USJ [4]

Hanryoku Chiaki awoke before the sun rose that morning. The bad feeling she had from yesterday still hadn’t gone away, so, she decided to be prepared in case something went wrong. Chiaki packed a bag of snacks, water, and medical supplies, such as bandaids and antibacterial spray.

“Just in case…”

She dressed herself in her hero suit and strapped the small bag to her belt. Perhaps she was being overly cautious, but she’d rather be safe than sorry. Chiaki pulled her boots on over her feet, pecked Louise on the forehead and left for school.

She was too anxious to worry about the fact that she might get to school early. She was too nervous to think about why she was so tense. All Chiaki knew, was that she wanted to be prepared.

On her walk to school, she got lost in her head, and when she got lost in her head, things never seemed to go her way. She tripped over the air, choked on her spit, and almost got hit by a car. Well, more like she almost hit a car… She freaked out, used her quirk, and then profusely apologised.

--- Time skip, at the buses ---

“Line up according to your ID number! Load onto this bus in an orderly fashion!” Iida yelled. Chiaki chuckled lightly, letting him do his thing. Once on the bus, Chiaki sat beside Shimizu, the twins across from them.

“Oh, Aki-chan, do you think you could help me with my quirk once we get to the place?” Mio asked softly, Chiaki grinned, “Sure!! Just lemme know what you need help with!” Mio gave a close-eyed smile and a thumbs up.


Chiaki’s anxiety eased once she got on the bus, knowing her father would be with them at the training. Whatever came their way, she was confident that he would take care of it.

“I generally say what's on my mind, Midoriya.” Asui said, causing the green-haired boy to perk up a bit. “Oh?! What is it, Asui?”

Asui glanced at him, “Call me Tsu.” She then placed her index finger on her chin, “Your quirk resembles All Might’s.” Midoriya began waving his hands in front of himself frantically. “R-r-r-really?! Nah. I mean, I…”

“Hold up, Tsuyu. All Might doesn’t get hurt, though. They’re already different in that way. But that sort of simple strength-enhancement quirk is awesome! You can do a lot of stuff with it!” Kirishima hardened his arm in demonstration.

“Not like my Hardening. I’m good in a fight, but it’s really boring.”

Midoriya shot him a large grin, “I think that’s pretty neat though.  Your quirk is more than enough if you wanna go pro.”

Ashido chimed into the conversation. “Pro! But don’t forget that heroes also have to worry about popular appeal!!” Aoyama placed his chin into his hands, “My Navel Laser is both strong and cool. Perfect for a pro.” Ashido patted his shoulder, “As long as you don’t blow up your own stomach!”

Kaminari piped up, “You wanna talk strong and cool? That’d be Todoroki, Bakugo, and Hanryoku.”

Chiaki blushed lightly and rubbed the back of her neck. “You really think so?” Kaminari grinned at her, “Heck yeah!! Your performance on the assessment test was so cool!!” Chiaki chuckled. “Thanks, Kaminari-kun.”

Asui again placed her finger on her chin, “But Bakugo’s so unhinged. He’d never be popular.”

“WHAT’D YOU SAY, FROG FACE?!” Bakugo screamed. Asui pointed to him, a blank stare on her face. “See?”

Chiaki glanced over to that side of the bus and saw that Jirou looked distressed. She quickly stood up and made her way over to them. “Hey, Jirou, wanna switch?” Jirou’s face relaxed and she nodded, “Yes please… he’s so noisy…”
Chiaki chuckled and plopped down in the seat next to Bakugou, as he gave her an earful as to why he was better than her. “Honestly, Noneofyourgoddamnbusinessextra, don’t you think you’re name is kinda long?”


Chiaki rolled her eyes playfully and smiled, “Yeah, yeah, I’m sure you will.”


“We’re here. Look sharp.”


The students stared in awe as they looked around the training grounds, a few of them muttering quietly amongst themselves about how it looked like Universal Studios of Japan. Then, Thirteen humorously stated the name of the training grounds, which just so happened to be abbreviated to “USJ”

Thirteen went on to describe what they’d be doing, why they’d be doing it, and how their quirks could be dangerous if not used properly. She even demonstrated with her quirk, how easily you could accidentally kill someone if you’re not careful.

