8. Privilges

Chapter Summary: Apollo sends a letter. You, apparently, have a stalker.

Waking up at dawn, a bit disoriented and more tired. The sun hadn't reached the sky, colours slowly painting over the dark blue sky, thinly stretched clouds with fading stars. You blinked tiredly at the window, groaning softly as your head pounded.

Suddenly remembering how I'd felt when you'd go over your magic limit - waking up the next morning to feel the very thing you represent. Pulling the covers over your head, you sighed loudly.

Finally deciding to get out of bed and change into— your eyes widen significantly, you phone instantly going off with notifications, buzzing loudly on your night stand - diving back into bed to reach over, you snatched up your phone and instantly turned it on. A loud squeal ripping through the silence.

"I never took you as a screamer." A familiar voice teased, leaning against the windowsill, his arms crossed over his chest with a slight smile. You tensed instantly, sitting up at stare at the male with eyes wide, mouth hung open in shock.

Despite it being modern times, Hermes still wore the classic white tunic: a chiton. Several gold accessories for decorations, an arm band, sandals with slowly flapping wings - you noticed he didn't have his hat either.

"What are you doing here, Hermes?" You ask, closing your mouth and slipped out of bed. Pocketing your phone and walked towards the God. He shrugged his shoulders, glancing around the room and stared at your weapon sticking out of the wall. An amused grin pasted on his thin lips.

"Doing what I do best. Sending letters to one supernatural to another." He shrugged, twirling the small golden staff in his hand. "Several Gods and Goddesses have written to you - since I can't exactly travel to the Underworld unless tied to work, I couldn't give it to you. Not to mention you were almost never there, and you move around a lot up here. It was hard finding you here in North America." He says, chuckling.

His golden locks shuffling as he shook his head. His eyes widening slightly and took a cautious step back, his hands raised to his shoulders. "But I can see that you're busy, so I'll just drop off the letters and be on my way - Oh! Apollo wrote to you recently, so I'd open that one first."

You sighed softly, taking a step back to give him his space as he rummaged through his satchel, taking out several letters with your name written in Ancient Greece.

Apollo's letter stood out the most with it having a small hue of yellow. "If you want to write back, you know how to summon me. See you later, little reaper!" Hermes grinned his goofy smile, successfully making you smile back before he opened the window, cloaked himself and jumped out, flying upwards then faster than light; left to west. Presumably back to Europe.

Looking through the letters, several from Zeus, some form Hera, others from Artemis, two from Ares, one from Eros and the recent one being Apollo.

Carelessly throwing the others on your bed, you sat down and ripped off the wax seal, fiddling with the Olympus symbol and flipped open the folded parchment.

To: Y/n. Location: ???
From: Apollo. Location: Greece, Mt. Olympus.

My Dear, Y/n.
I can't imagine how bored you are, working in the human realm like you do. I've been plagued by these thoughts of you recently. Nothing romantic, I swear. That's Eros' thing. Anyway, for the reason of my writing to you is that I pulled some strings and managed to get you some souls to collect. Heard from Mr. Hades that you've been recently moved. He or your father wouldn't say where, though.
I'm sure Hermes can find you with how fast he travels now.

Be well, Apollo.
Ps. Haven't forgiven you about the prank, I'll be waiting for your reply.

Your... relationship with Apollo was.. complicated. Moreso than with your mother (whom you have very limited knowledge about) but oh goddesses, Apollo meddling with your work was never a good thing.

Ignoring the updated 'to-die' list, you quickly shoved your phone into your pocket and opened a rip in the middle of your room, closing it instantly when you passed through, ignoring the wails, the screaming, and Cerberus' warning snarl as you trekked towards the palace looming over head, deciding to skip the formalities with other reaper in the association and head straight to your father.

"Apollo!" You shouted, your eyes flashing and your skin disappearing - bones replaced the soft layer as you glared at your father. Muttering under his breath before pushing away the ink bottle and put the pen down. Intertwining his fingers together and looked up. Tiring green eyes looking back at you.

"Hello, I didn't know you would be visiting so soon." He said, brushing off your outburst. His eyes trailed down, a sigh coming from him as he leaned back, rubbing a bony hand through his hair and sighed once more. "He offered. I figured if it went well, the two of you can grow closer."

