Chapter 1: One for the History Books Deadly Lifes

There was Jojo's lifeless corpse. I stared at her with unstoppable tears. Abigayle cupped her mouth. "S-she said we all make it out together." She put her hands over her face as she cried falling to her knees. "S-she lied." She yelled crying. Everyone was staring at the body with tears and sad looks. Jojo..... she was the most hoepeful one outta all of us.

"Hooo boy!" Monokuma said stepping in the room. "Looks like someone gave in!" Monokuma laughed. "How dare you laugh at a corpse!" I yelled at him with tears flowing down. "Ohhh did I make you mad?" He asked with a chuckle. "But I'm not here for that, I'm here to tell you some updates! One is there are new rules in your student handbook, and a new app called he Monokuma file is on your ID!" He said twirling.

Shakily and hesitantly I pulled out the ID from my pocket as I turn it on and check the rules.

Student Handbook: Rules

Rule 1) Students may reside only within the school. Leaving campus is an unacceptable use of time.

Rule 2) "Nighttime" is from 10 pm to 7 am. Some areas are off-limits at night, so please exercise caution.

Rule 3)Sleeping anywhere other than the dormitory will be seen as sleeping in class and punished accordingly.

Rule 4) With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore Hope's Peak Academy at your discretion.

Rule 5) Violence against headmaster Monokuma is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of surveillance cameras.

Rule 6)Anyone who kills a fellow student and becomes "blackened" will graduate, unless they are discovered.

* Rule #7: Once a murder takes place, a class trial will begin shortly thereafter. Participation is mandatory for all surviving students.
* Rule #8: If the guilty party is exposed during the class trial, they alone will be executed.
* Rule #9: If the guilty party is not exposed, they alone will graduate, and all remaining students will be executed.
* Rule #10: Lending your e-Handbook to another student is strictly prohibited.
* Rule #11: The guilty party may only kill a maximum of two people during any single "Killing Game."
* Rule #12: Attempting to break into locked rooms is strictly prohibited.

I stared angrily at the ID, he's taking all of this as a game. "Well then it looks like you know what to do!" he said walking out. "Wait! What do we do?" Asked Victoria scared and shaky. "Ughhhh.... you must investigate to find the killer and determine them at the class trial! You have one hour until the trial begins!" He said Turing around and walking away not wasting a moment sooner.

I clench my fist as I look over at the body with tears still streaming down my face. I'll find your murder and I refuse to let them get away with it. Now it's time to

Investigation start!

I looked through my ID for the new "app" Monokuma told us about. I clicked the Monokuma file as an image of the body and details where stated.

Monokuma file #1
Victim: Jojo Crystal
Victim's talent: Historian
Time of death: 5:30 a.m.
Location: Library
Cause of death: Blood lost
Additional info:  Found to be slouched against the library's shelf with a knife sticking out of her chest. Most likely being the murder weapon.

Bullet: Monokuma file #1

I look at the file for a moment until I felt a tap on my shoulder brining me back into reality. It was Abigayle. I looked around to notice it was just her, Levi, and myself left in the room. It seems the other have went off to investigate on their own. "I think we should investigate the body..... but...but... I." She said looking away. I patted her head with a smile. "I'll do it, you investigate throughout the library." I said with a smile. She looked in my eyes with concern and nodded.

I walk over to Levi who was staring at the body rather.... gently. "She didn't deserve this.... she was...... something else." Levi said as she look genuinely sad. "I was looking over the body and I noticed something odd." She said leaning as low as she could. "On her index finger there's blood and in her book of you can see it states T." She said pointing to her finger and textbook.  I looked over and she was right! The text book had a large T written in blood! "..... Tyler you wouldn't happen to be the killer?" She asked bluntly. "W-what!?" I asked slightly offensive. "Just.... the T is not settling." She said turning around. "Wait where are you going?!" I yelled. "To tell the others what I found. I let my hand fall down..... I'm not the killer. I would never kill my friend!

Bullet: Dying message
Bullet: Index finger

I stared at her corpse with a concerned look. Why would she write that?! Maybe she is trying to frame me? Or maybe the killer wrote it? "H-hey is everything done?" Abigayle asked coming from behind the shelves. I nodded to her as we walked out together. "I didn't find anything of important in there except for books on history and other topics." She sighed.

We walk into the Animal Museum in hope of looking for the others. As I walked in is noticed a commotion. I saw Mana, Alexis, and Elliot where pulling... Avery out of an exhibit!!?!?!!

"One...two...three!" Yelled Alexis as they all yanked her out. "Ahhh!" They all yelled as they collapsed on the floor. I ran over as Abigayle caught up. "Is everyone okay?" I asked looking around. "Y-yeah." Elliot stated rubbing his head as he tried to push the others off of him. "Avery what where you doing in there?!" Alexis asked getting up and giving a dirty look to Elliot.

