Chapter 18

Third pov

His eyes widened as he dropped the things, he bought he looked as if he had seen a ghost.

"I-I can explain"

"Everyone leave us" Katsuki said as the others left

"I can explain"

"Explain what that you and Todoroki are seeing each other or that you're giving him my money that you said you were giving your mom"

"No t-that's not it"

"That's not what then what is this im looking at"

Izuku couldn't talk

"Did...did you fuck him"

Izuku didn't answer

"Did you fuck him!!" Katsuki said as his voice got louder

"Y-yes" Izuku said looking down

"Fucking hell!!" Katsuki said as he kicked a chair

Izuku flinched as Katsuki kicked the chair

"Babe I'm- "

"Don't fucking call me that. I fucking trusted you, you didn't even let me fuck you because you told me you weren't ready. I fucking waited for you only for me to find out my boyfriend is fucking someone else"

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to"

"You didn't mean to what Izuku, to fuck him? to talk to him, to trick me for fuck sake I trusted you I gave you money I gave you clothes I gave you everything you ever wanted and this Is how you repay me"

"I'm sorry"

By now Izuku was sobbing loudly feeling guilty for not telling Katsuki, but he couldn't just bring himself to tell Katsuki about his past

"I just have one question. All those times you told me you were visiting your mother were you really visiting your mother"

Izuku kept quiet he didn't want to answer the question

"Yes or no did you or did you not go to your mother's house"

Izuku didn't talk and Katsuki was running out of patience

"Answer the fucking question!!"

"I-I didn't" said Izuku in a lower tone


"I didn't i-I didn't go to my mothers house" Izuku said as he looked down crying

Katsuki laughed he was heartbroken, and he didn't know how to deal with it

"Get out"

"What" Izuku said as his eyes widened

"Get the fuck out!!"

"B-but I have nowhere to go"

"I don't fucking care get out of my house go to boyfriend I'm pretty sure his as rich as me"

Izuku got on his knees and begged Katsuki

"No don't touch me get out pack your things and get out"

"Please don't do this to me I love you"

"Don't you dare say those words if you loved me you wouldn't have lied to me"
"Im sorry don't kick me out"

"I'll even get the maid to help you pack"

"I'm sorry im sorry"

Katsuki left Izuku on the floor crying

"Bakubro are you ok"

"I'm fucking great I've never been better I just want to be alone"

"Ok boss"

The others just left Izuku to cry on the floor he had nowhere to go. He packed his stuff and left the mansion; He picked up his phone to call his best friend the only person who knew about his ugly past.

"Izuku are you alright"

"Uraraka I'm not alright I fucked up I have nowhere to go Katsuki kicked me out"

"He did what"

"Can I come by your house"

"Sure, I'll be waiting for you"

When Izuku arrived Uraraka opened the door for him and hugged him Izuku immediately broke down crying Uraraka held him till he stopped crying

"So, what happened"

Izuku explained what happened to her and showed her the text messages

"Fuck Todoroki I'm going to kill him"

"I couldn't tell Katsuki about my past I just can't"

"Should I tell him"

"No please I'll tell him when the time comes"

"Ok fine you can stay here for as much time as you want"


"Yes, you can"

"Thank you thank you thank you" said Izuku as he hugged her crying

"Don't worry about it I enjoy your company so you can stay"

"Thank you Uraraka I owe you my life"


Momo's pov


Boss everything is going as planned Bakugo kicked Izuku out of the mansion

Good very good so it's time for phase 2

Very soon you will have Izuku

And you will have Bakugo

Authors note:  sorry for the long wait 

Also i dont know how to spell Uraraka's name so tell me if i got it right