As the speech continued, Chiaki felt the pit in her stomach return. With each passing second, she felt more and more anxious. A few of her classmates took note of this. But only one person said anything.

“Oi, what’s wrong with you dumbass?!” Bakugou whisper-yelled as Chiaki took a breath. “Something doesn’t feel right…” She muttered as Momo placed her hand on the girl’s shoulder. “Whatever it is, Haryoku-chan, I’m sure the pros will take care of it.”

Chiaki took another breath to calm herself and nodded, “Yeah, you’re righ–”

Suddenly, the fountain began to malfunction while the lights flickered. Within the fountain, a misty portal spiralled into existence and people climbed through it. Chiaki took a step back.

“It’s fine, dad will handle it…”

“THIRTEEN PROTECT THE STUDENTS!” Aizawa cried as he leapt into action.

A few of the students started to get ready to fight, but Atom-a-Man threw himself between them. “GET TO SAFETY, THOSE ARE REAL VILLAINS!”

“Where is he? We’ve come all this way… I wonder if some dead kids would bring him?”

The leader of the villain’s voice sent chills down Chiaki’s spine. She took a step back as fear took hold of her.

“Oh god, those are villains…”

Chiaki didn’t even realize she was supposed to be running until she felt someone grab her wrist and drag her with them. “C’mon, Hanryoku-chan *kero* we have to go!!”

Chiaki regained her movement and ran alongside her classmates to the exit, however, she didn’t fail to notice the purple smoke that engulfed her and her classmates.


Chiaki felt herself sinking, she was surrounded by water, she couldn’t breathe, it was dark. She tried to swim up, but her armor was too heavy, it was weighing her down… Villains surrounded her.

“Oh god, is this really it?”

Something wrapped around her waist, she was being pulled up towards the surface. She flew through the air and landed on a ship.

“Oh, gosh– are you okay Hanryoku?!” Midoriya asked, panicked. Chiaki sat upright and looked him dead in the eyes. “I told you to call me Aki.” She glanced at Asui and gave her a grateful smile. “Thanks, Tsu. I never really thought how impractical it would be to wear armor underwater…”

“Of course, Aki-chan, are you sure you’re alright? *kero*”

Chiaki smiled and stood up, stretching, “Yeah, let’s kick some villain ass.”

–-- With Mio –--

The heat was sweltering, he could feel himself sweating bullets as he hid behind Bakugou and Kirishima.


Mio nodded sheepishly and scooted farther away from the fight.

“I wish I could help them… but Bakugou’s right, I am pretty useless in a fight… My quirk is more suited for rescue…”

“DAMN VILLAINS, I’LL KILL YOU!!” Bakugou screamed as he exploded a villain’s face.

“I hope Miu is doing better than me…”

–-- With Miu –--

“Hashira-chan, are you alright?!” Kaminari asked as Miu wiped a bit of blood from the corner of her mouth, where a villain had punched her.

“Damn right, I am. I’m just getting…” Miu kicked her foot into the air, landing a villain square in the jaw before setting off her quirk, sending them both flying back. “FIRED UP!!”

Miu landed somewhat gracefully next to Jirou and Yaoyoruzu who were attempting to come up with a plan.

“How’s the plan coming along?” She asked, Jirou and Momo looked at each other before nodding. “We need you to buy us some time, then, when we give the signal retreat back towards us. Kaminari will handle everything else.”

Miu nodded, “On it!!”

–-- With Shimizu –--

“It can’t be… what do they hope to achieve by attacking us? They mentioned All Might... Are they planning to? No, not possible, unless… They have a secret weapon?”

“Hey, Shimizu, less analyzing, more running!” Uraraka called out as she dragged Shimizu with her.

Shimizu however dug his heels into the ground. “We won’t all be able to make it.” He stated. Uraraka turned to look at him. “What?! We can’t give up!!”

“I’m not giving up. I’m saying we should send one person to get help. The rest of us should make sure that they get out.”

