Leon x reader ( lemon)(m4a)

                   A fun Saturday night

It was a regular Saturday. I sat on the bleachers as I watched my crush, Leon Kuwata, hit another home run witch wraps up the game. I stand up from my seat and start to walk down to meet Leon but I hear someone yelling my name "(y/n)!" I turn to see Leon with a mike on the field. " will you go out with me?" He ask with a wink. Everyone turned to me for my answer. " uh" I stutter. " come on. Say something!" Someone shouts from the crowd( I'm sorry for people who have social anxiety)

" y-yes" I stutter out. He runs up the bleachers to me and gives me a deep kiss. The crowd wooed as he pulled away. He pulls me down the bleachers to his truck. We get in and he leans over at me with a smirk on his face. " hey ~" I laugh " what? What's so funny ?" He ask with serious look on his face" this is one of best prank you've pulled." I wipe a tear from my eye. " it wasn't a prank." I starts to dive with a smirk. " w-where are we going?" I steamer " my house~ " he turns to me with a huge smirk on his lips. He turns his attention to the round.

" my parents aren't home you know~" he says as we stop at his house.( yo spicy is coming up is you uncomfortable with it I would go to the next chapter) we walk up to his front door but before he unlocks it he pins me to the wall." Hi~" he whisper in a low tone " h-hi" i steamer out before he starts to kiss me aggressively.
He slips his tongue into my mouth and I feel his tongue pursing so I close my mouth blocking his tongue to leave. I feel him smirk agents my lips. Then he put his hands on my hips and started to grind on me as he exploded every inch of my mouth with his tongue.

He picks me up by the ass and carry's my inside. He lays me down on the couch and starts to take of my ( pants/skirt/ leggings/ etc) I thence up as his hand get near my unmentionables. He smirks and rips off my clothes. Leaving me completely naked. He looks at me. Proud of what he sees.
He started to kiss my stomach when he shoved his two fingers in my mouth. " make them nice and wet for daddy~" I listen and start to suck his fingers. After a few minutes he pulls them out. " good job baby. "  he smirks and stick one of his fingers into my hole forcing me to moan. "That's what daddy likes to hear~"
he puts in one more finger. I moan louder. He starts to spread you. Once he's satisfied he pulls out his 8in cock. I wimper knowing it's gonna hurt." Don't worry baby. Daddy is gonna be gentle~" he puts the tip in making me moan and cum a bit. " wow. That was only the tip~" he smirks and go's deeper. Making you moan more.
After a few minutes he starts going in and out at a steady pace. After a few minutes of that you cum again then he pulls out and cums all over your stomach. " that was fun. Hey at least you not a virgin anymore " he says with a wink. Your just so tired you fall asleep in his arms.
586 words
Holy shit. Sorry that the last bit was shit but I was getting ✨ u n c o m f o r t a b l e  ✨
