Chapter 1 [EDITED]


Death doesn't consume me at once.

No, it comes in bits and pieces of memories. All of them too real to be ignored. Or, perhaps even death learned to toy with me?

"Where are you taking him? He's bleeding!"

"Miss, calm down. We got you."

"Answer me!"

"He is no longer your concern, Ms. Taylor. Your family is here, you are free."

I'm startled awake, too tired of chasing hypothetical monsters. Five years. It's been five years but still, irritation creeps in like none when I remember death didn't show me mercy that day.

That I was better being dead than withering away in a cell.

Granted, my cell is decorated in fancy furniture. If I try not to breathe too hard, I can ignore the burn in my ribs. I can even forget that I have been betrayed by my own blood. And I should have focused on that anger rather than finding salvation in nightmares.

Except, time changes people. The old King of La Eme would raise hell right now, let alone bow down to cops for freedom. But I'd like to think that I'm a new version of Ace Martinez. The man who's willing to be patient.

And such patience I've inherited that even cops are suspicious.

Not that they'll ever find out what's in my head. No matter how much they probed and pushed, my thoughts are my own, my promises are mine to bear. And my demons?

They are kept buried for a certain someone.

"Hey, you!" I hear sharp raps on the door and my smile widens. It's almost time. "I'm opening the door right now. Move and I'll tase you."

When I don't answer, the door opens slowly as if to avoid any surprise attack. And, I want to, mierda, I just want to wrap my fingers around his neck until he remembers who I really am. But my body stays on the bed by sheer determination.

"Give me your hands."

I do. And I watch the entire time he cuffs my wrists without bragging about his free life. Not even when he drags me out to the visitation room.


On any days, he'd whine more. But today, for some reason, he's silent. Before I am tempted to ask, the door opens, revealing a bulky figure. A figure I am having a hard time remembering. A new officer? His wary eyes follow my disheveled self until he sits down, the table between us is the only thing stopping me from going after him.

"Martinez." He clears his throat. "I heard you pled for parole?"

I pled to be released, puto!

To him, I give an easy-going smile. "Something like that. Am I eligible yet? If not..."

I trail off once I realize that he didn't come empty-handed. He has a big stash of papers with him. My documents, perhaps? He doesn't notice my curiosity though, too damn busy to read one of many pages. His eyes narrow a few times, I'm sure he is reading about the first two years of me being here. I gave them hell and I'm not a fucking bit sorry about that.

But the smile drops when I remember how I was sentenced to twenty five years of prison without a trial. No, a court case would be too much for Padre. In his eyes, I have tarnished his reputation by letting the enemy live. So, the first chance he got, he tried to get rid of me.

As if I was nothing...

By the time I can think of hiding my anger, the man pushes the papers away with a sigh. One would think he'd be jumping to talk now, but this man is somehow different than my past officer. He takes his time, letting me sweat is what I think his plan was but I meet his stare with the same smile I've been practicing for years.

"You’ve been denied four times already and you are one dangerous man to deal why would you think that we'll let you go before your time?"

Interesting question. I don't take a second to answer. "Because I earned it? Why would you think I'm not eligible for parole?"

He leans in like it's some secret he's going to share. "Honestly? Between the two of us, I think you know you're never going to be eligible." Mierda! My wrist burns but he's not done. "Yet circumstances are forcing us to let you go."

I can't help the chuckle that tickles between my lips. Forced to? That's new.

"Laugh all you want but it's true." He lets out another sad as fuck sigh. "Wondered where your officer is? And why isn't he sitting where I am right now?"

What my officer does is really not my business. So, I only shrug in answer. But my new officer must have been hoping for a different reaction and when he doesn't get it, his jaw clenches in anger. "Dead. Someone set his jeep on fire, in the broad daylight nonetheless."

My thoughts come to a stop. Dead. That bastardo was dead. Gone even before I could make him pay... I am not stupid enough to realize that he worked for La Eme, namely Dante. I don't know whether I look disappointed or interested as I lean in, fishing for more information.

"And? What does that have to do with me? You think I killed him?"

"No." He sways in his seat, a nervous habit I suppose. "But it has your men all over it. Or a few you know."

That's true. After I woke up in prison, I tried everything in me to get out but Padre...He knows his time is near so who he turns to? Fucking Dante. That asshole made sure I was inside this cage while he took over my Kingdom. Ares tried, fuck, he really did but Padre always had a certain power over us.

We hated him, point-blank.

But we couldn't hate him enough to wish he was dead.

And, now I was given an opportunity to take it all back. Even if the federal has other ideas for me.

So like a hungry animal, I latch onto anything that'll help me. "Know any name? I might help. I was the King of La Eme after all."

"Dante Alviso. Ever heard of him?" He starts while I hum. "Valentine De Vale. Stefan Orlov. Or Dario Escoto? Those are the prime suspects for that murder."


My eyes immediately lock with his. Though this time I'm anything but calm. The cuff rattles when I drop my hands a little too hard. "Heard some of them."

He nods, opening another file. "Thought so. Which is why we are considering to release you on parole. Your hearing is next week. Here’s the file, read it carefully, sign it and you’ll be a free man in no time.”

I take his words for what it is. Sign in a paper and be free. My knuckles crack to just know what the fuck is Dario doing, playing with Dante so freely that even a cop got a trace of him. One might think he slipped but I know what it really is. They got a new playground after my demise and they are not afraid to show it.

But what they don't know is what's coming for them.

Five years ago, I was a monster with no conscience. Five years later, I'm just as bloodthirsty if not more. And this time, nothing is stopping me from wreaking havoc on the people who betrayed me.

Not even my Thorn...
