Cousins best friend Part 1

Warning(s): drugs, mention of abuse, smoking

Around twice a year me and my family travel down to London. It's more of a traditional thing now. Every year my Nan throws a huge party to celebrate New Year. It's currently a day before New Years and we are all in the car travelling down. Me and my other two brothers are all over 18 at the least, have gone off on our own paths and even moved out. Yet, every single year we reunite for this. And Christmas of course.

Im 18, the typical blonde stereotype; blue eyes and glowing skin. My eldest brother, Joe, is 22 and has much darker hair, taking after our mother. My other brother, Jack, is 20 and looks very similar to Joe, but he's more athletic.

The car journey is at least 3 hours so we made one stop for some food and continued our journey. By the time we arrive, it's already 5PM.

We head straight into my Nans house and welcome her with hugs, she's a frail woman, but she sure knows how to party. Not the small parties with other old, middle aged people she meets at swimming. Her parties are full of young, energetic people. There's plenty drug dealers, extended family always has a plus one each and there's always the people who say they hate the party atmosphere but show up every year. It's a proper party, filled with cigarette smoke and booze intoxicating the atmosphere. And honestly, I'm here for it.

"Josh and his mates are around in the lounge." My Nan says. I haven't seen Josh in a very long time, though we aren't close because he's always been older than me, it's still nice to see him.

I wander up to the room i know Josh has at my Nans place and walk in with my brothers. Immediately a cloud of smoke hits us without warning.

"Christ, crack a window, will you?" I reply scurrying past the group of 3 high men to open the window. "Pass," I say signalling to the joint in between his fingers.

He rolls his eyes but pass it over knowing if he doesn't I'll snitch to our Nan. Sure she allows it, but she's never been a fan of anyone doing it around me. She never had a daughter so tends to be protective over me mostly. I do love her for it though.

"Lovely to see you too," Josh says turning down some music I barely noticed was even playing.

"Pleasure as always," I laugh, taking a puff and passing it onto Jack.

"Hey, I'm Luke." Someone introduces himself. I shake his hand introducing myself and take in his appearance.

His eyes are clearly bloodshot, unsurprisingly, his hair looking like a bird has lived there for years, and his skin, flaky and dry. How lovely. Drug dealers at their finest. He does seem nice though so who am I to judge.

I look over to my cousins other friend, who is engrossed in a conversation with Joe. Reece. I've had this little crush on him for a long time. Every time I come here I'm always acting like a little 14 year old girl with a crush that consumes her life for as long as he breathes remotely near her.

He's just everything I want in a man. Dark hair, dark eyes, a beautiful smile, hilarious, and the body of a Greek god. It's not hard to tell he works out. I mean I've met plenty guys that work out put you can tell he really puts the effort in.

I stop staring knowing if I continue looking at the way that shirt hugs his body, I'll drool.

Now it's time for the catching up, the same old questions. Except a lot changed in a year. Last year I was this girl with a long lasting relationship with a successful guy, completely in love. Sure I was 17 but I seriously thought I had my life all figured out for me. He made sure of that. Now I'm the survivor of an abusive relationship. In fact because of the lack of 'evidence' he was only sentenced to a year in jail. He gets out this year, enough of the depressing talk.

"You still dating Mr Perfect?" Josh asks laughing to himself about my ex.

"No way," I reply talking a puff of the joint.

"That dudes in jail now." Joe says taking a seat and sighing, blowing out some smoke.

"What happened?" Luke asks, inching closer to me, god.

"Abusive asshole." I reply shortly, now is not the time for deep talks to get more of a connection. Besides I don't even know this guy Luke, why would I want to spill such a private thing to a druggie. I insult him for doing drugs, though I do some, solely for the reason it doesn't consume my life. I'm not addicted in the way he is, therefore, I shall insult him for the amount of weed he smokes in a daily basis.

Footsteps are heard banging on the stairs putting us all into a state of rush and panic. I pass the joint to Reece, Josh occupied hiding the stash of his own drugs. He takes it from my hand quickly, our fingering brushing for a moment only, but it's still enough for me to crave more. More of him.