"He pushed me off a cliff!" You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. A low growl ripping through your (currently) non existent throat. "May I remind you that-"

"that he convinced the whole village that you were a witch. Burning you on a pole." He cut you off, waving his hand in the air dismissively. "You aren't so innocent either. You touched several instruments, tampered with said instruments, convinced Artemis that he actually hated her... need I go on?"

Pursing your lips in denied silence. A long huff coming from you as you plopped down on the chair, crossing your arms over your chest in a pout. "Ok. Fine. Artemis was, and is, gullible."

Your father shook his head, opening another rip to your house and gestures with his chin. "Go back, Hades might catch a wind of you returning early."

"...If Apollo shows up in the human realm, I'm going to throw him off a cliff, or run him over. Whichever hurts more." You took a step through the rip, glaring up at your ceiling and pointed. "Do you hear me!? I'll run you over, if you come close to me!"

"Threatening a God won't do you good, Y/n." Your father shook his head, a soft smile on his lips. Your bones disappeared underneath the layer of skin, your anger slowly drifting off as you shrug your shoulders, balling your fists and made motions to punch him.

"Fight me."

"I'm terribly busy, farewell." You father said, closing the rip without another word although you did see a slight malicious grin.

Running your hand through your hair, you sighed deeply and went to the attic. Taking out the bottles ink, quill, and a piece of parchment. Pulling the chair out of the desk, you sat down and hovered over the parchment.

To: Apollo. Location: Greece, Mt. Olympus
From: Y/N. Location: Canada, British Columbia.

Dear Apollo.
I didn't ask for any favours from you, I'd appreciate it if you didn't try wiggling your way into my workplace. Yeah, I moved areas - Canada's a beautiful country. There is so much wooden areas, the air smells fresh, and the people - ... they're okay, I guess. Mortals are difficult creatures to please.

Have you heard about the recent news? There are monsters now roaming this part of the world, not sure about our homeland and the western countries. I've only been meeting with limited few for a day or three.

Be fair, Y/n.
Ps. Grow up, we were children. You were the one to initiate it.

Folding up the parchment, sealing up the ink and pushed it and the quill back. Heating up the wax and sealing the parchment. Turning it over and wrote Apollo's name in the middle with the same writing and ancient words. Clicking your tongue, you stood up and stretched your arms over your head.

Taking out your phone, you paused at the empty pocket. Blinking twice and scowled loudly. Quickly drawing the star alignment for Hermes, you hung it up on the window, grabbing a special match box from the metal cabinet - the parchment burst in golden flames.

As fast as it came, it was gone the next second. Swiping the letter from the desk, you threw the matchbox back into the file cabinet and shut it. Walking down the stairs back into your room. Picked up the other letters and walked into the living room.

"That was quick." You say, voice flat and bored at Hermes, who sat on your couch, the wings flapping a bit faster, his hands intertwined behind his head and his feet kicked up.

"Never left." Hermes chuckled, glancing over his shoulder to the window. The sun was now out, giving life to everything it touched. "Your declaration to Apollo was amusing - he can't hear you though."

"which is why you're worth something." You say, spreading the letters on the coffee table and handed him your written letter. Your symboled of wax seal being a simple skull with your initial behind it.

He took it from your hand, examining the tiring with a curl of his lips. "I'm hurt, LR. I'm the god of many things."

"which is irrelevant here.. with the amount of Greek people." You say, sitting on the far end, pulling your knees to your chest.

"Do you hear that? It's the sound of my heart breaking." Hermes frowned, his hand pressed over his chest. You simply rolled your eyes and outstretched your hand.

Hermes perked up and took your hand, intertwining your fingers together. Wrinkling your nose, you wiggle your hand out of his hand and huffed. "I meant my phone. I know you took it."

Hermes frowned again, sighed loudly and took out your phone from his satchel. Dropping it in your awaiting palm.

"Alright. I'll leave so you can work - I'll go give this to Apollo as quick as I can. See you soon, LR." Hermes smiled, winked then cloaked himself before flying out your door.

Finally alone, you switched from you human form to your reaper form. The light chill of cold nipping against your bones made your shiver, making your bones rattle slightly against your cloak. Taking out your phone (you cursed when you forgot to give Hermes your number) and scrolled through the list: choosing to get the youngest kid the bunch before gradually making your way to the eldest.

Before you could summon your scythe, the doorbell rang throughout your house. Another shiver crawled up your spine as your form shifted back to human, muttering softly under your breath as you pocketed your phone and opened the door. A soft smile curling your lips as you pushed open the door and gestured the two inside.

