A missing person

"We also miss Cindy. She wanted to go to the bathroom but didn't come back in time and I already checked it. She's not there. You've seen her?"

I knew Cindy. She was a good friend of Linda but I only rarely saw her. "No. Sorry. I did not. I will look for her outside. I could use some fresh air anyway."

I made it past the bouncer and slendered along the Genesis and walked into a side alley. Everything around me was turning in circles. I just made another left turn that probably led behind the club building. My blurred vision distorted my view on something on the ground that should send me flying right into the trash bins on the wall. The trash bins actually came in time. The liquid contents of my stomach just decided that they were not comfortable with their current residence and wanted to house a new location. 

I sank down from the bins and used a handkerchief to wipe the last bits of drool from my chin. My vision was blurry and everything was turning. Just a few drinks too much.'I leaned back against the wall and let my gaze wander around until something unusual caught my attention. There was a figure several meters down the alley. I rubbed my eyes. No. Two figures, apparently female ones judging from body shape. "Hey... everything al--" I mumbled and lost my word mid-sentence. My vision was still blurry and my head felt like it wanted to explode but something was wrong. Streaks of red flowed from what looked like to be the neck of the frontal figure and the figure behind her was... kissing the spot? I could not work with what my eyes told me. It was eerie. I rubbed my eyes again but when I tried to get a more clear look, nothing and nobody was there? Was I hallucinating? Suddenly, Linda and Lennard came around the corner. 

 "Mark! You alright?" Linda asked cautiously. She and Lennard helped me up to my feet. "I am perfectly alright! What do you think?" I said. It wasn't meant to be ironic. I was just betraying myself about my condition and so did my legs after my first few steps and sent me flying to the ground again. Two pairs of arms stopped me before gravity and a stony ground would have re-decorated my face.

"Yeah of course. How many drinks did you have? Didn't you want to look for Cindy? Next time we will take a better look at you too." Linda said and Lennard just nodded. "Either that or we need to work on your endurance, dude." Lennard added and patted me on the shoulder.

Both of them weren't really hesitant when it came to alcohol but unlike me, they knew their limits.

"We will bring you home, Mark. I am afraid you won't make it alone in your state and I wouldn't like to do your work at the laboratory because you are recovering in a hospital!" Linda said and smiled. "What about Cindy?" I asked. At this moment, we received a message in our Group Chat. Appropriately reading small letters on a small smartphone currently was beyond my capabilities but as far as my remaining functional brain cells could follow Linda's words, Cindy apparently went home because she didn't feel well and that she was sorry that she left without telling anyone. That wasn't really typical for her but thinking about it just hurt my head more. My bed and something non-alcoholic really were two things I could need now.
