chapter 23

A while after the Yin and Yang adventure, Atticus saw that Experiment 513 was activated and this one caused earthquakes.

"Uh-oh, looks like this one will be a big challenge." Atticus said.

"You're not kidding." Cherry agreed once she caught a look at the newest experiment on the Hawaiian Islands.

"We better get going then." Patch said.

"Which experiment is next?" Darla asked.

"Experiment 513," Mo told her. "This one makes earthquakes."

"Oh, my..." Darla looked nervous.

"We better get to Hawaii." Atticus said.

The others agreed and they went away to face the newest experiment in Hawaii and with just a teleportation spell, they were instantly there.

Lilo and the others were with Nani as she was at work and was cleaning up so she could impress her newest boss. Atticus and the others soon arrived. Elena was telling the others about what had happened to her after the last experiment hunt and how her mother agreed to keep Yin and Yang as long as they would be kept under control.

"That's wonderful, Elena." Teresa smiled as she had black sunglasses on.

"Why are you wearing sunglasses today, Teresa?" Darla asked as she showed up.

"Darla!" the girls beamed to her and ran over to hug her.

Darla laughed as she hugged them right back.

"Is there another experiment being activated?" Yuki smiled.

"Uh, yeah, let's just say if there's a lot of shaking, you'll know where to find it." Darla smiled nervously, trying not to give too much away about the experiment so it might frighten them.

"Okay." Lilo said.

"Now, Teresa, why are you wearing sunglasses?" Darla asked as she took them off.

"No, don't!" Teresa cried out, but it was too late, and the girl had a bruise on her left eye.

This caused for the girls to gasp at what they saw. Teresa covered her eyes and looked nervous.

"Teresa...?" Darla asked.

"I ran into a door..." Teresa replied and then rubbed her arm. "And then I fell down the stairs."

"Teresa, you can tell us the truth." Darla said.

"No, I can't..." Teresa whispered.

"It's okay, Mom said it would be fine." Elena said.

"Your mom knows?!" Teresa sounded terrified now.

"Yes and she suggested to your mom that she should get a divorce with your dad." Elena said.

Teresa looked anxious again about her father being told all around the island which made her very worried.

"Teresa, it's okay, we're your friends, we're here for you," Lilo soothed. "Besides, I'm sure Cobra can maybe help you and your mom, he may be big and tough, but he's actually pretty cool once you get to know him."

"Yeah." Darla agreed.

"I... I don't know..." Teresa said nervously.

Before anything else could be said or done, David and Nani came over which made Teresa put her sunglasses back on. Nani came to see her new boss as it looked like it was a mess in the shack accidentally caused by Lilo and Stitch.

"Do we even need to know how this happened?" Atticus asked.

"I don't care how it started, but I'd like it to be cleaned up." Nani sighed.

"We'll get it cleaned." Mo said.

Stitch put up an oxygen tank while Lilo took a look at shattered goggles. Cherry took the tank from Stitch until it flew all around with her stuck onto it and she crashed into the wall as the tank fell to the floor and she slowly slid down herself.

"Wow." Yuki said.

Cherry then shook her head and popped out a tooth. "Aw, I chipped a tooth!"

Atticus soon secretly used his magic and where a new tooth appeared in Cherry's mouth. He then smiled cheekily while Cherry glanced to him once she felt a new tooth grow in her mouth.

"At least it can't get worse." Mo said.

"Okay, why don't we just go home so we don't cause Nani any more trouble?" Yuki suggested.

"Agreed." Elena said.

Stitch took his orange ball as Lilo talked with him. The others then stopped dead in their tracks as they saw Gantu talking with some people and asking them if they've noticed anything unusual, but he was obviously referring to the experiment on the loose.

"There was a weird earthquake here earlier before you guys came, is that what the experiment does?" Lilo asked Cherry, Atticus, Mo, Patch, and Darla.

"Yes." Atticus nodded.

"It just shakes things?" Lilo asked.