"Welll it's kinda funny actually." She said scratching the back of her head. "I was here checking out the exhibit after the show yesterday and saw the little ducks! Then I wanted to get a better look so I climbed over the glass case and fell in." She said taking her hair and squeezing out the water. "So then you were here all night?" Elliot asked while brushing off his shoulder.

"Mmmm yeah, thank goodness you guys came." She smiled and noticed that the atmosphere around us."D-did..... something happen?" She asked with a hesitant tone. Everyone looked around and held their breath. "Jo-j-Jojo was killed." Mana said looking off with a deeper and sadder tone. Avery stared at all of us with content, she then peeked up.

"That might explain...." she mumbled to herself as she walked deeper into the Museum. We then looked at each other and followed. "If I'm correct." She said reaching into the fake bear's mouth. She dug around for a little and pulled out a bloody rag! "Aha!" She said with a smirk.

"W-what?!" Alexis said a little freaked out." Last night I saw someone running to the bear exhibit, it looked like they shoved something in the bears mouth. Now it makes more sense then at the time it happened..... but I also noticed in the dim light. They had brown hair and blue clothing." She said holding her chin and closing her eyes as she used her words carefully. Everyone took a moment to take it in and looked at me.

I stared at them funny until I noticed it was a description of me! "H-hey! I'm not the killer." I said looking at them firmly. "Well.... we will see what happens at the class trial." Elliot stated walking our head held high. As the others followed with fear. I sighed as I watched them walk out. "I gotta move on." I said walking out.

Bullet: Avery's Alibi
Bullet: Bloody rag

Abigayle patted my back as we exited. "Tyler come on." She smiled. "We both know that you wouldn't and didn't kill Jojo." She said as her eyes shined with something that reminded me of Jojo. I have a soft smile back. "Come on, let's check the other rooms." She said walking ahead. As we went through the rooms we didn't come up with anything in the insect museum, auditorium or plant exhibit. We both looked at one another concerned as we headed to the cafeteria.

"It seems clean all around here." Abigayle said as she looked under the tables and in the trash. "Wait a minute, shouldn't we check the kitchen! Maybe a knife will be missing since Jojo has....." I said kinda stopping myself, as Abigayle nodded. We walked in to see all the knifes had been not touched, they were all clean and untouched. "There's so signs of the knifes even being cleaned." Abigayle grabbed her cat backpack's straps tightly. "Hmmm that is odd.... but this could be important evidence." I said pointing to the knifes

"This eliminates the fact that the weapon could come from the kitchen." I said putting my arms back at my side. "Ohhh that is a valid point, I'll make sure to take a mental note." Abigayle said opening her sketch book and doodling some words down.

Bullet: kitchen knifes

We finished looking around as we headed to the trash room to see Mia. "Hey." I said. She waved backed and smiled. "What are you doing?" Abigayle asked looking at her. "Oh! Other then being in my natural habitat, I'm inspecting the area.... but I can't come up with anything." She sighed crossing her arms. "Yeah." I said walking closer to her to help her inspect, but she backed away. I hesitated and then understood. I backed away. "S-sorry... it's just..... I've heard the others." She said shaky.

"Do you really think I killed Jojo?" I asked frowning. "Well.... no.... and..... agh. The evidence so far makes you suspicious." She said scratching her arm. "But Mia..." Abigayle said. "But I don't believe them, I'm sorry it's just nerves. I believe in you.... your my friend.... and I know you would dare to harm her!" She smiled. I smiled contently back. "Thank you." I said. "Mhm! Now I think you should maybe check out the the storage room, if I remember correctly there was a tons of random weapons on there!! And that.... *cough* pink thing." Mia giggled blushing.

Abigayle quickly covered her face with her sketch book and walked outta of the room, she then walked into a wall not seeing what was going on. Mia and I chuckled as she was flustered and walked out.

As we walked out I noticed Zach, Christian, and Elliot rushing into the kitchen. I looked over to Abigayle as we both chased after them. "Ow ow ow!" Zach yelped as Elliot was cleaning him with a wet rag and Christian getting him an ice pack. "What happen?" Abigayle asked. "He tripped and messed up his nose, so it started gushing blood." Christian said bluntly. "H-hey don't tell them! It's embarrassing." Zach said getting teary eyed. "Hey calm down, crying will only make the bleeding worst. "Okay." He sniffed as Elliot freaked out and Christian restrained him.

"Jeez the blood dried so fast, you really gotta scrub it off." Elliot said running Zach's hand harshly. "Owe brush burn!" Zach said softly back. "Ah! S-sorry." Elliot said getting flustered.

