IshiMondo short story

Ishimaru's POV

(This is an AU where all of them survived the killing game. Mondo is turning 28, Ishimaru is 27 and Ena is 6. I just wanted to make it clear)

Mondo was out getting some clothes for Ena and that was a perfect time for me to make food and surprise him for his birthday. I run around the house knowing he'd be back soon so I quickly make him his favourite food I set the dinner table when I get a text from Mondo saying he'd be back in at least 20 minutes. I let out a sigh of relief and text him 'Ok' and I turn off my phone I walk upstairs to get Ena ready but when I walked in she was already dressed and playing with some of her dolls. I sit down beside her and watch her play with her dolls.

"Ena are you excited" I say

"Of course I am! It's Papa's birthday" She says

I look at her and smile

"Come on Ena Papa's almost home" I get up and walk towards the door

"Ok Dad, I'll be downstairs in a minute!" She says happily

I walk downstairs and sit on the couch to wait for Ena. I sit on the couch for 2 minutes before Ena comes running down the stairs.

"Is papa home!" She says

"No not yet but I got a text saying he's almost home" I look at her and smile

"Yay! Do you have his presents!" She smiles then sits down beside me

"Of course I do" I say

Me and Ena sit down and talk for a bit until we hear our garage open and then closes. Me and Ena look at each other and turn off the lights and hide. We hear the door open and then.

"Guys I'm home!" He says and turns on the light

"Happy birthday" We yell in unison

We walk up to him and give him a hug we in the hug for a good two minutes and then we let go.

"Papa we have presents for you!" Ena says in glee

"You do" He says and he rubs Ena's head

"Come sit down" I say

"Papa is uncle Chihiro gonna be here?" Ena says

"No he couldn't make it he was too sick" Mondo says a bit disappointed

"Hey don't be sad you still got us!" I say

"Yeah! Well, let's get this party started!" Mondo yells and smiles

"Yeah!" Ena says smiling

We all stay up late watching movies, watching Mondo open gifts, Eating food and joking around until I realized it was 1 am and put Ena to bed.

"Come on Mondo let's go to bed. I'll clean the bed tomorrow." I say and yawn

"Your right. Let's go." He says and picks me up

"Hey! Put me down! I'm not a child!" I say. I was a blushing mess

"Nope never" He says happily

"Hmph!" I admit to my defeat 

He carries me to bed and I fall asleep in his arms.

(God damn this was the worst chapter to write cause it was hard. And if you read the author's note at the beginning you're probably saying "Hey, Celestia. Why isn't there any angst" Well my fellow children, the answer to that question is drumroll please *cue the drumroll* In a bit I have a plan for that. I'll try and do two headcanons a day. But if I don't then you guys can yell at me. Also, *clears throat* Grammarly is bad at its job, let me explain, my friend is french so she downloaded Grammarly (Bad idea). She always lets me look over her work so she has the right words just in case Grammarly is wrong. And when I checked Grammarly corrected a sentence into a word and my friend said that's what Grammarly wanted... BOI! Anyway children bye!) 
