, getting a long groan.

"And we gotta fill out reports." Another groan. "Well, comn, sooner we get done, the sooner you can sleep." 

"Sleep is for the strong!"
