PART : 6

Stella dropped me home from Mingle & Muse even I insisted I'll be fine but she isn't listened to me. And Ava reaction to Caine is dangerous she is literally ready to kill Caine somehow we, stella and me manage her. Coming home I first check on Calvin if he is in his room or not but his room is clear there is no trace that Calvin like crocodile is here. So I decide to call him. Gosh these day I'm calling him too much.

After two ring he picked my call, "Calvin where are you?" I asked,

"Y/n, right now I'm a little buzy. Are you alright?" I want to tell him about Caine and his behaviour but I don't know how to tell him and what will be his reaction.

"just want to ask you, when are you coming?"

"I'll be little late, I made your thyme tea, before sleeping drink it."

"okay, try to come fast" I said and hanged up.

A thump from below wakes me out of a restless sleep. It feels like being ripped from a deep, fog that lingers in the recess of my brain.

Blinking my eyes open, I stare at my closed door, focusing on the faint outline until my brain catches up with what I heard. My heart is well ahead of me, the muscle beating inside my chest rapidly while the hairs on the back of my neck rise.

A cloud of unease rolls in the pit of my stomach, and it's not until several seconds later that I realize the sound I heard was the shutting of my front door.

Slowly, I sit up and slide out from under the covers. Adrenaline is coursing through my system now, and I'm wide awake.

Maybe its Calvin, I thought. but no after call he messaged he is not coming home.

Someone was just inside my house.

The sound could have been anything. It could have been the foundation settling. Or shit, even a couple of ghosts roughhousing. But just like when your gut is telling you something bad is going to happen-mine is telling me that someone was just in my damn house.

Shakily, I get up from my bed, a cold chill washing over me and puckering my skin into goosebumps. I shiver, nabbing my phone from the nightstand and pad lightly over to the door. Slowly, I open it, cringing at the loud creak that rings out.

I'm shaking like a leaf, but I refuse to cower and let someone walk around my house freely.

Flipping the switch on, the few working lights flicker, illuminating the hallway just enough for my mind to play tricks on me and conjure shadow people residing just beyond the light. And as I slowly make my way towards the staircase, I feel eyes from the pictures lining the walls watching me as I pass by.

Watching me make yet another stupid mistake. As if they're saying stupid girl, you're about to get murdered.

Watch your back.

They're right behind you.

π•‹π•£π•šπ•˜π•˜π•–π•£ π•’π•Ÿπ•• π•”π• π•Ÿπ•₯π•–π•Ÿπ•₯ π•¨π•’π•£π•Ÿπ•šπ•Ÿπ•˜:

β€’Human & sex trafficking
β€’Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
β€’Blood & knife play
β€’Gun & arrow violence

The crackle from the small device indicates my directions are about to come in. I shake out my fists, restlessness binding my nerves into tight knots.

"Five bodies in the main area, all of them armed. Three more on their six and four on their twelve."

I crack my neck, enjoying the feeling of my bones popping. Tension releases and my shoulders relax.

Twelve men won't be too hard to take down, but I'm going to have to be quick and stealthy. It was easier to pick off the guards surrounding the dark warehouse.

The sun has long since fallen, providing ample coverage. It took two seconds to find a spot hidden in the shadows, giving me the perfect angle for a sniper shot.

Their mistake was relying on their limited eyesight for intruders. My ability to hide in the shadows is what ultimately got them killed.

Should've had night vision goggles like me.

Maybe then I would've had a bit of entertainment.

I lick my lips, anticipation sharp on my tongue.

"Be careful, JK," Taehyung say. His hacking skills are nearly a good as mine.

I created an entire organization built solely around like its twenty years, And then as I became more aware of their true nature-the depravity of their sickness, it turned into personally snuffing out every single one of these sick bastards, starting from the bottom up.

Terminate all the worker bees, and the queen is left vulnerable and weak. what I really enjoy doing is being the one to put the bullet in their heads myself.

So, I reform my Uncle Empire, JK, from the ground up, recruiting a team of trusted men and achieving my goal then kill them all. Now, JK has become so big that there are teams in every state, and several outside of the country.

Taehyung is the one mouth I need in my ear-his skill levels out to the equivalent of what three hackers could do. And he's the one I trust with my life.

I don't acknowledge Taehyung's sentiment.

I don't fucking need luck. Just skill and patience. And I have both in spades. Slinking up to the door, I keep my body close to the wall and my footsteps undetectable.

When I reach the door, I hear the subtle click of the door unlocking.

Taehyng's doing.

Despite the decay of the building, it's still equipped with the latest technology where needed.

The ring leaders want to keep the appearance of a rundown, abandoned building to remain under the eyes. But completely suitable for doing robs, killing and dealing. It's a perfect place.

"It's clear. Systems are down for ten seconds, get in now." Quickly, I turn the handle and slip through in a matter of econds, opening the door just enough to fit my body through. The metal door shuts behind me soundlessly.

The old building is mostly an open concept. I came through the back door that leads into a dimly lit hallway. Straight ahead and to the left will open up to where the machinery used to be when this was a rubber factory.

That is where the girls are being held.

Muffled screams reach my ears-the sounds of girls crying and in pain White-hot rage blinds my vision, but I don't rush in or lose my shit.

No one can do this job and lose their fucking shit, otherwise,

It's hard not to, though. These assholes bring out the worst in me.

"Overrode the cameras. You have one hour before the system resets, and I'm kicked out," Taehyung informs.

I only need ten minutes.

Keeping to the shadows, I make my way through the hallway and peek around the corner. There are thin cots scattered across about a thousand square feet of space. Each cot is accompanied by a metal pole installed from the ground up. Each girl is chained to the poles by a metal collar that prevents them from moving only a couple of feet from their cots.

I flex my fists, tightening them until my hands go numb.

I pull my gun out of the back of my jeans.

Once they notice the first man is down, the rest will open fire, which is why I need to be careful and quick.

Whether they're going to be careless about the girls is impossible to say. The men know the risk if their leaders find out that girl was killed. That means money taken out of someone's pockets and their head on a stake to set an example.

But some of these men care more about their own lives, even if it means they're walking around with a hit on their head.

Just as Teahyung said, three men stand guard in front of me, completely unaware of my presence.

Stupid fuckers.

I'll never understand how people can't sense danger when it's right up their head assholes.

Shit boggles me.

In one quick succession, I take out all three men. Their bodies drop, and a few of the girls jump. Some cry and hunker down, while others stay deathly silent. A normal reaction for a little girl would be to scream, but these girls have already been desensitized to murder.

The five men in the pit of girls turn their heads in tandem, their faces morphing from surprise to alarm to anger in a matter of seconds. Immediately, they scramble for their guns.

My body is still concealed by the wall I'm hiding behind. Two of them open fire, forcing me to back away. One bullet cross the corner of the wall, right past my face. as more bullets ping around me. I grunt, rubbing at my lids to clear my vision.

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