Meeting the family

Anne´s POV:

“Robin, they´re coming!” I yelled to my husband that was in the other room. I was so excited to meet this girl. I have never seen Harry talk that way about a girl before and I guess that it is a good thing sens she is having his child. My grandchild! Oh that is still making my head spin a little.

It´s Christmas eve and I have been waiting for this day sens Harry first told me about them.

Robin walked with me to the front door, with his arm wrapped around my waist. As usual Harry

did´t bother to ring the door bell so he and the pretty girl that I assume is Jennie came crashing through the door.

“Mum!” he exclaimed and pulled me into a hug. “Marry Christmas!”

“Marry Christmas to you to darling” I smiled and untangled from his embrace. “You must be Jennie” I smiled and reached out my hand to the pretty brunette next to my son.

“It´s very nice to finally meet you Mrs Styles” she said shy.

“Please call me Anne” I smiled. “Mrs Styles is Harry´s grandmother”.

Robin shook her hand and introduced himself as well before he took her coat. She was wearing a tight red dress so you could clearly see the little bump on her stomach.

A smile started to spread on my face and I could´t help it. In that belly was my grandchild. This is giving me chills, good ones.

Harry decided to break the silence and lead us all into the living room. He and Jennie sat down on the sofa and he put his arm around her shoulders. He all grown up now my little boy. I still remember how he used to run down the stairs Christmas morning, excited to see what Santa had brought him.

“So Jennie how far gone are you now?” I asked curious.

“Eleven weeks”she said, putting a protective hand over her belly. Maternal instinct I thought to myself.

“How has been so far?” I asked her.

She blushed looking down on her lap.

“Actually it has been kind of rough” she stated. “I have had a lot of morning sickness, my back has been killing me, I´m eating like crazy...” she stopped her self, blushing. “Maybe I´ve said to much”.

“Sweetheart I´m glad that you´re telling me” I said encouraging. “Being pregnant is not all that glamorous as the magazines says. I remember when I was expecting Gemma, Harry´s sister and my first baby, I think that was the worst nine month of my life”.

“Is the first one always the worst?” she asked me and this time she wasn´t blushing and she was looking me in the eye.

“My mother told me that it was because I was expecting a girl that it was so bad. I don´t know if she was right, all I know is that it was a lot easier with Harry”.

“Maybe you´re theory about the boy is wrong then” Harry cut in and rubbed Jennie´s shoulders. “Maybe we´re having a little girl”.

“Have you thought of any names?” Robin asked.

“Yeah, well kinda” Harry told us. “If it´s a boy it´s stands between Shane and Louis right now and if it´s a girl Jennie wants to name her Coral”.

“Louis?” I asked him surprised. “Are you going to name him after Louis Tomlinson?”

“Well yeah” my son said confused. “ I thought you liked Louis?”

“I do sweetie” I told him. “That is just a very big thing to do, name your child after a friend”.

“Best friend “ he corrected.

“Well now I am offended” Jennie said and nudge Harry playful. “I thought we were BFF´s”.

I laughed, she did´t seem so nervous anymore but still a little tense so I decided to be a little bit embarrassing like mothers are suppose to.

“Jennie, did Harry ever tell you about when he and his former best friend friend dressed up as cowboys and Indians?” I asked her.

Harry´s face turned as red as a tomato and Jennie looked from him to me with a smirk growing on her face.

“I can´t say he has” she smirked.

“Well he was about six years old” I started. “His friend were suppose to be a cowboy and Harry was suppose to be a Indian. They usually wear body paint and a waist sheet but Harry did´t have one so he just took some finger paint and smeared it on his face and walked outside, stark naked, just to find that his friend had invited the girl from his class that he had a little crush on to play the princess that needed to be saved”.

Harry´s ears and fave were now bright red but the look on Jennie´s face was priceless. She was trying to keep her face straight but the laugh was bubbling over.

“Do you want me to get some finger paint so that you can cover up your blush, honey?” she giggled and Harry shoot daggers at me but he could´t help to smile as well. Jennie was now totally relaxed.

“I think I even have a picture” I smiled and pulled out Harry´s baby book. Jennie came over and I showed her the picture of Harry, well not really dressed like a Indian.

“Oh man” she giggled. “You were kinda cute when you were little Harry”.

“Kinda cute?” he muttered. “I was freaking adorable”.

Hey all of you lovley readers :D OMG over 1000 readers, you have no idea about how happy I am :D Thank you all so much for reading<3

I´m sorry if my last chapters have been kinda well, boring :( I sort of have a writers block:/ if you guys have any ideas for the story I would love to hear them because I´m sort of freaking out right now o_O I have some ideas but they won´t work untill later :S 

By the way please vote and fan me and comment to, I want to hear some oppinons, if I suck or not you know :P

So to get the next chapter I am going to need at least two votes and three comments, okay?

XOXO Muddybuddies :D
