Off & On Part 2: Sayu

Sayu's turn!

Sayu's POV:

After the daycare closed, it started to flood and water started to crawl all over the road until my feet were eventually touching nothing but water. The cars started splashing water around the pavements as I carefully walked on the slippery cement with a translucent umbrella in my hand. Attractive lights brighten the city from the pitch dark heavy sky, promotions were called out to overcome the rumbling sound of thunder. I couldn't wait to finally get home to rest after a day of nothing but trouble, my body aches from preventing Xiao from hitting anyone.

I finally got home and dragged my feet to dress myself and got ready for bed. What I forgot was that the rain continued to drop and I forgot to close my kitchen window. Next thing when I woke up, I slipped down the stairs and splashed down on my flooded floor.

Luckily some people arrived and drain the water out. I was going up to prepare myself to head to the daycare when I felt my ankle swell up and started to ache. I sprained my ankle for Archon's sake... Just great, we were taking the kids to an Art Gallery today and I was supposed to be guiding them with Klee and the others. I stood back up and dealt with the pain on my way to the daycare after bandaging up my swollen ankle of course.

I was limping slightly, it wasn't that obvious unless the person has keen eyesight, which was why I constantly avoid Barbara, she takes medical practice and can notice an injury almost in a split second. I was mostly sitting down and supervising the kids while I was walking the pain off, I was holding back my screams and hoped everything would go smooth because I do not want to ruin the day...

Finally lunch break came, I came and distributed the food to the kids and relaxed my ankle. Klee was munching down a sandwich when she asked me, "You sure look very relaxed Sayu,"

"I'm just happy to rest while I still can!"

"GIVE ME BACK MY TOFU XIAO!!!" They heard Yanfei exclaimed to Xiao, who was unaware that Yanfei also love tofus.

"Xiao give her back her tofu-" I stood up and lectured, but Xiao bumped into me and I fell really hard. I yelled loudly as the pain in my ankle grew a lot.

"You alright Sayu?!" Yaoyao came to me worried.

"And why is your ankle bandaged up?" Qiqi asked. Barbara took one look at my ankle and said, "It looks like a sprain..."

Everyone stared at me and so I confessed to them everything. Yaoyao took me home and made sure I didn't exert too many force on my ankle than I already have today. Yaoyao supplied me with her emergency crutches before she dropped me off home. I know I may have messed up the journey halfway but at least things are going fine.

I hope...

Sorry it was short I ran out of ideas and I kinda started a YanTao book but I haven't published it yet. Also I think I'm gonna delete Amalia's Diary since I haven't write anything on it for a long time.

Next is Sayu :)
