Dinner Gone Good (Jondami)

"Jon! Damian is here", Lois called from the living room. "Coming, Mom!", i called. Today was the day. The day Damian comes out to his family. It's a very big day for him and i hope everything goes well.
3rd Pov
Jon bolted down the stairs after just tying his shoe laces. "Morning Dami!", he cheered as he engulfed Damian in a hug. Damian didn't flinch or move, instead he enjoyed the warmth of the other. He only accepted hugs from Jon, maybe Dick when he's in a good mood(which is never!). They pulled away from the embrace. Jon dipped down when Damian stopped him. They both glanced at Mrs Kent who just stood there with a smile. "Don't worry you can kiss. I'll be in the kitchen. Have fun and I'm sure it will go well Damian", Mrs Kent encouraged. She gave Damian a hug before leaving. "Hey! Where's my hug, ma", Jon complained. "I see you all the time, Jon. Damian doesn't visit often. Now get a move on or else you will be late". Jon sighed with pout. "I swear she likes you more than her own son", Jon murmured as they began their way to the limo parked outside with Alfred as the driver. "She really does", Damian replied. "I was hoping to hear some words of comfort like 'no Jon, she loves you' or' she is your mother ' but nevermind i guess, i will stay heartbroken", Jon rolled his eyes. "Drama King", Damian remarked. "Oh but I'm your Drama King", Jon wiggled his eyebrows. "Yes, beloved, you are mine". They hopped into the limo, well, more like Jon hopped and Damian sat down like a mature young man.
Jon Pov
I'm worried for Damian. He seems very anxious and worried. I glanced at his knee which kept shaking abruptly. There was a bead of sweat on his forehead and he paid no attention in hiding his emotions. He looks so stressed out. My poor baby, i know how he feels. I softly placed my hand on Damian's knee, cupping it lightly. He looked at me and stopped the shaking of his legs. He let out a shaky breath. I wanted so bad to just comfort him and tell him all the things i love him for, to reassure him that everything will be fine, to not hide who he really is, to not let it be a burden, but i can't. Why? Because Alfred is in earshot. I gave him a sympathetic look and gazed at his clenched fist. My eyes traveled to the back of Alfred's head. He is too focused on the road, right? I grabbed Damian's hand and intertwined our fingers, creasing his knuckles with my thumb. He gave me a sad smile before averting his gaze outside. Our hands stayed the same for the whole ride, but i could see Dami fidget. "Alfred, can you drop us of here. We will walk the rest of the way", i spoke. My voice caught Damian's attention quickly
"Are you sure? I will take liberty to drive you safely", Alfred questioned. Damian just sunk in his chair observing the conversation. "It's only a 10 minute walk. Maybe less if we don't stop", i said. "Very well, Young Master", Alfred said. I said my goodbyes and pulled Damian along with me to the sidewalk. "Damian. Baby, are you okay? I know the car ride was suffocating you",i say to him. Suddenly, i was engulfed in a huge bear hug. This was very unlike Damian. "Thank you, Jon, for being so thoughtful". I smiled into his hair. God, he was so soft and fragile, but rough dangerous as well. "What's wrong?", i asked. He sighed deeply, "I think i was going to have a panic attack. I have had a few over the years when I'm really stressed. I just- what if they don't accept me and think I'm different", he says to me. "Well, i can't guarantee their approval, but if they don't you will always have me and my parents. Our home is your home now too", i said. He nodded in agreement. "Are you sure you're ready to come out?",i questioned as we began walking the way towards the manor. "Yes, i can't prolong it any further", he said. I slipped my hand around his waist, pulling him closer to me. Damian gave me a look. "What? It's cold and you look too cute", i tell him. He rolled his eyes, "tt, i am not cute, Kent". "Back to the last name thing, huh. You know i have another way of getting your eyes to roll back", i said. Damian yelped and hit my side. He covered his face with both his hands to try and suppress his blush. "I hate that i love you so much", he glares. "Awwww", was my answer which made him more annoyed with me. In time, the manor came in view. "This is it", i said. He nodded and pressed the bell. Not even seconds later the gate opened welcoming us. "Shouldn't we knock on the door?", i asked. "I live here, Jonathan. Remember?", Damian raised a brow. I made an 'oh' face. "God, i love how you say my name", i said nearly breathlessly. Before Damian could reply the door opened. "Oh hi little d! Jon, you can stay for dinner", Dick moved so we could enter. "Greetings Grayson", Damian said ever so formally. "Hey Dick, nice to see you again", i said. We all walked to the dining room after making some small talk about school and some other stuff. "Good evening Mr Wayne", i said. Maybe if i get him to like me more than he will give us his like blessing or something? "Hello Jon. No need to be so formal, you can call me Bruce. You have been a close friend of Damian's for years now", he replied. Scored! I think he likes me. We all sat down and Alfred began laying out food and drinks. I looked towards Damian and he nodded at me. "Everyone, i have a very important announcement to make", Damian said once the room was silent. "You got a girlfriend?!", Stephanie piped up. I just cringed for Damian's sake. "No, something similar though", he took a paused, "Over the years I've wondered who i was. I knew i was different i just could not figure out how. This year i finally did with the help of Jon who happens to be my...boyfriend...I'm uh gay". He let out a breath. Jason and Tim were speechless for the first time. Dick looked a bit pale. Stephanie was picking at her lip, probably rethinking her comment she made earlier. Bruce just stared at his plate. Alfred gave us a warm smile that made me smile briefly. Damian and i intertwined our fingers under the table. Fingers crossed. "This is uhmm very surprising, Damian", Bruce was the first to speak. Damian looked down slightly and Bruce seemed to have noticed. "I just need time to adjust. I thought i knew my son, but turns out i was wrong. I just didn't expect you to turn to homosexuality, i don't mean it's a bad thing. I'm just overall surprised". "What are your thoughts on my relationship then?", Damian asked. I was surprised by his question. He seemed more confident. His brows were up and were masked with curiosity. He held his head high in position. I think it's an act to get the truth out so they don't pity him or feel sorry." Well, i always thought you guys were cute together. Guess my ship sailed!", Dick said which made me smile. "I guess as long as the demon is happy",Jason said shortly after. Damian seemed shocked, but hid it quickly. Tim nodded agreeing with Jason. Stephanie gave us a thumbs up and a bright smile. "I just want you to be happy, Damian, and if this is what makes you happy then I'm fine with it",Bruce says. Damian looked like he wanted to cry. He bolted and hugged his father. I smiled at them. "Thank you, father", he said. Dinner continued as normal. Okay, why lie. Dinner was insufferable because of Damian's brothers. They kept on teasing us on anything they could find. "You guys had soooo many sleepovers. Gosh, imagine what was happening there, huh. I was always suspicious", Jason grinned like an idiot. Oh god. "Oh yeahhhh, remember that one time i just walked in and suddenly Jon was on the floor next to the bed and Damian was roughed up. His hair was a mess and his shirt was almost off!" Dick said. God, i thought Dick was actually on our side for once. "Wonder what you guys were doing?", Tim spoke for the first time. Damian was looking down, a deep blush cascaded his cheeks. He looked so adorable, i can't. He just-  ahhhhhhhh. Well, this was definitely an eventful dinner. I was gonna stay over, but Bruce wanted Damian's bedroom door opened, unfortunately. Well, he has a bathroom in his room so suck on that. Just a quick makeout session, i mean what could go wrong?
Heyyyy, i haven't updated in sooo long so i will update sooner. School was just stressful and all. I haven't edited any of the one shots so yeah. Ig this is goodbye FOR NOW ONLY. ♥️♥️♥️👋👋👋Luv yahhhhhh.