"Isn't too early to be out and about?" you ask the two, following them to your kitchen. Atlas, the usual excitable monster, looked tired and ready to keel over and sleep. Ares had already fallen asleep on the chair, leaning onto the table with his arms crossed and forehead resting on his arms.

"Is It?" Atlas whispered, checking the time with a slight frown. "It Is. I Apologize If We Woke You Up."

Quickly shaking your head, you rolled on the balls of your feet. "Don't apologize. You two can rest here while I... go do some things." You say, pausing for a moment to think of a better term than 'collecting and leading souls to the underworld'.

Atlas blinked softly, rubbing his face and nodded. You frowned softly.

"Not to be rude-" Ares snorted, making you glare at his (supposedly) sleeping figure. "But what are you two doing here?"

Atlas looked nervous, avoiding your gaze before sighing in defeat. Ares sat up, leaning against the chair with his hands balled in his pockets. His expression tight.

"There Was... An Argument Last Night. The Others Wanted To Meet You Too But I Said You Wouldn't Like that - And That You Seemed To Not Like Them Either."

"They were fighting about me?" you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest and shifted your weight to your right leg. Eyes glaring over to the direction of their house.

"stupid, i know." Ares grumbled, growling softly as he harshly picked at his messed up eye socket. Mumbling under his breath - he seemed unstable, ready to snap if anyone touched him.

Pursing your lips into a thin line, you looked over at Atlas. "Well, you can spend your free time here. I haven't known the two of you long but you two seem trustworthy." You say, turning around and rummage through the drawers. Searching for extra keys that you threw into it - wasn't exactly sure if you'd ever trust anyone enough with it.

Finding the keys with a triumph 'Ah-ha!' and placed it on the counter, sliding one to Atlas and tossed the other to Ares. "My only condition is that you don't bring anyone over. There is a lot of relics and valuables in this house that I cannot lose."

Ares stared at the copied key, sockets blinking before slowly bringing it over. Examining the small rust, the curves and edges before shrugging his shoulders. "imma forget, so m'bro will keep his." he says, sliding the key over to you and stood up, walking to the living room without a second work - a man of few words, he was.

You raised your eyebrow and glanced at Atlas questionably.

"THERE IS.. SOME REASONS WHY WE LOOK LIKE WE DO." He said suddenly, shifting back to his loud voice. He grabbed and pocketed the key with a soft smile. "WE WERE SUBJUGATED TO MULTIPLE TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCES. . . I Do Not Think Ares Or Myself Is Ready To Say Anything About it-"

"it's fine, you don't have to explain your experiences to me. Not when we barely know each other. Go at your own pace, yenno." You say, walking to the living room with Atlas closely on your heel - completely unaware of the fond look over his sockets.

Spotting Ares on the couch, holding several letters in his hand, looking through each and every one with his brows furrowed. Trying to read the ancient text.

You shrugged your shoulders at his questioning glance, eyeing the wax symbol and handed it you. Taking it from his hand, you easily popped off the wax from the paper and unfolded it - It was a letter written from - ironically - Ares.

Stiffling your laughter, you scanned the context, frowning softly at the date written at the bottom along with his 'see you soon'.

"wut it say?" Ares asked, leaning over to look at the ancient texts. His brow furrowing lightly - trying to recall the letters as if he had seen them before. Have he? Did he forget again? Reaching up to his pocket, he painfully tugged at it, scratching the edges to bring himself back to reality.

You frowned at this, watching from the corner of your eye as Atlas sat down, meekly reaching over to examining the other letters you put down in favour of Ares'.

"It's just the usual 'what are you doing', 'how are you?', 'are you going to visit?' type of questions you'd get from an old friend." You say, brushing off his confused look. They had their secrets, you had yours. Enough said.

Gathering the letters into a small pile, you placed them underneath the tv, letting them sit in the rising sunlight as you turned and shoved your hands into your pants pockets - still wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday and the day before that.

"I have work to go too, you can stay if you'd like. I'll probably come back around lunch hour to eat then head out again... at least until 10 this evening." Using your powers today are going to be tight. You'd have to make sure to avoid adventurous and wanderer's souls and save them for the next few days until your magic supply replenishes.

Ares nodded softly, leaning against your shoulder with his eyes tightly shut; already drifting asleep. You stifled your laughter, slowly bringing him to lay down while you slipped underneath him. Standing up, you glanced over at Atlas - you paused. He looked troubled.