We walked out the room. "Jeez, I hope he's okay.... he's kinda of a klutz." Abigayle said softly. "Yeah." I laughed softly at the semi rude comment and got a flashback to his room. "Tyler are you okay? You face is all red." She said putting her hand on my forehead. "L-eat move on!" I said as I forced her out of the room.

We finally made it to the storage room as we saw the giant shelves. "Ugggh the evidence will take hours to find." She moaned looking all over the place. For a good 20 minutes we looked around and came up empty handed. I sighed as I then heard some cluttering around behind me.i looked over to see a giant pile of various items piled up as it began to move. "H....e....lp." It said as it shuffled slightly.

"Abigayle help!" I yelled as she raced over to me and noticed the situation as well. We then began to frantically moving the clutter away as we finally helped the person out of them mess. As we finally pulled them out it was Kai. "Aghhhhh thank you guys! I've been in there all night!" She said with a sigh. "How did that even happen?!" I asked her. "Welll." She said closing her eyes and tapping her foot as she began to recall last night.

"Well I was here late last night around maybe.... 5 ish. I was up late because I was late night making pixel art when my charging cord gave in so I came here in search of a replacement. When I began looking I noticed someone else and waved, yet the panicked and threw something at the shelf causing all the items to fall off and pile on top of me. Then I was stuck there for the entire night until now."

"Hmmm." Abigayle said. "Where did you see them if you remember?" She asked. "Hmmm around over there." Alexis pointed to a shelf with various weapons on them. As we went closer we've notice a knife rack had a single and kinda large knife missing."Mia was right." She said. "Am I missing something?" Kai asked.

Abigayle and I looked over to each other as we broke the news of Jojo's death to her. "Well then.... we must find the killer. I'll do my best to continue you to investigate." She said waving bye as she looked around the storage room for finally clues. "Welp, it looks like it was a good idea coming here." I said leaving as Abigayle follows jotting down notes.

Bullet: Kai's alibi
Bullet: Storage room

As we left we noticed Mana sitting by his door scratching his head. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "S-stay away from me you killer." He grumbled pointing at me. I took that shot a little too deep as I backup. "Hey don't be an ass!" Abigayle said softly. I was kinda taken aback by her swearing as she's been so soft tone and quiet. "Is just... in thinking about what Jojo told me yesterday." He said. This strikes me as curious. "What did she tell you?" I asked. "I'm not gonna tell you! You'll probably use it to defend yourself in the trial!" He said angrily.

"Spill is Mana." Abigayle crosses her arms changing her mood. "Wh-!" He said as he was interrupted as her kicked him roughly in the side knocking the air out of him. "Abigayle-" I said as she held her arm out to stop me. "Now speak!" She said putting her foot on him as she pressed down. "Ugh! Fine! She told me that because I seemed scared to be around the other she'll be in the library if I need help! Now stop it!" He yelled as Abigayle let go and he ran away with a foot print on his back.

"Abigayle that was a little violent! Don't you think?" I asked a bit scared. "Well it was the only way." She said back in her gentle soft tone. "But if it strike me correctly Jojo told me the same thing. Since I was reluctant at coming to the cafeteria in the mornings she told me she will always be there if I needed to talk." She said jotting down more note. "Hmmm... that could eliminate suspects, because the killer would know where she is." I said. "Well yes and no." Abigayle sighed. "That's true, anyone could of came in the library." I said. I crossed my arms in bitterness.

Bullet: Mana's and Abigayle's alibis.

"Bing bong! Ding dong! Investigation period has ended! Please head  to the butterfly case for further instructions!" Monokuma said over the loud speaker as his voice echoed through the halls. "Welp I guess it's time to put the evidence to use." I said as we walked to the case.

As we got there I noticed that we where he last ones as everyone was waiting with their nerves on high alert. "Finally! Jesus take your time? Where you to getting it on or something!?" Monokuma yelled angrily. Before I could respond he cut me off. "Soo please have your attention to the butterfly case!" Monokuma stated as he pulled out a small button and pressed it. The room slowly but surely started to shake as steamed rolled from the butterfly case. It opened up like two grand doors to a royal palace! On the other side was an opening in the wall as it looked like to be an elevator.

"Please step in!" He said waking ahead. Everyone followed instructions as we where to scared to refuse. "Alrighty!" He said as he pressed the button and the doors behind us closed and the elevator shook slightly as we descended down. I looked around the room as I noticed for many to have hateful or scared looks directed towards me. I closed my eyes as I looked over to Abigayle who stared at the wall scared. I looked over to her and smiled confidently. She look back with content in her eyes, yet fear.

As the elevator came to a halt the doors opened. I looked ahead as I walked out and took a deep breath. As I took my place at my wooden podium with a name tag on it stating my name I looked around. It's time to save everyone and discover the true identity behind Jojo's killer! It's time for the trial of life and death to begin! Now let's give it everything we got!

Alive 15 dead 1
