s i x t e e n

"good job today guys! make sure to keep up until the monthly assesment." hyunsuk said and we nodded.

"doyoung, are you okay? you've been lacking since yesterday." hyunsuk said and sat beside me.

i sighed and looked at him.


"it's been a week since i last saw her." i continued and hyunsuk nodded.

"really? but i bumped onto her today infront of this building. i thought she was looking for you." i turned my head to looked at him.

"i need her! do you know where she is." i said and shook hyunsuk's body.

he shrugged and i immediately stood up, leaving the practice room.

i ran all the way from my practice room to the park, looking for you.

no signed of you...

i panted heavily after a long run and sat down, catching my breath.


i turned around and i saw you made your way to me.

"finally." i breathed.

we sat down together, none of us dare to speak up.

"look, i'm very sorry." you said and i just hummed.

"i brought you into this but in the end i'm the one who broke it." you continued.

"i have no choice but to tell you the truth"

i immediately looked at you and you smiled bitterly

"don't wait for me okay?" you said and i felt my heart shattered into pieces.

"what are you saying?"

a r e p r o m i s e s e r e a l l y m e a n t t o b e b r o k e n ¿
