Dameins Brother and Dragons

Damien's P.O.V

My brother is coming to visit. That's a bad thing. We are always fighting. One time we almost killed each other. But if he finds out that I have mate and he doesn't he would kill me or Dawn. I have to protect her and my pups even though I'm pretty sure Kat can protect her self. I mean she killed three rouges all by her self. She would have killed all of them but she was getting ready to go into the rouges land. " Damien, baby you ok"? my wonderful mate asked. " Yeah it's just Derek, my brother is coming to visit. " Oh that's great honey". " No it's not. We are always fighting and if he finds out that your my mate he will kill me or you because his mate died. Or he will just steal Kat or Kyle and I don't want to loose yall". " Well we can get through this together". " Baby I love you, but I don't want you to come out of this room while he is here. The only time you can come out is when I'm with you". " As long as you are happy. I will do it. What about the kids"? " They will not speak to him at all". " That's fine. But why do you hate him so much". I looked at her. " He killed our parents to get in a rouge gang. So now he is in a pack of rouges". Dawn looked at me and smiled. Then she leaned in and kissed me. I grabbed her and sat her on my lap so that she was straddling me. " I love you so much Dawn". I mumbled onto her lips. Then I kissed her mark. She shivered in delight. I laid her down and put my weight on my elbows. I kissed her again roughly on her lips. I pulled back. " I'm going to take a shower". She looked at me with sad eyes. " And your going to join me". She laughed then jumped up and ran into the bathroom. She looked behind her and winked. I chuckled and walked in behind her. In the shower we didn't do much cleaning but a lot of kissing. Then we got out and got dressed. I got dressed in sweatpants and a band shirt. Then my beautiful mate dressed one if my shirts that went down to only her thighs. I growled at her. Not a threatening one but a possessive one. I smelt her arousal after that. I was off the bed in seconds and had her against the wall again kissing her roughly. She was kissing me to. Then we went to the bed and our wolves took over so that we were in wolf form now. Now my wolf was on top off my mate and if course you know what happened next. Then I took back control and so did Dawn. We were back in human form with me on top. I looked at her with a smirk. Then I looked at the door which was not locked. I quickly ran to the door and locked it. I turned back around. I smelt her arousal again but this time it was stronger.

2 hours later

We were back in the shower because of what happened earlier. When we got out for a second time we both put on sweatpants and baggy shirts. Then we smiled at each other. Then I heard the dreaded sound. The doorbell. My brother was here now. My mate looked at me again and smiled. Then I went down and answered the door. " Oh so your an alpha now. Trying to show off for your brother. And is that a mark right there". He said as he jabbed his finger into my neck. I growled at him. And he just laughed. Then he pushed passed me. "I am hungry why don't you fix me something to eat". " I am the alpha here not you, stop telling an alpha what to do". He looked at me then growled and got down in a defense stance. I did the same. Then I seen my daughter helping her mate to the door out of the corner of my eyes. ' Kat stay out side don't come in. Unless you want to see a bloody fi-'. ' Ok ok don't want to see anymore blood today'. ' What'!? ' Oh yeah I forgot to tell you. More rouges got on to our land without the alarm going off. I killed all of them except one. The one that is standing I. Front if you to be exact'. I looked at my brother. He growled. I growled back. Then he looked out side towards my daughter. Then growled at her and leaped at her shifting in the process. My daughter pushed her mate to the side surprising him of course, then shifted in to a grown bear. She let out a big roar then swiped her big paw across my brothers face sending him flying into a tree. Then he growled and lunged at Kat. He was about to ram her in her side when she shifted into something smaller so that he flew over her. Then Derek growled at her and lunged again this time Kat jumped up in the air and turned into a dragon. Her wings were making wind every time they beat. She landed on the ground then roared at Derek again. Then she started blowing out ice towards him. He growled and dodged all of the ice that she blew towards him. He was getting closer to her. Then he lunged. He grabbed on to one of her wings. She roared in hurt and in anger. She took her arm and picked him off of her wing. Then held him tightly. Then she started to beat her wings. She flew up in the sky. Then she blew ice on her wing that was bit to seal the gashes and wounds. Then she flew up higher. Then she let my brother go. He was falling through the air in his wolf form howling in fright. Then Kat dove and caught him. She kept dropping and catching him for a couple of minutes. I was laughing the whole time and so was Maliki. Then she landed and gave me a dragon smile and laid my brothers wolf in front of my feet. Then Maliki took off his shirt. Kat shifted and took the shirt and smiled at him. I looked at her arm which was frozen from where she froze her wing. I looked down at my brother who was now in human form. " Now leave and never come back. I wasn't even wanting to see you". I looked back at Kat. She smiled. She took the shirt off then shifted back into the dragon. She grabbed my brother again then flew off towards rouge land. I seen her drop him then fly back. She turned into a hummingbird and flew around me and her mate. Then she turned back into her human form and landed on her feet. " I really don't like your brother". I laughed. " Neither do I". When I turned around and my mate was there. " I seen what you did Kat". She looked so mad and serious. " It was hilarious". She started laughing. Then we all joined her. And of course when it was a happy moment the alarm went off. My mate and daughter started trembling. They both growled out dragons. Then my mate turned into her wolf and took off running. And Kat turned into her dragon and took off flying. My wolf took over leaving only the boy without shifting. I nodded my head towards my back. He understood so he was on my back holding on to my fur. I took off after my mate. He looked up at his mate right above us. She landed in front of us. She put her wing down to let her mate get onto her back. He jumped off of me and climbed up her white wing. When he got settled on her neck she took off . I shifted and put on some shorts I found beside me. I looked at my mate ahead of me dodging fire balls being blowed at her. I looked at the dragons. They were red with blue stripes on there wings and tails. They are from the terrain clan. I looked up into the sky just I time to see my daughter freeze a fire ball that was coming to me and hit it like a baseball with her tail. It hit the dragon. The dragon roared in pain as it fell to the ground. But it got up and started to fly to my daughter who was fighting another. I tried to howl for her to looked out but my mate ran straight towards me and told me to go get more warriors. I looked up and see my daughter get hit in the side by the dragon who was going for her. She started tumbling to the ground. But she spread out her wings and caught her self just before she hit the ground. She looked up the dragon and blew ice on it. It froze for a little bit but it melted it. It blew fire at her she dodged but he tried again and hit her. She was hit in one wing. She got her mate by his shirt with her teeth and wrapped him up in the wing she had and hit the earth with a bang. I ran to the hole she made. I seen her unwrap her wing and her mate came out. Just as he did she shifted back into her human form and fainted. Maliki growled deep in his throat and shifted into this white wolf with red eyes. He jumped out of the hole and ran to the closest tree. When he got to the tree he started to jump limb from limb until he got to the level the dragons were. He jumped onto one dragon and ripped both of its wings then jumped on the next he got all of the dragons on the ground but the last one he just bit his throat until he fell to the ground. He growled very deep angry growl. And ran to every single dragon and grabbed there throat in his teeth and kills every single one of them. Then he went back the hole and grabbed his mate out by her neck. He did not bite down hard of course when she was out of the hole he laid down beside her and rested his head on her stomach looking at her face. Then he looked at me with sadness in his eyes. Then I looked back at Kat. I then noticed she had a deep deep gash going down her body. She was bleeding very badly. I went up to her to check her pulse. She was barely breathing. She was going quick.
