The Preparation

Dante, the Man with no Fear, no Hate, no Soul. But with Him being prepared, All the professors knows the Truth, all Students listening to the Warnings from the Headmaster. And Now, all they're waiting for, Is the Final Stand.

*Ozpin* So what now Dante?

*Dante sighs* i guess I'll need to link the Fire again

*Ruby mumbles* Im scared

*Yang* Dante will save us Ruby, Don't worry

*Weiss* you better know what you're doing

*Dante* I know what im doing *looks at all the Hollows overunning the Cities*

*Blake* is this the End?

*Dante turns around* no, it isn't. Ozpin, I need you and the professors to hold off the Hollows while I get to that hill *Points at the Hill of Ashes*

*Ozpin* we'll see what we can do

*Dante* I pray that I can stop this, again.

*Goodwitch* what about you, will you need reinforcement?

*Dante* No

*Students murmuring* I need to do this Alone

*Ruby* but what if you die?

*Dante* Ruby, i don't fear Death, i welcome it

*Cardin* I know we had our difference but good luck

*Dante* I won't need it, but thanks *jumps out of the chopper*

(I forgot what the big ships thing called so dont judge)

*Dante sighs* here we go *goes to the fog wall but sees a woman* who are you?

*woman* you remember me, Lover

*Dante* Natalie?

*Natalie gropes herself* remember the time when i slept with you?

*Dante* you went into my bed without permission

*Natalie* you liked it anyway

*Dante* Natalie, this is no time for games, lives are at risk, even the whole World is at risk.

*Natalie pulls out her weapons* I dont care

*Dante* she's gone too

*Natalie* Ahhhhh

*Dante blocks her attack but slices her left leg

*Natalie* i will admit, you were always rough

*Dante* welcome to my Life

*Natalie charges at him again but blocks her sword* I just wanted to marry you Dante

*Dante struggles* too bad, im already old for you *knee kicks her in the face and stabs her stomach*

*Natalie* i just wanted us to be *coughs out blood* Together

*Dante holds her* i know, im sorry *her body disappears* Im coming for you now Marcus.

(So, i will be doing two more parts then i will be done with the story forever so i hope this whole thing is worth it to you guys so anways goodnight and peace out.)