Before you could ask what's bothering him, you phone's ringtone goes off from your room. Startling the three of you in high alert - you and Ares ready to fight off anything deemed as a threat.

luckily, you quickly realized the sound was your phone, and instantly cut off the magic attempting to form in your hand.

Feeling dead tired once more, you frowned softly - how long did you sleep? Why did it feel like you.. you never went to bed?

"Nap?" you ask the two, feeling the weight of your body being pushed to the ground. With buckling knees, you quickly sat down on the couch. Atlas gave you a look, Ares chuckled and sunk deeper into the couch.

"DON'T ENCOURAGE ARES WITH HIS LAZY HABITS, TINY Y/N!" Atlas chaises. You giggled tiredly, yawning loudly into your hand.

"m'sorry, At." Just a few hours. You can give mortals a few hours of life with their loved ones. . .

Ares shifted, hesitantly bringing your head to rest on his shoulders - he was tensed, he knew it, but you still shifted positions to get comfortable against him. Usually, Ares would be hellbent on not contact' rule but honestly? Who could give a fuck if they had a personal heater curling up next to them? Surely not him, he'd be stupid (like baby blue and idiot classic) to even think of rejecting a heated thing.

A few hours later

Hermes returned in the middle of your nap, saw that you had company and disguised himself as a mortal mailman, slipping your letter in the mail slot and knocked once before leaving in a flash of light.

Atlas had to wake you up but due to that lunch had rolled in and that you had a new mail from the same ancient text. You hastily explained that it was private and that, no matter what, if you wanted to translate for them, it would still come out the same. After eating Atlas' lunch(thank the GODDESSES it had taste! You cried.), saying your goodbyes, got on your motorcycle and drove off. Parking it in a secluded area, took the keys and switched from human to reaper form. Willing your dual blades back into your palms and started to work - the youngest first... which was often in the hospital; which lead to now. . .

You huffed in annoyance. Sobbing and a damp atmosphere souring your mood. Suddenly being overwhelmed on why you hated working on a hospital - it was the sole reason why you finished the hospital first before going off to accidents on the streets, mugging gone wrong, and actual murders.

Something about hospitals rubbed you the wrong way - why would one want to delay a person's death? That is just pushing away a new chance at life.

although, it might be a biased opinion because you literally can't die. Head chopped off? Cool okay, underworld you go. Burned at a stake? Amazing, new uniform! Drowned at sea? Oh, well at least you can swim with dead souls for an hour or so.

Humans were.. interesting with their empathy and emotions - sure you can feel them but it isn't as strong as humans. It's there and that's all it'll ever be, as sad as it may sound.

You perked up at a sound - see! This was why you hated working at hospitals, it bought your mood down.

Someone's shouting rang throughout the hallway, cursing and demanding better hospitality.

You rolled your eyes - or what was left of it, roaming around the hospital with your dual blades strapped to your side, a large cloak hiding your bones - easily passing through people without being detected the slightest.

'Use your magic wisely.' Your father scolded, sharp jawline tensed and large brows furrowed. 'The human realm is filled with unpredictability. You'll never know when someone is in need of guidance to the afterlife.'

Sighing once more, you flipped through the parchment. Listing off names you had finished evaluating - children souls were young and filled with life, ready to spread their wings only to fall back into sickness. You cringed softly, ignoring the growls and curses from the room you passed, keeping your head low - soft clicks of your boots the only sound you can hear over the distant beeping.

The room you passed became silent - not that you were paying attention, calibrations and calculations running a mile in your head to even pay attention to some poor sap demanding respect.

"hol'up, babycakes." A gruff, Brooklyn-sounding voice demanded behind you. You mind instantly blanked, schematics vanishing in the air as you turned around - the hood called off your exposed skull at the sudden movement.

You glanced forward, confusion nipping at every exposed bone in your body. The parchment of names vanishing up in green smoke as you turned back to the monster and pointed at your chest. "Me?"

The skeleton monster snorted, sockets narrowed suspiciously. "i don see anybody else."

"....you can see me?" You ask, your own sockets widening in surprise. Your hand flying to your mouth. Eye lights scanning the tiled floor with your mind running a mile. "That's odd. Although it may be because of the amount of magic I used yesterday." you mutter, completely unaware of a second skeleton monster appearing from the room and behind the shorter skeleton.

