Leta Has Her Quads

Two days After Apolla Had her twins Leta Was waddling to her Fiancee's Cabin to spend time with her stepchildren when her water broke she after her water broke she went to her Parents Cabin because Demeter's cabin had children in it and She Wanted Her Mothers, Sister and Fiancee with her She prays to her Mothers and Demeter

Rosaline's pov

I was in Artemis and my temple Artemis was With the Hunters Our Godly children were with their Aunt Athena Learning History and About the Mortal Worlds when I hear Mama, I am In labor I need you Mama I instantly flashed to Leta's side

Artemis's Pov

I was with my hunters Rose was very understanding when I wanted to be with my Girls I was with them on a hunt when I hear Mom I am in labor I need you Please I instantly flashed to Leta's side I see my wife already Beside her We knew Demeter wouldn't be far behind us

Demeter's Pov

I was in my Temple in my office even though I wanted to be with my Fiancee who was carrying my four children Leta Insisted I get some work done I agree but not happily I hear my fiancee's Voice Love I am in labor Our Quads will be here soon I need you I instantly flashed to my fiancee's side

Leta's Pov

My mothers and Fiancee were by my side My sister Hurries in Mom began helping me give birth to my children A Girl, Boy, girl, boy were born few hours later they looked so beautiful Mom, Mama and my Sister left Demeter and I with our four beautiful children Demeter says "Darling What Shall Our four special children be named?" I smiled and answered "Kimberly Rose Meadows, Matthew Brian Meadows, Melina Pacifica Meadows and Brandon Demetrius Meadows" She smiles and agrees with their names

My Parents, Grandmothers and sister entered and We announced Their names everyone was happy for us then the fates showed up with smiles on their faces "The time has come for Princess Leta to know her future domains and we will tell you the domains of The Quads" Demeter takes my hand as we looked at the Fates They smiled "Kimberly Rose Meadows is the Future Goddess of Music and Souls, Matthew Brian Meadows is the Future god of Joy and Laughter, Melina Pacifica Meadows is the future goddess of Water and Clouds and Brandon Demetrius Meadows is the future god of Fields and Trees" All were important I loved their future domains I could see Demeter did too We didn't mind their domains weren't large but suitable the Fates smiled at me and say

"Princess Leta Rosalia Meadows You are the Future Goddess of Nature, Fate, Stars, Creation, Destinies and Mountains Our Mother Has Faded and has given You Her Job as the goddess of Fate Making you Our Future Mistress We listen to your Guidance no matter what" I was Shocked about my future domains Few hours later After I Had given birth to my quads Demeter was sleeping with the four While I laid in my bed Watching my Family sleep I closed my eyes when I see a bright flash it was Persephone she walks over and says "You love my mother right" I smiled and say "Yes Persephone I love your mother so much You do know your Newest half siblings I have given your mother will never replace you, You will always have a major place in her heart As her First born child ever No matter how many children your mother and I will Have they will never be your replacements Ever I promise You Persephone Your Mother will always love you" She smiles weakly "I admit I was worried you would Ruin my life and take my mother from me But I realize you have no intentions on stealing my mother From me I just wanted a confirmation that you wouldn't I am looking forward to our future because You are going to be my stepmother soon" I smiled and replied

"Yes I will be your stepmother soon Like I told your other half siblings I will love you equally You maybe decades older then me But You will be my stepdaughter I am not going to be like other stepmothers I plan on being a stepmother Like my step-grandmother Jessica She was an amazing stepmother to my Mama And I plan on being Just like that Persephone Just because your Mother moved on doesn't mean she loves you less she just needed something else like love" Persephone nods "I know Mom has been dwelling on the past she was angry at Hades for the longest time but since you came into her life she has stopped Blaming Hades for being lonely because she is no longer lonely" I smiled we talked more then she leaves to return to her husband I smiled watching my Fiancee

She wakes Up "Something Wrong Leta?" I shook my head

"Nothing Nothing at all Demeter Just happy"

She walks over to my big king bed and we fell asleep next together.

A/N: Enjoy. Sorry if there is any problems with the grammer. I am going through Something were some of My Memories from my childhood school and etc. are Blocked So If there is any problems Just don't read my story and don't come after me for the improper grammer Thank You.
