Chapter 13

Evelyn's POV

I wake up to someone's nudging me.

"Evelyn, wake up, sweetie," a soft voice said. I rub my eyes and see Maggie shaking my knee.

"What is it?" I ask, grabbing my gun, being prepared for anything.

"Nothing bad. The car has no more gas. We have to walk now," she explained.

"Oh, okay," I nod, getting out of the car. The moment I step out of the car, my legs feel weak from being cramped up in a car for hours. And, with an injured leg, it make me feel even weaker. I loose my balance and fall down.

"Ouch, damn it!" I hiss to myself. Carl walks over and helps me up. He turns around and I jump on his back.

"Thanks," I say.

"No problem," he responds. Pandora and Milly are on either side of Maggie and Carl and I are trailing behind. After about a half hour, we come across a map labeled 'Terminus'. Maggie walks to the sign and looks at it. She spots a nearby walker and puts her bag down. She stabs it in the head. As the corpse collapses to the ground, Maggie bends down and slices the stomach open. She dipped her hand in it like it was finger paint and begins to write on the map. The four of us exchanged confused looks. When she was finished, she wipes the blood off her hands and backs away from the map. It read something about if Glenn was still alive, go to Terminus. Reading that message made me frown. Maggie really missed Glenn, which made me miss Daryl even more. I try to be strong and not cry. And I didn't. Maggie sighs and grabs her bag.

"Come on kids. Looks like we're going to 'Terminus'," she said. We nodded and continued to walk.

Daryl's POV

The Governor attacked us. Killed Hershel. Maggie and Beth didn't even notice. That attack separated the group. It separated Evie and I. Just like three years ago.


"Evie! We gotta get outta here now!" I screamed over the moans and snarls of walkers.

"Daryl! Where are you?!" She yelled back. We were trapped in our house that were full of our dead relatives. Our parents, Aunt Samantha, Uncle Bobby, and our cousin, Tommy. I quickly got out my crossbow and shot all of them dead. Tears threatened to leave my eyes as each of the corpses collapsed to the ground. As the last one was killed, I look around the room for Evie. Gone. Nowhere to be found. Merle was behind me. This was before his hand got chopped off and before we met Rick and the group. He shrugged his shoulders.

"EVELYN!" I shout. Silence. My little sister. Gone. A tear rolls down my cheek.

"She's dead," I whisper.

Flashback over

That day changed my life. Everyday I would look for her. I thought she was dead but in my heart I had a feeling she was still out there somewhere. And she was. I look to the ground and sigh.

"Are you okay?" Beth asks. Oh, yeah. Beth is with me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I grumble. She rolls her eyes. Yeah, yeah, I get it Beth. You don't want me being a bitch to you. We continue to walk until we find shelter. We find a house and get settled.

I hope she's alive.

Hi everyone! Sorry for the short chapter. Didn't wanna give any spoilers or anything like that. But enjoy! Please consider giving this chapter a comment or vote, it would really mean a lot. But thank you!
