may 7th.

7:09 a.m.

Yoongi sighed.

Looking back at the glittering brown eyes, he found it hard to remain icy. There was something off about Jimin again today, like yesterday, but all of it more composed. Something only slightly off balance. Yoongi couldn't figure it out, but whatever it was, it must have been important enough that Jimin felt he had to wrap his fist around the fabric of a jacket sleeve to keep Yoongi from moving to the back of the monorail.

Jimin didn't get on at Trescott Avenue today; in a startling alteration to his strict routine, he got on an at a later stop for no reason at all. Yoongi had been sitting quietly and listening to his music in a two-seater when he noticed. Stop after stop, no one sought to occupy the space beside him. And then Jimin showed up and sat himself down like it was nothing.

Yoongi didn't hesitate to gather himself and try and move elsewhere. See, yesterday was a one time thing. A moment of kindness, or weakness if you will. But when Jimin grabbed him and demanded rather loudly, "Wait!"

This happened.

Jimin's eyes darted around the train car, suddenly aware of the extra attention. Yoongi didn't care. He tugged and Jimin tugged back. Jimin looked pleadingly at Yoongi, who faltered but recovered his strength and yanked this time.

"Stay here with me!" He said quietly, not wasting a moment's breath.

Yoongi yanked his arm away, but Jimin was nimble and quickly took hold of the train of his denim jacket. He sighed and shook his head, putting his left foot in front of his right.


He looked back. Brown eyes. Upsetting how quickly they made a bitch of him.

Yoongi rolled his eyes and yanked himself free. He fixed his collar and changed the song playing in his AirPods. And then, to both of their surprise, he sat down. He actually sat down.

Jimin said something after a while, closing a worn paperback copy of The Love Poems of Rumi around his finger to hold his place, except Yoongi didn't hear; his music was too loud.

So he removed his AirPod and raised his brow in question. Jimin's cheeks began to flush with rose.

"I said thank you. For sitting with me. Thank you for sitting with me."

"This doesn't change anything." Yoongi put his head back against the seat, closing his eyes in a calm hum.

Jimin nodded, doing the same, "As long as I get to see you."
