
Goro has entered the Private Chat with Ichigo

Goro: Ichigo....I have somethng to tell you....

Ichigo: I love you too!

Goro: No, Im gay.

Ichigo: ...Oh...Relatable...

Goro has changed his name to BestBoy

BestBoy: Jk I love you but if your with Ikuno thats fine...

ZoromeTheGreat: Friendzoned

Darling: Leave them alone.

Sugar Thief: You gave me back my dArLiNg  :DDDDDDD

Darling: Oh no

ZoromeTheGreat: is that a jOjO reference?

Miku: I swear I'm going to kill you if it's the last thing I do

Goro: I just wanted to confess....