Iida turned towards them. “As Vice president, I should be the one to go. Not only am I the fastest, but it is my duty as Vice president to take over for Hanryoku-chan when she is unable to fulfill her duties.”

–-- With Chiaki –--


“Mineta, those guys down there, they’re clearly suited for aquatic combat.” Midoriya stated, looking at the villains who were surrounding the ship.

“Stop ignoring my point!!”

Chiaki thinks for a moment, examining her classmates. “Hold on a second. They obviously know the environments of the USJ, but I don’t think they know anything about our quirks.”

She motioned over to Asui, who was crouched down like a frog.

“Why send Tsu here? Why not send her somewhere where she’d be more easily subdued? Such as the fire zone?”
Asui nodded. “Yeah, sending me to the shipwreck zone only improves my chances at survival. *kero*”

Chiaki reached into a bag and pulled out a bandaid.

“Oh, by the way, you have a scratch on your cheek, Deku, here.” She placed the bandaid on his face, Midoriya responded by blushing furiously and thanking her.

“A-anyways,” He continued, “We should find a way off of this ship… any ideas?”

Chiaki looked around at her classmates once more, “Actually… I think I have one.”

–-- With Miu –--

“Uwaaaaa!!” Kaminari cried as a villain swung for his head, he attempted to duck but failed miserably. Thankfully, Miu swept him off his feet and set off some fireworks in the guy’s face.

“Thanks, Hashira-chan!!” He smiled. “You know, maybe we could go out someti–”

Kaminari was cut off harshly by Miu setting off yet another set of fireworks. “If we get out of this alive, we can hang out. But right now, we need to focus on the issue at hand!!” She yelled, kicking another villain in the face. Miu then proceeded to set Kaminari back on the ground.

Kaminari ducked as the villain from before swung at him again. “Yikes!! My whole life, it flashed before my eyes!! Who the hell are these guys?! What are they doing here?!” He screamed, narrowly dodging a rather large villain’s fist.

“Worry about that later. We need to figure a way out of this first!” Jirou called out. “Hey, you’re a lightning guy, right? Just fry ‘em to a crisp would ya?”

“WE’REN’T YOU PAYING ATTENTION DURING BATTLE?! WE WERE PARTNERS!!” He cried, turning to face her. “I can only cover myself in electricity!” Electricity sparked around his hand. “Sure, I can discharge it, but I can’t control it. I’d hit you guys too! It’s like with Todoroki’s power!!”

Jirou deadpanned, clearly already fed up with Kaminari’s personality and voice. “You sure blab a lot for a guy… Fine. Be a human,” She kicked him hard in the back, sending him flying forward towards a villain. “STUN GUN!!”


Kaminari rammed straight into the villain’s stomach, sending an immense amount of electricity shot up his spine, knocking him out.

“Hey. It worked. I’m pretty strong!!” Kaminari gave the three girls a thumbs up. “Just rely on me guys!!”

“Well, that was easy…” Jirou muttered.


A villain who looked as though his fist was covered in a large number of rocks screamed as he landed a punch on the back of Kaminari’s head, causing him to be electrocuted.

A villain with a pig mask lunged toward Miu with a knife, aiming straight for her throat. Suddenly, a net enveloped him, pinning him to the ground. “Get serious, you two!!” Yaoyoruzu cried. “Sorry.” Jirou muttered. “I actually had a pretty good plan in mind, but…”

She inched her earphone jacks towards her speakers, amplifying her heartbeat. The villains covered their ears in pain.

“In my costume request, I asked for a way to focus my sound in one direction.” Her earphone jacks retracted as Yaoyoruzu produced an item, “It took some time.” Her costume began to rip at the seams from her back. “That’s how it is…” She panted, “With larger objects.”

A large insulated sheet fell down on top of the girls. “A sheet?” one villain questioned, “are you trying to shield yourself?”

“A 100mm thick insulation sheet.” Yaoyoruzu stated, nodding to Kaminari. “Now, Kaminari.”

Kaminari grinned, “Gotcha.”

He let loose an insane amount of electricity, frying every villain in their zone.

“I’m worried about everyone else…” Miu stated, looking at the now dunce-faced Kaminari. “As am I,” Yaoyoruzu said. “Let’s hurry and regroup.”

