Chapter 18

Don't own JJBA, just my ocs


Crying was heard as Aritha slowly came into consciousness. She reached out only to feel neither of the children near her. Snapping her eyes open she looked around the bed but she soon noticed that she wasn't in her cave, in fact she was in an abandoned house (up top). "Gah, why won't this brat stop crying?" Kars exclaimed. "I don't know, maybe he's hungry?" she heard Esidisi say. Turning to the sound she quickly left the bed to see where the two men where. "Maybe we should wake Aritha?" she heard the fire user say. "No, we can handle gah, let go that is not food!" Kars yelled.

Said woman peered into the room only for her eyes to darken. Kars held Santana at arms length while the boy was gripping onto his hair. "Let go you little," before the man could finish his sentence, the boys mother wrapped her shadows around her son, bringing him to her arms. As soon as the shadows touched him, Santana let go of the mans hair and squealed. Once he was in Aritha's arms he happily waved his arms around. Briefly she looked at him a smile in her eyes but she turned to Kars the glare returning. "Do not hold him like that." she seethed as she got the other babe as well who still cried. As soon as the other was in her arms she gently bounced him as well as cooing at him. 

"Hush little Wamuu, your safe now." she soothed. Wamuu slowly started to settle down. "Wait how do you know the childs name?" the sanguine haired male asked. The womans midnight orbs glared at him.  "I know his name because his mother told me it." she hissed. Kars glared at her back. "Anyway to answer your question Esidisi, there not hungry thy just need to be burped." she explained, placing the two babes on her shoulders and having the shadows pat there backs. The two let out a burp each, after that they giggled. She hummed as she left to go set the two down on a mat.  Once she was sure there were occupied, she grabbed each man by the ear and dragged them somewhere else. The two tried to get away but she just gripped them harder, "Damn woman let go!" Kars hissed. Once she was well enough away but still close enough to hear the two babes she let the two go. 

"What in the sun name were you thinking!" she whisper yelled. Esidisi flinched but the light user was unfazed. "What are you talking about?" he glared crossing his arms. "I'm talking about taking me and the boys away from the tribal home." she seethed. "That was a dead tribe controlled by fear of the sun. Those two will not be like that." his red orbs cold. Aritha growled but squealing made her turn around. 

Santana and Wammu were playing with Aritha jaguar shadow, curious as to what it was. The black haired woman smiled as she let the shadow sniff and lick the two. She was internally squealing at the cute scene. The researcher growled, as he lit his arms up making the cat disappear. The children stopped squealing and then slowly began to cry. Aritha glared at him but then held a mischievous look. "Well since your the one who took away there entertainment you two can be the one to calm them." she smirked exiting the room. The two blinked as the looked to the two babes. "Wait you don't actually expect me to," he didn't finish because Aritha had already disappeared into the hall. He gritted his teeth as he turned back to the crying babes. 

I'm starting to regret bringing her along. he hissed in his mind as he dragged his hand across his face. 

While Kars and Esidisi were dealing with the children, Aritha was catching up with a friend. 

"Your a siren in the sea, a beauty that can not be captured. A hand who held my friendship. A stone in the sea whose beauty holds no bounds." she sung. Another s voice answered back, "Aritha my dear, why the sudden call." it sung back, the voice was female. "I'm just warning you now that I won't be seeing you for a while." she sung as a sad smile grazed her features. "Oh why won't you be?" she asked. "I'll be busy." she answered. "Well whatever it is I hope you have fun?" dragging the word fun out. With that Aritha smiled as her friend ended the talk. Walking back to the were the men were she peered in to see that Santana had grabbed Kars hair again, while Esidisi was trying to change Wammu. 

"Let go you brat!" Kars exclaimed. Aritha rolled her eyes as she watched them. 

Finally the two babes were asleep on the mat and the two men were exhausted. "How do women do it?" he asked Esidisi. The man shrugged as he stared at the ceiling. Aritha stood in front of the two. "Now you know how women feel." she smirked. Kars growled and was about to get up when Aritha appeared behind him. "What -" before he could finish the shadow user sat him down and turned his head to face the front. "I'm only doing this so you won't curse at my son." she said as she grabbed his hair. Kars stiffened as the outcast pulled his hair up into a high pony tail. "There now you won't curse at him." she said as she walked out of the room, grabbing the two boys. Kars still sat there frozen, Esidisi's snickering shaking him from his thoughts. "What!" he hissed. "Oh nothing." he snickered. He glared at him, getting up he left to do his own devices. Esidisi smiled softly as he returned his gaze to the ceiling. "I think this will be fun watching the two of them interact. I wonder who will win you or me?" he asked himself. 


Aha, I finally found it. I couldn't find it on Tumblr, so I started looking on Pinterest and I found it, only to find out that I had it on my phone this entire time! I'm so mad at myself. Anyway thanks for all the votes and comments on my story. I really appreciate it.
