Chapter 2: Pyramid, New addition to the team and Dancing Assignments

In Studio A, Abby and Dominic were waiting for the girls and their moms to enter so they could do the Pyramid and assign routines.

"Girls, get in here! It's Showtime!" Abby yelled as Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Brooke, Paige and Chloe walked in wearing their dancewear as Melissa, Holly, Kelly and Christi walked in behind them and they stood next to each other while their moms stood to the right next to them. "Girls, i don't know what to say about this past weekend."

"Let's put it this way, we attended In10sity dance in Atlantic City and it was a huge disaster, the group dance got fifth and the solos that were done by Maddie and Chloe didn't place. You all looked like you were on the moon!" Dominic said sternly.

"I think Abby and Dominic spent too much time at the buffet instead of preparing our kids for that competition." Christi whispered to the other moms.

"That's what i think too." Kelly agreed with her friend.

"Who knows about those two?" Melissa said.

"Ok, let's get to the pyramid." Dominic said, then he turned his attention to Abby. "Mom, you start."

"First on the pyramid is Brooke, you were in the group dance only, so there wasn't much to judge you on." Abby said simply to Brooke after revealing the older dancer's headshot on the bottom of the pyramid.

"Next, Chloe. Your solo didn't place and you know how we feel when solos, duet, routines and even group dances do not place and you were the main reason why the group dance got 5th!" Dominic replied after he revealed Chloe's headshot as Chloe had a sad look on her face.

"Dominic, my daughter gave it her best effort!" Christi told him.

"Shut up, Christi! When we want your opinion or the other mom's opinions, we'll ask for it!" Dominic yelled as Christi glared at him. "Mom, your turn."

"Now we have, Maddie, We expected you to be on the top of the pyramid like you were before, but you were terrible in your solo, that's why your solo didn't place as well! You were even worse than Chloe!" Abby said to Maddie after revealing her headshot, Maddie had a sad look on her face.

"Next, Mackenzie. You did good in the group dance." Abby told Mackenzie after revealing her headshot.

"Next is Paige, you were one of only two that were focused on the group dance." Dominic told Paige, revealing her headshot.

"At the top of the pyramid for the very first time this season is..." Abby revealed the top headshot, which was Nia's headshot. "Nia!"

Everyone applauded and the girls all gave Nia hugs as the moms smiled, but Holly had a huge smile on her face, knowing that this could be a good sign that Nia was starting to shine after being a background dancesr.

"Nia, we saw your technique improved and you, like Paige, was focused on the group dance and i believe that my son helped you with the technique." Abby added with a smile on her face.

Dominic gave Nia a thumbs up and in response, Nia nodded humbly, she had learned to be humble when Chloe and Dominic gave her a lot of good advice about humbility.

Chloe then noticed that there was an additional photo that was covered with the Abby Lee Dance Company logo and the girls looked at the covered headshot as well then she raised her hand.

"Yes, Chloe?" Abby said.

"Miss Abby, Dominic, We are just wondering because we saw that there was a photo covered with the ALDC logo, is there a new member of the team to replace Vivi-Anne?" Chloe asked, mention Vivi-Anne Stein, who was the daughter of Cathy Nesbitt-Stein, who owned her own dance studio in Indianapolis, Indiana which was named Candy Apples Dance Center.

"Well, Chloe....Yes, we do have a new member of the team and we were gonna tell you before pyramid, but at the last second, we wanted to tell you all who the new member was after pyramid, so girls, moms, let's give a warm welcome to..." Abby then revealed the hidden photo and it was a headshot of a girl with brown hair and she was eight. "Kendall Vertes and her mom, Jill!"

Kendall walked in from the Dancer's Den and behind her was her mother, Jill, who had auburn reddish hair as the girls all hugged her as to say Welcome to the team, then Kendall stood between Chloe and Nia and the moms all shook hands with Jill, who stood between Holly and Melissa.

"Hi, Kendall. My name is Nia Frazier." Nia introduced herself.

"It's good to meet you, Nia." Kendall stated.

"Kendall, i see you've already met Nia, now i would like for you to meet the other members of the team, the dancer on the right of you is Maddie Ziegler, next to her is her younger sister Mackenzie, on Nia's left is Chloe Lukasiak, and on Chloe's left is Paige Hyland and last but not least on Paige's left, is her older sister, Brooke Hyland." Abby said, introducing Kendall to the girls, then she turned her attention to the moms. "Jill, i would like for you to meet these crazy moms that drive me nuts every week, on your right is Holly Frazier, she is nia's mother and on your left is Melissa Ziegler, she's Maddie and Mackenzie's mother, next to Melissa is Christi Lukasiak, she's Chloe's mother and last but not least, on Christi's left is her friend and the mother of Brooke and Paige, Kelly Hyland."

"Hello, Jill." Holly greeted.

"Hi, Jill." Melissa, Kelly and Christi said.

"It's nice to meet you all." Jill replied, then she turned her attention to Dominic. "Abby, i've got a question. Who's that good looking guy standing next to you?"

"Jill, Kendall, i would like for you to meet my son, my pride and joy, Dominic Miller, he also likes to be called Dom." Abby said.

"Hello, Jill. Hello, Kendall." Dominic said, waving at them.

"It's really nice to meet you, Dominic." Jill said.

"Hi, Mr Dominic." Kendall stated.

Abby smiled, she loved it when the girls and moms got along with her son, then she had a serious expression on her face, which meant it was time to get down to business. "All right, introductions aside. This upcoming weekend, we are headed to StarQuest in Green Bay, Wisconsin."

"Go Packers Go!" Dominic cheered as everyone laughed.

"Is he really a packers fan?" Jill asked Kelly.

"Yeah, he is." Kelly responded.

"I thought everyone loved the bears in Illinois."

"Not everybody, there are some people in this state that likes other teams." Holly answered.

"Dominic, can you tell them what the dancing assignments are?"

"Ok, We've got two solos, a duet and the group dance. Nia, you'll be doing the first solo and Paige will do the second solo, the duet will have Chloe and Maddie and everyone, including Mackenzie and even you Kendall will be in the group dance." Dominic told everyone.

"Moms, you're dismissed and girls, spread apart and warm up." Abby said as Melissa, Holly, Jill, Kelly and Christi all left Studio A and the girls started to warm up.
