Chapter 017


They ran in and shut the door, leaving Max outside. Mike didn't want Max to hear about this. Max was banging on the door.

"Hello! Hello? Guys come on. Can I come in yet?" She heard Mike yell no. She grumbled and hit her fist on the door again.

    "I don't understand," Lucas said.

"What do you not understand?" Mike asked.

    "Will saw something that looked like Dart last year?" Lucas clarified.

"Kind of, but there was no tail." Will said, quietly.

    "But then he heard it Halloween Night (A/N: This is taking place a few days after Halloween, sorry). The exact same sound." Mike finished.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Dustin questioned Will.

    "I wasn't sure." (Y/N) looked down. That's what he realized but didn't tell her... Did he tell Mike instead?

"A coincidence," Dustin stated.

    "Or not." Mike debated. "What if when Will was stuck in the Upside Down, he somehow acquired True Sight?"

"True sight?" Lucas asked.

    "It gives you the power to see into the ethereal plane," Dustin replied.

"Elaborate." (Y/N) said.

    "Maybe these episodes that Will keeps having aren't really flashbacks at all. Maybe they're real. Maybe Will can somehow see into the Upside Down."

"So that would mean..." Lucas started.

    "Dart is from the Upside Down." Mike finished.

"We have to take him to Hopper," Lucas said.

    "I agree." Mike agreed.

"No way." Dustin argued. "if we take him to Hopper, Dart's as good as dead."

    "Maybe he should be!"

"How can you say that?" The curly haired boy turned to his tall friend.

"How could you not? He's from the Upside Down."

    "Maybe. But even if he is, it doesn't automatically mean that's he's bad."

"That's like saying just because someone's from the Death Star doesn't make them bad." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow at Mike's comparison.

    "We have a bond." Dustin insisted.

"A bond?" Mike laughed. "Just because he likes nougat?"

    "No, because he trusts me!"

"He trusts you..." Lucas interjected, clearly not understanding the situation.

    "Yes, I promised I would take care of him."

"Guys!" (Y/N) yelled, causing all the boys to look at her. "We need to tell Rihna, I know you don't want to but Rihna probably knows how to deal with these things." (Y/N) made sure to say that quietly and Will nodded in agreement. That's when they heard Dart screech and all backed up as the box started to shake violently. Outside Max banged on the door again.

    "Guys! What's going on? Come on!" The girl opened her bag and grabbed a paper clip from her book. She straightened one side out and pushed it into the doorknob, trying to open it.

Meanwhile, the box continued to shake, without showing signs of stopping. (Y/N) was on the other side of the table and she backed all the way to the wall, not knowing what was about to happen. Suddenly it turned over and Mike grabbed a speaker and held it over his head.

    "Don't hurt him." Dustin said.

"Only if he attacks." Mike stated, clearly.

    "Just open it already." Lucas said.

"NO! What if he's... something else." (Y/N) said. They waited a second before Dustin reached over to the controls and opened the door. Out fell Dart... he was larger. "Oh God..." (Y/N) muttered as she saw Dart.

    "Holy shit." Lucas practically yelled. They all watched as Dart moved around and something started to move again inside of him. Then two legs burst, with the liquid falling all over the table. (Y/N) covered her mouth as she tried not to throw up. "Oh shit!" Lucas yelled as Dart looked at them and screeched. That's when Mike tried to crush Dart but was stopped by Dustin.

    "NO!" Dustin yelled, grabbing Mike's arm causing him to miss. Dart jumped off the table and started to run. Everyone chased after him. That's when Max opened the door and saw Dart running for her.

"NO MAX SHUT THE DOOR!" (Y/N) yelled, but it was too late. Dart was already out and was running away.

    "Oh shit!" Mike yelled as they ran. Dustin ran right into Max and fell over and Lucas tripped over Dustin's legs.

"Where'd he go!?

    "What was that?" Max asked.

"Dart!" Mike yelled.


"You let him escape!"

    "Why did you attack him!?" Dustin yelled, running at Mike. Mike only hit his arm on Dustin's chest.

"Come on."

    "Don't hurt him! Don't you hurt him!" Dustin yelled back as Mike ran in Dart's direction.


Mike walked into the gym which was dark and silent. He grabbed a nearby mop as he walked into the locker room. It was silent, but he heard something clutter. He jumped out and held the mop in front of him, only to see Max.

"What the hell are you doing?" She yelled, startled.   

"What are you doing? Why are you in here?"

"Looking for Dart."

"This is the boys' room." Mike said.

    "Yeah so?"