"Yeah." Darla nodded.

"A little more extreme than that though." Atticus smiled nervously.

"Yeah." Patch nodded.

"Very dangerous." Mo included.

"Then let's find it." Teresa said.

"Come on, gang." Darla said.

They soon went off to find the new experiment.

They came into the forest first as many experiments seemed to go there first as they were first activated on Earth. Soon enough, they found a purple experiment with a large flat tail and had four legs.

"Kinda looks like a triceratops." Darla said which at the mention of dinosaurs seemed to scar Cherry and Atticus.

"Nah, it more looks like an ankylosaurus." Elena said.

Cherry and Atticus looked terrified.

"Um, are you guys okay?" Darla asked.

"No more dinosaurs..." Cherry begged. "For the love of all that is holy, no more dinosaurs!"

"Why are you guys scared of dinosaurs?" Teresa asked.

"It's a long story..." Atticus said. "Let's just get Experiment 513."

"Let's call him Richter." Teresa said.

The others then glanced at her.

"You know, like the Richter scale..." Teresa explained before sighing. "It measures earthquakes and tremors in the tri-state area!"

"Ohhh,..." the others said then.

"Amateurs..." Teresa sighed.

"Nerd." Cherry whispered to herself.

Atticus nudged her which made her flinch and hold her arm in slight pain.

"Let's get 'em, guys!" Lilo said.

Stitch then took the lead as he held his plasma gun right in front of his cousin.

"Hold it right there, Shakey Guy!" Darla glared.

Experiment 513 lifted his tail and made it hit the ground which made the whole area rumble and knock them down.

"Looks like this one really does like to shake things up." Mo said.

"Was that supposed to be a joke?" Cherry glanced at her.

"Maybe..." Mo said.

Cherry rolled her eyes. "Haha..."

"One of us has got to grab his tail." Atticus said.

"Cherry, you do it." Patch said.

"Why me?!" Cherry's eyes widened.

"Maybe he'll go easy on you." Patch replied.

"Out of the way!" Gantu barged through with a sub sandwich. "This abomination is mine!"

"I'll handle him." Atticus said.

"Go right ahead." Yuki allowed.

Atticus soon rushed to Richter. Richter squealed like a pig and ran away from Atticus and hid in some rocks.

"Come on out of there, I'm not going to hurt you." Atticus said.

Richter snorted to him and raised his tail.

"Don't you dare." Atticus glared.

Ricther ignored that and slammed his tail on the ground. Atticus only slightly wobbled from the shaking due to the experiment's strengths. Richter seemed rather impressed with how Atticus didn't fall from the impact and wanted to have some fun with him.

"Okay, you've had your fun, now it's time for you to turn from bad to good..." Atticus said nervously.

Richter grinned and then tried again.

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT--" Atticus tried to stop him.

Richter then slammed his tail again.

"It..." Atticus groaned.

And where this shaking caused for Gantu to wobble and fall.

"Stop that!" Atticus scolded Ritcher.

Richter looked like he wanted to have some more fun and where he wanted to have fun with Atticus.

"Okay, that's it." Atticus glared.

Richter laughed as he caused mayhem on the island. Atticus soon grabbed the dinosaur-like experiment and lifted it off the ground. Richter pouted to that.

"Sorry, little guy, but we need to turn you from bad to good and find the one place you truly belong." Atticus said.

Richter looked up at him, very interested in what he said.

"Okay, now let's go easy..." Atticus said as he carried Richter in his arms and set him down on the ground.

Richter looked up and all around himself. The girls watched carefully and so far, Richter did not attack. Gantu then came back which startled the experiment, so he lifted and whacked his tail on the ground again and ran off after making cracks on the ground.

"Richter, come back!" Atticus called out. He went after the startled experiment even if it meant leaving the others in the dust.

"Way to go, Fish Face, we almost had him and you just had to scare him!" Cherry glared up at Gantu.