"ANOTHER ONE?" He said, successfully cutting through your inner monologue. Unlike the shorter one, this skeleton's voice was loud and scratchy, kind of rumbling if you stood close enough. You narrowed your sockets, shifting uncomfortably at his scrutinizing gaze.

Shaking your head, you straightened up. Glaring back with the same heat. A low growl ripping through the air as he rose his brow. "You have a problem with me?"

"DEPENDS ON YOUR ANSWER." he said, adjusting the leather jacket around his shoulders - his hand was wrapped up in gauze, taped down with medical tape - he also wore black ripped jeans, a belt with a gold buckle, and a simple white shirt. Unlike the shorter one who wore a jacket, yellow-gold faux fur along the hood, a blood red turtle next with a collar wrapped snug around his neck, shorts that went little over his knees with two yellow-gold stripes on the sides. His sharp grin was tight, zigzagging with a single gold tooth glinting in the hospital light.

They... kind of looked like Ares and Atlas.

"Huh." You shrug your shoulders. turning on your heel and began walking away. "I'm pretty busy, sooo... bye."

A harsh tug pulled at your chest, stopping you from walking any further (much to your annoyance). It felt like heavy weights were placed upon your shoulders and you had little feeling from the neck down.

"i said hol'up, dollface. were ya ripped out as well?" the skeleton asked, turning you around to face them. Your gaze went to the camera, glaring at it then down to the two monsters in front of you.

"I guess? I just got here."

"yer new, then." Ares look-a-like said, the blaze in his socket disappearing along with the sudden weight. You blinked twice, wiggling your arms for measure and furrowed lightly.

"Yeah? Nice to meet you too." You say with a bit of bite in your tone.

"...." The two said nothing. Red eyelights carefully examining you - with the way their shoulders were squared, you'd guess that they were waiting for something. The question was what were they waiting for?

fiddling the the handle of your blade, you took a step back. "Like I said, I'm busy. I have no idea how you can see me but I'd rather not stand around and find out how or why."

"WAIT." Atlas' doppelgänger shouted. "YOU WILL NOT MENTION THIS TO ANYONE. AM I CLEAR?" He demanded. His permanent-glare fixated on you.

"On Hermes' lifespans." You say, tapping your chin. "As long as you don't mention of this encounter, either."

"deal." Ares' doppelgänger cut in quickly. Red sweat littering his skull as he glanced around - his eyelights stopping at the security camera momentarily, he cursed. Looking back up at the tall one. "we gotta go, boss."

"LETS." 'Boss' said without breaking eye contact, lifted his hand and placed it on the.. employee's? shoulder - a white flash made you shut your sockets, blinded for a split second before your sight came back and the two were no longer seen anywhere.

Shrugging off the encounter of mysterious monsters, your turned your heel and continued you way towards your original destination.

Completely ignorant about the male standing at the end of the hall. A slight smirk playing on his lips as he swiftly followed you, making sure to keep himself off your mental radar.

Soft sobs and pleads could be heard, everything washed away in a blur as you pulled up your hood, hiding your face.

Examining the room in silence, you softly closed the door behind you, locking it. The action wasn't noticed by the parents in the room, too busy grieving over their daughter on her deathbed.

Looking up at the ticking clock, you inhaled softly - your sockets closing. Time seemed to slow down, their sobs were drawn out, the beeping was slow just as her breathing. You remained untouched, moving over to the vacant side of the bed and lightly pressed your fingertips on the girl's forehead.

The young preteen shivered as you leaned down, and lightly kissed over where your fingers pressed - in a swift motion, her cinematic record piped out, flashing over her wide eyes; watching her life flash before her eyes.

From taking her first few breaths as a newborn, to learning how to ride a bike, to discovering her sickness, down to her life being strapped to a machine. You narrows your eyes, grabbing a hold of her record - successfully halting its movements as you brought the strip closer to your face.

little girl, possibly five years old. Covering underneath her bed, mouth tightly covered by her small hands, tears streaming down her face, desperation drawn on her face. Woman, twenty-nine, screaming at a male, sixteen.

Another male comes, twenty-eight, slams woman into a wall, he screams, shouts. Little girl falls asleep under her bed.

Her life coming like flashes from scene to scene in your eyes, making you blink rapidly and lightly shake your head. Hesitantly letting go of the cinematic record, letting it resume to scrolling by until it drawn a blank to her most recent memory.

