Chapter 21

As I sit here watching everyone around me laugh, I can't help but think how lucky I am. Dad's finally happy again, he's with a woman he loves and he's not afraid to show it. I'm happy, I couldn't have asked for anyone any better than Grayson. He truly loves me for me, and I truly love him for him. Everythings been fine the past few weeks, Addison and dad are now an engaged couple! Their weddings in a few weeks. Which makes me happy, Addison and I have been doing loads and loads of planning, she's to the point of just hiring a wedding planner so we don't have to anymore. Ha.

"Babe?" Graysons voice rung through my ears, ripping me out off my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I looked at him.

"I'll be right back" He smiled at me. Him and dad got out of their chairs and walked in the house.

"Okay" Addison clasped her hands together and smiled a big smile at me. "So, my sister and her fiance are going to be coming down a week before the wedding, and I was wondering if they could stay in your room? All my stuff is still in the guest room, still in boxes, and that couch is very uncomfortable" she gently laughed.

"Of course" I smiled at her. "Trust me, I know how uncomfortable that couch is." My mind raced back to the first night Grayson had stayed here.

"Great!" She smiled again and picked up her phone. "I'm gonna call Jen and tell her that everythings all set" She got up and walked in the house.

I took a sip of my tea and took in the night sky, the stars, the moon. It was all beautiful. I had always loved sitting out on the patio at night, it gave me time to think and time to take in what was going on around me.

"I'm back" Grayson sat down in his chair beside me. His hand found mine, and he placed a gentle kiss on my cheek.

I smiled. "Hello" I giggled.

He bit his lip, and he looked out at the sky. His right leg was bouncing, he was fidgety and nervous.

"Are you okay?" I looked at him.

He quickly turned his head to me and replied a little too quickly. "Uh, yeah fine. Hey I have to go get some things from the store, wanna go"

"Sure" I smiled. What is wrong with him.

We got up and walked in the house, Addison and Dad were asleep on the couch. How cute. I smiled at them and continued walking out the front door. Grayson linked hands with me again, we walked across the street and got in his jeep.


"Um, I think the stores that way" I pointed to the right.

"No" he smiled. "I'm going to another one".

I looked at him puzzled. "Okay." I looked back out through my window.

We drove about another 15 minutes and pulled up at this little shack looking place that sat on the beach.

"Don't worry, just follow me" He smiled and I quickly followed him into the "Store" It was pretty on the inside, It was like a little beach shop. Bathing suites and clothes hung up on the walls along with a few surfboards but, I was still puzzled.

Grayson walked over and grabbed a few shirts and shorts that hung on the wall, He walked over to the cashier and quickly paid for the items. He motioned for me to follow him, and I did. He led me down a little hall that had "Changing rooms" Hung above a few doors. He threw me a shirt and shorts and told me to quickly change. I walked into a little room and locked the door and quickly changed. I unlocked the door and walked out, Grayson was standing there smiling he took my other clothes and sat them down in a basket that hung by a door, which I'm guessing led out to the beach.

"That's a cute little shop" I spoke quietly as we walked down to the water. Grayson turned on the flashlight and it lit up the sand in front of us.

"Yeah, It's been there for years, I begged my parents to take me in there everytime we came to the beach when I was little, It's where I got my first surfboard. It used to have a lot of stuff in there, but the owner died a while back and his son inherited it. He hasn't kept up with it like Micah did" a small smile spread across his face, Im guessing from the memories.

" I bet those were happy times" I smiled with him.

"They were, I'd give anything to spend one more day with them." His hand found mine, I looked at him and his smile was gone.

"I know you would, I'm sure they were nice" I gently squeezed his hand. We walked along the shore in silence for the longest time. We came across a little gazebo that was light up and had music coming from it.

"What do you say we go check it out?" Grayson looked at me.

"I'm not too sure." I bit my lip.

"It'll be fine" He smiled at me. He turned the flashlight off and we began walking up to this little gazebo.

We walked into it, it was beautiful the way it was decorated. Lights hung off the wood ceiling, soft music came across a little speaker.

"It's beautiful" I smiled, letting go of Graysons hand.

"So are you" His lips softly caught mine.

His forehead rest on mine.

"I have a question" he looked at me.

"I have an answer" I scrunched my nose up at him.

"Okay, let me begin by saying this." He lifted his head from mine, his hands dropped to my sides and rested on my hips.

"I love you Leah, So damn much, and I know we've only been dating a few months, but I really feel like you're the one for me. I want to show you off to the world and tell everyone I meet that you are mine, just to make them jealous." He slowly backed up and got down on one knee.

"Please make me the happiest man alive and marry me" He pulled a ring out of his pocket and looked up at me, hopeful.

"Grayson, Yes of course I will!" Tears of joy brimmed at my eyes. He slid the ring on my finger and stood up. His hands cupped my cheeks and he slowly kissed me.

"I love you baby, so much" He said breaking away.

"I love you too, Grayson" I looked down at my ring and smiled. This moment right here has to be the happiest moment of my life.

I heard clapping and squeals coming from behind me, I turned around and there stood Addison and dad.

"Leah!" Addison yelled and ran over to hug me "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thank you! I'm so excited!" I pulled away from the hug and dad was standing beside Addison, smiling at us.

"Leah, honey, I'm so happy for you and Grayson. I love you both very much and I know you're life will be great" He was still smiling a huge smile and he hugged me.

"Thank you so much dad, I love you" Tears brimmed my eyes again.

"I love you too, sweetie"


