
So it's almost been 5 years since I've dropped out of high school and decided to homeschool myself now here's how I dropped out of high school and deciding to homeschool myself

For starters I was 18 years old and was midway in 12th grade when this happened so for some strange reason I kept on freezing up and not going up the stairs from the cafeteria to the classroom I just kept freezing up and go sit down at one of the cafeteria tables minding my own business

It's been happening for I think a few days until that day happened as I was sitting in the cafeteria like I did for a few days one of the security guards decided to get me to class I remember I asked even begged the school staff for a compromise and they said no and would call my mom getting me in trouble and the way the security guard tried to get me to the classroom was he grabbed my backpack and started to drag me to the classroom

I escaped from his grasp and went back to the cafeteria my mom came to the school and I had to make up a chant to walk up the stairs I went in the classroom then in the bathroom that's in the classroom and grabbed my small bag and then that was when me and my mom found out from my teacher she told me and my mom about how the security guard was trying to "save" me from falling down the stairs to the cafeteria

I knew that was a lie I told my teacher what happened and I left the high school with my mom when me my mom and younger brother were moving to another city I didn't want to go to the high school there not after what happened at the other one so I decided to homeschool myself

I actually wanted to be homeschooled ever since I was in middle school I always wanted to learn more and felt I wasn't being given the education I needed and I was in life skills when I went to school and if the school staff just said yes to the compromise I would have graduated from the high school and went to college hell I should be in my last semester of college right now but instead I'm a high school dropout homeschooling myself with what I have on hand

So to put it simply I got traumatized out of high school I'm 22 now and not living on my own yet but I will once my mom saves up enough money to help me buy a house and me and my boyfriend will start dating once we catch up first we were best friends since middle school and I'm still homeschooling myself I would have to get a part time job and finish homeschooling myself before I get a full time job and there's so many careers to choose from

So I'm learning how to drive and I already have some house rules for when I start to live on my own here's some of the rules

Everyone does their share like cleaning up messes

Say swear words put money in the swear jar

Bedtime is either 7:00pm or 8:00

(Me and my mom took covid tests today mine were invalid as in negative)