The door opens and my Nan wanders in, looking suspicious of us all.

"Why does it smell in here?" She asks bluntly hinting at the obvious weed scent still looming in the air.

"You know how boys smell these days, let's go make cookies." I say standing up and walking towards her and the door to leave.

"Let me just get my charger that Josh seems to think is his." She says wandering over to the desk and bending down to reach for the charger, almost directly adjacent to the box of drugs. It's a smell proof box but it's still very suspicious looking. She doesn't mind doing drugs but just not in her house and she's all for it.

We all hold our breath as she leans down ever so slowly to finally pick the charger up and turn back around, seemingly like she hasn't noticed a thing. And thank god, that could've ended badly.

"What type of cookies were you thinking, honey?" She says walking past me as I hold the door open for her.

I roll my eyes at the others who are barely keeping their laughter contained now and reply to her, "chocolate chip as always," I smile at her. It's always been our thing to make cookies together.

In the kitchen, the cookies are finally baked and are warm to the touch.

"They're delicious, Nan, what did you guys put in them?" Jack asks taking a big bite.

"My special ingredient." She cheekily replies laughing to herself.

"Weed. We made weed cookies. And they're for later so that's enough for you," I say taking it out of his hand and placing it back in the box.

"Scandalous." Reece winks at me. I roll my eyes back to him knowing we made weed cookies together a few years ago. It was actually an amazing experience.

"Rosie, do you mind staying with Josh or Reece, we didn't book enough beds in the hotel?" My mother asks apologetically.

"Does this mean I can get that dress I want?" I smile innocently.

"Yes, fine, but you have to stay with them without complaining." She says nodding at me. I've been dying for this beautiful black mini dress, despite having a fair bit of money, I'm now in university so I have to use my money wisely.

I smile happily turning to face Josh and Reece, clearly asking which one of them I'll have to be staying with.

"My girl, Poppy, is staying with me." Josh says, "You'll have to stay with Reece in his apartment in town."

"That's okay with me." He replies casually but I can tell it's not going to be an easy few nights by the hint of a laugh in his response.

"That's settled then, I need to go call my friends." I say walking out back to go call them.

They answer immediately, FaceTime. Lisa looks tied up at a hairstyle appointment by the foils in her fair making her look like an alien. And Maya looks to be just waking up. It's an odd thing to do at a time like this, getting your hair styled I mean.

"What's up?" Lisa asks narrowing her eyes at her screen.

"Just made the goods with my Nan, now I'm a pro for when I get back at your party, Lisa." I laugh as I bend down to pet her dog which was licking at my shoes.

"Yes! I knew your Nan was the best." She laughs throwing her head back but stops when the hairdresser rushes over to her fixing the foils in her hair that must've shifted.

"Guys it's like 6pm," Maya groans.

"Shush, Rosie tell us about you and your little crush, seen each other yet?" Lisa says getting more intrigued in the conversation.

"Yes actually, I have to stay with him over the next few days because my mum didn't book my a hotel room." I reply just knowing how excited they would be for me.

"Oh my god! Girl!" Maya screams, now paying attention to the conversation.

"Rosie! This. Is. Huge!" Lisa says laughing excitedly.

"Guys you need to be quiet," I laugh but then hear the door open behind me, "call you back tomorrow guys,"

"Bye girly!" Lisa says as I hear the hairdresser telling her off for moving so much in the background.

"Might be sleeping again tomorrow but bye bye!" Maya drags on before I hang up.

I turn around to see Luke leaning against the door frame smiling at me.

"Why don't you stay with me, I have a guest room." Luke says standing up straight.

"I'm good, already staying with Reece for now. I appreciate the offer, though." I say as I walk past him back into the house. I hear him sigh frustratedly but it's probably just because he's high, let's be honest.

"I'm heading back to mine now, you want to come now or I can pick you up later if you want to stay for a couple more hours?" Reece say grabbing his car keys.

"I'll head back with you now, just make sure no one eats the brownies," I say turning towards my dad, "dad, do you mind helping me with my suitcase?"