    "So you should go home." Mike dropped the mop and walked out. Max followed him into the gym.

    "Why do you hate me so much?" She asked him.

"How can I hate you? I don't know you."

    "But you don't want me in your party." She said.

"Correct." He responded. (A/N: his face and that line made me laugh pretty hard actually)

    "Why not?" Mike abruptly stopped, causing Max to stop too.

"Because you're annoying. Also, we don't need another party member. I'm our paladin, Will's our cleric, Dustin's our bard, Lucas is our Ranger, and El's our mage."

    "El? Who's El?"

"Someone. No one."

    "Someone or no one?"

"She was in our party a long time ago. She moved away, ok?" Mike turned to walk away, but Max kept following.

    "She was your mage? What about (Y/N)." Max placed the skateboard down and skated to Mike.

"What could she do? Like, magic tricks or something?" She stopped right in front of Mike.

    "Well, I could be your zoomer."

"That's not even a real thing."

    "It could be." She then skated in a circle around Mike.

"Mind-blowing." The male stated sarcastically.

    "Come on, you know you're impressed." Eleven walked through the hallways, then heard Mike's voice.

"I don't see any tricks. You're just going around in a circle.

    "If it's so easy, you try it." Max replied.

"No." Eleven turned around and listened. Was that Mike? It was...

    "Why not?" Max asked.

"I don't know how."

    "So, then you admit it's kind of impressive." Eleven moved towards his voice.

"I think if I spent, like, all day practicing, I could do that."

    "I would give you a million bucks if you could." Max said she was still circling him.

"Ok, you're making me dizzy. Please just stop." Eleven moved walked towards the door and saw Mike... but who was that girl?

    "I'll stop when I join your party."

"Come on, just stop."

    "It's a simple question. Am I in or out?" Eleven frowned as she saw a smile on Mike's face. Very tiny smile. She glared at the girl. Who was she? Why was she making her Mike smile? She focused and tilted her head a little, causing the girl to fall.

"Jesus! Are you alright?" Mike yelled, putting the walkie-talkie down and running to Max.

    "Yeah, yeah. I think so." She said. Mike grabbed her hand and helped her up, causing Eleven's eyes to water.

"What happened?" He asked the redhead.

    "I don't know. It was like a magnet or something was pulling on my board. I know that sounds crazy." Mike looked down and Max went to get her board. His eyes traveled to the door, where he saw no one. It couldn't be... He walked slowly, then started running towards the door. He opened it and looked but saw no one. He frowned and looked down, disappointed.

"Mike." He looked to his right and smiled. It was (Y/N) and her contagious smile.

"Hey (Y/N)."

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Thanks."


    Will walked into the bathroom and cautiously looked around. He could hear Dart and that unforgettable sound he made. He was terrified. He walked to the last stall and opened the door slowly and his eyes landed on Dart, hiding by the toilet. He quietly spoke into his walkie-talkie.

"Guys... I found him."

"Where?" Dustin asked.

    "In the bathroom by Mr. Salerno's." He wanted to be quiet, so he wouldn't scare Dart away, who was now backing up.

"Copy that." Mike said.

    "It's ok..." Will said to Dart. "I'm not gonna hurt you." Dart looked up and screeched, causing Will to drop his walkie-talkie and run away. He ran outside of the bathroom and his heart started to beat faster and faster. He looked to the left and then right and the lights started to flash. No... he was back into the Upside Down. Rihna felt his fear. Will looked to the left and that's when he saw the shadow's rushing in.


    Dustin ran into the bathroom and looked through all the stalls. He needed to find Dart BEFORE Mike or anyone else. He finally looked in the last stall and saw the little slimy thing. He smiled and sighed in relief. Dart gave him an excited chitter.

"Hey buddy," He said reaching down. "Come here. You know I won't hurt you." Dart rushed towards Dustin's hands and jumped on. "It's ok. It's just me. You're ok." He then heard Mike's voice.

    "Let's go! Down here!"

"We're coming!" Lucas yelled back. Dustin took his headset off and picked up his hat.

    "Stay low. Keep quiet." He said, placing Dart on his head and putting the hat back on. He then walked out to meet his friends. Mike, Lucas, (Y/N) and Max rushed in.

"Where's Dart?" Mike asked.

    "I don't know, not here." Dustin said.

"What?" Mike was obviously frustrated. He then started looking through the stalls.

    "He said by Salerno's, right?" Max asked.

"Yeah, maybe Will has him." Dustin said. Mike stopped and realized that his friend was no longer here.

    "Where is Will?" (Y/N) asked.
