The End

We head through the security scanners.

"Can I see your invitations please?" Charles looks at him.

"Yes you may. These three are with me." The guard straightens up and smiles.

"Go ahead."

The plane ride over was quiet and awkward. When I couldn't stand anymore of Charles's depressing eyes staring through the back of my skull, I moved to the cockpit with Hank. After this I'm done. I'm leaving for somewhere far from here, with or without Peter.

"Can you find her?" I ask. The first words I have spoken to him in hours.

"No, but she has to be here." They announce the president and everyone quiets down. He starts going off how mutants are biggest threat. Pathetic. They drop the curtains and the Sentinels are revealed. I gasp.

"They're so ugly looking." I express. Logan chuckles.

"You should see them in my time."

"Raven. I have her." Charles announces. "Secret serviceman by the stage."

"I got her." I say. Charles grabs my arm.

"Hailey, just go. We have it." I pull my arm out.

"Not a chance."

I walk towards her. She's frozen in place as the sentinels turn on and everyone claps. A guard stops me.

"You may not go past this point." He orders. I groan ready to speed by him when gunshots go off.

"Looks like you have bigger problems now." I run past him and look for Raven. Where did she go? I run back to Charles and stop mid run. Erik drops an entire stadium around us.

"Move!" I yell to Charles as he jumps out of his chair to avoid the falling debris. The rubble falls around him. I breathe hard and heavy. He's fine,Hailey. He's okay. I look for Erik. His Sentinels primed and ready. "Erik, you traitor!" I scream. He turns to me and I speed to him slicing him across his back. He groans but his concentration not broken.

"This is for the greater good, Hailey. We don't deserve to be like this. We deserve to be free." Rubble flies at me and I dodge them one after another. He turns to his sentinels. "Do what you were made for." He targets them at the others and Logan goes after him. He takes strands of rebar and sticks it throughout his body lifting him in the air, he throws him out of the stadium.

"No!" I cry. I run after him and he hits me with a metal rod. I fall to the floor and he lifts the bunker out of the White House and into the lawn. All of their gun trained on them. Cameras all on them. I can feel my eyes shift. I'm so angry. He's a traitor and a liar. A coward. Everyone seems to be fighting for what they think is right.. I slowly try to lift myself off the ground. I have to stop him.

"Today I give you a glimpse of the devastation my race can unleash upon yours. Let this be a warning to the world. To my mutant brothers and sister out there. No more hiding. No more suffering. You have lived in the shadows in shame and fear for too long. Come out. Join me. Fight together in a brotherhood of our kind. A new tomorrow that starts today." the president comes out despite the protests.

"You want to make a statement. Kill me spare everyone else." He approaches him.

"Very brave Mr President but you had no intention of sparing any of us. The future of our species begins now." He cocks the guns and I pull myself up. The sentinel comes after this next and he pulls it apart. The president takes out a nonmetallic weapon and shoots him right in the neck. Mystique. She changes back to herself and Erik falls to the ground.

She fights him while he's down and I take this time to find Hank and Charles. She knocks him out and aims her gun at Trask.

"Get out of my head, Charles!" I use this opportunity to find him. I see Hank run to him in his human state and I follow. He tries lifting the beams off of him and I help. I use all my anger and strength at Erik and the world and Trask and I move those beams only slightly. It's not enough. They groan under the pressure and we keep trying.

"Shut her down, Charles." Hank says. He shakes his head. I look to her and her gun lowers to the ground. She takes Eriks helmet off.

"He's all yours, Charles." He takes control of his mind and the beam lifts off. He groans in pain and Hank helps him up.

"If you let them have me I'm as good as dead." Erik says.

"We know."

He looks to me. "I'm sorry, Hailey. Maybe one day you'll understand."

"Goodbye old friend." We help Charles out and he floats away. Raven walks away and we walk Charles out of here. Protests are heard.

"If we don't they win!" I hear. I turn around and that soldier from Paris pick up a gun off of the grass and point it straight for us. The anger boils inside of me and I want to rip his head off. I know my eyes are shifted, my skin is changing and my claws are out. Some people never learn. I speed towards him and he tries to shoot at me. I zig zag left and right.

"Hailey don't!" Charles yells. I'm ready to strike him down when the last bullet goes off. I stop right in front of him in shock. I look down at my chest and his gun is pointed right at it. I fall to the grass, but not before I see his dogtag. Stryker. He smirks before soldiers grab him from behind taking him to the ground. They take him away and Hank and Charles hurry to me.

"I'm sorry." I say. Charles falls beside me and cries.

"I told you not to do that."

"I'm not a very good listener." I gasp for air.

"You're going to be fine. We'll get you help." I shake my head.

"It's fine. It's not so bad."

"I'm so sorry I let you down." He cries. And yet I can't find it in myself to forgive. I can't find the words. Maybe it's because I'm dying, who will ever know. I shut my eyes one last time with his face being the last thing I see....