–-- With Shimizu –--

Everyone watched in horror as the warp gate created a porta behind Thirteen, causing her to rip herself apart with her own quirk.

“IIDA, HE TOLD YOU TO RUN!!” Sato screamed.

“Damn!!” Iida cursed under his breath as he bolted toward the exit. The warp gate attempted to detour Iida, however, Shoji wrapped his arms around the villain, holding him tight. “Go!!”

The villain began to break free. Shimizu shot an ice pillar up, attempting to slow down the villain’s escape.

–-- With Mio –--

“That’s all of ‘em.” Kirishima huffed out, glancing toward Mio as he dropped a villain. “You alright, Hashira-kun?” He asked. Bakugou scoffed. “‘Course he is. He was hiding behind me the whole time, damn extra!!”

“Great! Now let’s hurry and help the others!” Kirishima cracked his neck. “If we’re here, I bet everyone else is also still in USJ! I’m worried about the guys who don’t really have ways to attack, like Hashira-kun!”

He turned to face Bakugou, “Thirteen’s probably got her hands full since we rushed ahead like that. None of this woulda happened if we’d let him suck in that mist man. As men, we gotta take responsibility…”

Bakugou glared at Kirishima, “If that’s what you want, then go on alone. I’m gonna beat that warp gate guy to a pulp!”


Through Miu’s silence, he noticed the humanoid shadow creeping towards them, he looked around for a way to either warn them or attack. Without thinking he picked up a piece of rubble and threw it at the shadow just as Bakugou’s hand closed around the guy’s face setting off explosions.

“Good perception, Pink-eyes, but I had it under control, got it?!” He glanced around the room, “If all they’re sending against us are these idiots…” He looked back up. “We should be fine.”

—- With Chiaki –--

Chiakie watched in awe as her father took down one villain after another, punch after punch, kick after kick. He was the very embodiment of what she wanted to be. She grinned from her place behind the rocks, rooting for her father as a sense of pride swelled within her.

But all that pride withered away when the nomu smashed his face into the ground.

Someone was screaming, and they wouldn’t stop, it was annoying her, so she covered her ears, which only made the screaming louder. Her face was wet. Blood? No… sweat? No… it was tears…

Then who was screaming? It didn’t match any of her classmates… in fact, it kind of sounded like her. Why was she screaming? That didn’t matter. Right now, she needed to act.

Wait… when did she start moving? Her sword was in hand and she was bringing it down. She was scared. She didn’t know what was going on, she cut down the nomu. Slicing off limb after limb. Why did it have so many limbs? She could have sworn it only had two…

She couldn’t think. All she could feel was rage. Chiaki had never felt this angry in her life. Not when Louise was being bullied, not when her dad made her move, not even when her and her mother was–

It was as if all the pain and anger she had ever felt in her life had snowballed into one emotion, whatever it may be. She was determined to not let anyone hurt the people she cared about ever again.

She was still screaming. Her throat felt raw. The screaming continued until she was covered in nomu blood. Or maybe it was her own blood? Her armor was painted crimson.

When she took a look around the bloody scene that surrounded her, the screaming finally stopped. Her sword hit the ground with a clink, and she began to sway unsteadily.

She heard someone call out her name.

Her vision blurred into a kaleidoscope of colors.

She was falling.

Was she dying?

No.. she was just… exhausted…

The last thing she sa before her eyes closed was the face of one of her classmates… his heterochromatic eyes widened with worry.

He solemnly swore to himself, that he’d protect her until the heroes arrived.

–-- Time Skip –--

Chiaki later awoke outside the USJ, despite seemingly to be injured heavily from the amount of blood covering her body, her classmates were relieved to find out that it wasn’t hers. Those who had witnessed her fight with the nomu respected her greatly for putting up a fight for so long. Others who had only heard her screaming, were put at ease when they found she was alright.

But all Chiaki wanted to know, was if her father was alive.

He was taken to a hospital, with no visitors allowed. He thankfully arrived a week later when school finally was re-opened.

And Chiaki showed up on the day, with a smile on her face as always.