Grabbing your blade, you sliced at it; cutting away the life she was meant to have, far from her reach. Inhaling through your nose, you lightly touched her forehead; where you kissed her, and watched as time resumed - the shocked sobs cut off in silence as the heart monitor zeroed out, a long flatline followed by screams from her mother.

Unlocking the doors just as the doctors rushed in, attempting to save the young preteen. It nearly made your chuckle - her life had been sucked away to be reincarnated or forever in embrace. A hand touched yours, it was warm and soft and as you looked down, you smiled at the young girl - her eyes wide as she watched the doctors attempt CPR on her unconscious body, her mother screaming and wailing at the top of her lungs.

"...Is that me?" The girl, Martha, asked. Her hold tightening around your hand. Tears welling up in her brown eyes.

"Unfortunately so." You say. Lightly tugging her hand to your direction.

"Then.. who are you?" She gasped softly. "Are you my guardian angel?"

You giggled at her child-like wonder. The pure surprise and joy in her eyes shined brighter as you guided her through the hospital hallway. "You could say that." You say, pulling back your hood - your (colour) hair tied out of your face. Soft skin replacing the bones, your vibrant (colour) eyes matching hers.

The preteen awe'd. "You're so pretty. Mama always said our angels were beautiful.... Does this mean you'll be taking me to heaven? Will I see my dog Junior?" She asked one after the other, her hold on your hand tightening after each word. Her gaze lowering to the floor and her voice becoming somber.

"Sure, whatever you like." You say, taking out a blade and swiped the air in front of you. Clouds upon clouds appearing in front of a blue sky, stars lightly dotting the blue like freckles on her nose and cheeks. "I'm sure your sister is excited to see you, too."

Martha puffed her cheeks. "I'm more excited about Junior."

You laughed, guiding her through the clouds - it was much more different than Olympus' version of safe haven, but this girl believed in God. You weren't going to tear that beliefs away.

"Animals are amazing, no?" You chuckle, covering your bottom lip with your vacant hand. Nearing the infamous gates - a male and woman stood in front of it, a pillar in between with a thick book laid open.

Stopping your tracks, you knelt before Martha. Placing you hands on your shoulders and pointed over the two beings. "These two will show you the way to your sister and animal. You're in good hands."

Martha looked hesitant. A scrunch in between her brows as she looked over at the two figures then back at you. "...I'm scared." She whispered.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. You're safe, and will forever be."

Martha slowly nodded her head, letting go of your hand and began walking towards the two figures. When she looked back, she saw you walking away with your hood over your face.

A single swipe of your blade and you returned to the mortal realm.


Checking out names after names, leading the souls of the dead towards their destination. Soothing anyone who broke down at the sight of their bodies on their deathbeds - some were not so fortunate to be surrounded by loved ones.

An inkling feeling nipped at the back of your neck, though. Like you were being followed to every mortal you helped pass - like someone was already there before you arrived.

At first you thought about those skeletons (you had a hunch they lived across the street) and the possibility of them following you everywhere. But when you'd check, you didn't see or feel anything that resembled their magic.

The Inkling feeling only grew with more people you helped - you swore you saw the same vehicle more than three times at an incident.

Parking your motorcycle in the driveway, you sighed and slipped off the helmet. Holding it to your side as you shut off the engine and kicked the peg.

It's impossible that the two followed you - they wouldn't know where you were going the first time - which meant someone knew about your operation.

Opening the door to your house, you were immediately smacked in the face by an incredible smell. Mouth began to drool as you carelessly kicked off your shoes, dropped your helmet and made a beeline towards the kitchen. Heart beating rapidly in your chest as you rounded the corner and nearly cried for the second time today.

"Sweet Persephone, bless you!" You shouted, staring in awe at the table. A large glass pan filled to the brim with mouth-watering lasagna along side several breadsticks.

Atlas flinched at your loud tone, catching the bottle of wine from smashing and staining your tiled floor. "YOU'RE BACK!"

"and on time, too." Ares spoke from his seat. He relaxed and sunk deeper, his hand that was scratching his socket lowered - was.. was he worried about you?


You waved your hand. "That kitchen is officially yours - my only condition is that I get to eat too, okay?"

Atlas - bless him - had the widest smile you've ever seen. His sockets squinting from his grin, petite tears gathering in them as he quickly placed the bottle down, took large steps towards you and pulled you into a tight hug. "DEAL, A MILLION STARS, DEAL!"

That inkling feeling was back.