"Hey! That abomination was about to be mine!" Gantu glared back.

"Sorry, but you just can't win!" Cherry replied. "We take the experiments, name them, turn them from bad to good, and find their one true place! You'll never get an experiment now and you never will!"

"Oh, yes, I will!" Gantu glared.

Cherry blew a raspberry and ran after the others.

Atticus kept looking for the experiment, then saw a bunch of rocks bunched up and heard muffled voices. "Guys...?" he then looked over to the rocks.

Cherry followed after and saw the rock pile. "They must be crushed."

"We're okay." Darla said.

"I'll help them out." Atticus cracked his knuckles.

"Alright." Cherry shrugged.

Atticus then went right to work to free the others from the rock pile. As soon as all the rocks were gone, there was a shaking that made Cherry and Atticus fall into the hole with the others which had to mean that Richter was down there with them.

"Richter, please stop!" Yuki begged.

"Now where did he go?" Mo groaned.

Lilo turned on her flashlight and followd Richter as he crawled on the ceiling. "There he is!"

Stitch then tried to shoot his cousin with his plasma gun.

"Stitch! Stop!" Atticus told him as he made his way to the dinosaur-like experiment.

"And there he goes." Lilo sighed.

Stitch jumped on his cousin's back which made Richter bounce all around, trying to shake him off.

Atticus soon used his magic and where he appeared in front of Richter and where he soon used his magic to get Stitch off the dinosaur experiment so he could calm him down. "Richter, stop this!" he begged.

Stitch decided to help the others out while Atticus would handle the purple dinosaur-like experiment.

Richter was about to slam his tail on the ground again until he was surprised by what Atticus did next he gave the purple dinosaur-like experiment a hug while soothing him.

"It's okay, we're not going to hurt you; we just want you to be good, no one is ever going to hurt you, I promise." Atticus soothed.

Richter wiggled slightly in the hug, but soon stopped.

"I truly promise that no one will ever hurt you." Atticus promised.

Richter looked into his eyes and he saw nothing but the truth.

"Is it working?" Mo came up behind Atticus.

"I think so." Atticus said as he hugged Richter in his arms.

"Whew! That's a relief." Darla replied.

Atticus then let go of Richter. "Okay... What are you going to do now, buddy?"

"Um... I don't know, all I know is that I can make the ground shake and make earthquakes." Richter shrugged in alien language.

"Hmm... How can we put that into good use?" Atticus pondered the situation.

"How can we make quakes into a good thing?" Patch pondered.

"Lilo, do you have any ideas?" Darla asked.

"Hmm..." Lilo tried to think. She then thought of one thing that they could use Richter's ability for good. "The Rental Shack could use some good use with their milkshakes."

"Milkshakes?" the others asked.

"I like the sound of that." Richter smiled in alien language.

"Okay, Richter's going to be making milkshakes!" Atticus announced to the others which made them cheer for the purple dinosaur experiment.

Atticus soon heard something snap and turned to see Gantu was going to shoot the experiment so he could capture it and where the strong Wiccan wasn't about to let that happen.

"Gantu, go away." Cherry glared.

"You may be threatening for an Earth creature, but you can't stop me." Gantu glared back to her.

"We may not be able to stop you, but they can." Darla smirked as she pointed to Atticus, Patch, Richter, and Stitch.

Gantu started to get nervous now. Richter grinned darkly with Patch and Atticus. Stitch decided to let the others handle this one.

"Now, now, now, boys, let's talk this over." Gantu smiled nervously.

"Poor 625, he'll miss you so.." Cherry playfully sighed.

"Yeah." Mo added playfully.

Gantu was nervous, so he started to run which only made Atticus, Patch, and Richter chase him and where he wouldn't get too far as Atticus flew. Yuki seemed to admire Atticus's fighting skills. Little did she know, her destiny would contain fighting in the future. After the others left and Richter was going to make milkshakes at the Rental Shack, the others went back home and that was another experiment done and taken care of.
