A Happy Distraction

*photo of Nightingale above*

Juniper POV

So I was currently riding my skateboard, about 10 minutes or less away from my Aunt G's house.
How did I get out?

I gracefully went out the window and climbed down a tree. I left my speaker's blasting music on full volume to avoid being suspicious and I also locked the door.
It should keep him fooled for a while.

I was still a bit shocked by Jimmy's aggressive outburst. I mean, he almost hit me! I could try and talk to mom about it but she would never believe me. My mom alredy thought I was crazy. She thinks her daughter is a poor wounded soul, who commits self harming, has anger managements issue's along with depression,  anxiety, panic attacks, the list goes on and on.

I sighed as I reached my aunts house, well her ranch more likely.
She lived in a remote area near the forest. A big cottage, beside it a farm and a windmill. Next to that was the forest, looking dark, alluring and mysterious.

I took my headphones off and unlocked my phone. It had been 15 minutes since I last tried to call Tyler. So I tried again.
It rang, rang, rang and went straight to voicemail. 

"Hey Ty. Look, I understand if you dont want to talk to me. Its the least I deserve. And its better that way, trust me. From now on, your life will be easier and much better because I won't be in it. Still, I just want you to know that-" I sighed "-Im sorry. I never meant to hurt you. Don't ever forget that, ok? Bye." My throat cracked a little and I hung up.
I felt a heavy weight in my heart, knowing that I hurt my closest friend. I shoudin't be feeling like this. Im not suppose to care about anything or anyone. I shoudin't... but I did, I cared too much about him. I just realized that.

A tear slid down my cheek and there I was, back to feeling like a stupid weak bitch.

"Well, its a good thing I baked a fresh batch of cookies." A voice said, making me laugh and turn around.

Aunt G was wearing a blue checkered top, black jeans and riding boots. She had her signature cow girl hat on.

I quickly hugged her petite figure.
"I missed you. Im sorry I haven't come to visit lately." I said in a small voice.

She pulled away and place her hands on my shoulder.
"Nonsense girly. From the looks of it, you've been quite busy."

I laughed a bit.
"That would be the understatement of the year."

"No more tears ok? We gotta let em' buckets fill right up  again right?" She said in her fake accent as she wiped away my tears and I coudin't help but giggle.

Once she was done, she took my hand and started leading me inside the ranch. "Come on, Nightingale has been dying to see you, won't stop complaining." She said and I laughed.

I placed my skateboard against the fence, and let her lead the way.

We entered the stables and I practically ran to the twelve stall.
Nightingale,  my black and white pinto horse, was staring right at me.
She lifted her head and whined, a sign that she missed me as much as I missed her.

"I missed you too girl, you have no idea." I whisperd, running my hands through her delicate mane. She nuzzled her head in the crook of my neck and I swear I've never felt happier.
I turned to see Aunt G holding a saddle and a pair of reigns.

I turned towards Nightingale.
"What do you say? Wanna go for a ride?" I asked her as I pulled away so I could see her face .
I swear I saw her eyes sparkle.