We walk outside and my dad grabs my suitcase from the boot of the car and hands it over to me, but before I can take it from him, Reece grabs it and begins walking towards his car. Porsche.

"Thanks dad, see you tomorrow at some point." I smile giving him a hug before walking over to the car, seeing Reece hop in.

"What on earth did you pack, aren't you here for like 3 days?" He laughs as we drive off.

"I overpack a little, but I have to have something for every occasion. Like sometimes me and Jack walk Nans dog, Daisy. Then you have going out for dinner at a posh restaurant-" I laugh listing all the types of clothes I pack.

"Christ," He chuckles.

We drive into town with music blasting from the radio and pull up to a tall building with small balconies on each apartment. Seems expensive.

"You live here?" I question getting out the car and walking around to get my suitcase.

"Yeah, have done for about a year now," He replies. I think he is around 20 years old so that makes sense. It's pretty impressive being able to afford something so expensive and modern in this area.

Once again Reece takes my suitcase from me and walks with it, carrying it like it's nothing.

"You know I can carry my own suitcase, right?" I say crossing my arms as he walks into the building.

He ignores me and wanders into the elevator, pressing the button for the 7th floor so I follow behind him, getting in before the doors close.

Once reaching his apartment, I see it has an open design, where I can walk straight into his kitchen. His lounge is just past that, a few other doors and a corridor to the left of where I'm stood.

"Your room is down the hall on the left, mine is on the right, if you need anything during the night." He says putting my suitcase down next to the sofa, "Are you hungry?" He asks throwing his keys onto the kitchen island.

"No I'm good for now I think." I reply taking a seat on the sofa.

I get a message from my dad checking on if I've made it there safely and an apology that I can't stay with them like planned.


Hey, did you get there safe?
Sorry about this entire situation
Though it's your mothers fault, not mine

Yeah I've made it safely
I'm not too bothered about where I'm staying, it's only to sleep here.
It means I don't have to hear your snoring x

How rude, I don't snore ;)
Anyways, can you and Reece do a little shopping for the party tomorrow? Ill get your mum to send a list of things we need x

Sure, I make sure it's alright with Reece first though.


"Hey, Reece, my dad needs things buying for tomorrows party, do u mind if we go shopping tomorrow morning?" I ask.

"Sure, but I need to stop by to get something from the centre anyways." Reece says as he drinks some water from his glass.

"Great, thanks," I reply texting my dad back.

Reece then comes and takes a seat next to me, putting on something on TV. We talk about random things, college, university, family stuff. And then, inevitably, the topic of my ex comes up.

"What happened between you guys? The last time I saw you, he had planned out your life. The day of your wedding, how many kids, your job, his job and anything else he could think of." He chuckles.

"That was a long time ago. A lot changed, in so little time. If I did one thing wrong it was the end of the word. For example, I made plans with an old mate from school and I swear it was the end of the world for him. He locked the doors and stole the keys so I couldn't leave. And that was just the beginning," I laugh thinking about how he screamed at me for making plans with this boy. I was mainly meeting with him because we used to be super close but went to different colleges. Plus the last time I checked, he was really struggling with the coming out as trans ti his parents. I just wanted to reconnect.

"There's a big difference between just being and acting jealous and controlling." Reece say's understandingly, "do you need a drink?"

"Give me your strongest." I laugh as he gets up.

I check my phone messages and see that Lisa has sent one of her new hair style to the group chat. It's shorter with darker streaks now. I reply letting her know how flawless it looks, meanwhile Maya hasn't seen the message as she's most likely fast asleep.

"Vodka and lemonade," Reece says handing me a glass.

"Thank you, I'm going to need it if I keep seeing Luke around," I mumble the last bit, thinking Reece won't hear me

"I'm not even sure how Josh knows Luke. I think he's a distant cousin who's moved here recently. Trust me, no one has really taken a liking to him much lately." Reece says taking a sip of his beer.

"He's just a bit creepy. He asked if I wanted to stay with him. And sure, I mean, that could be so very kind of him. But considering i hadn't even known him for 2 hours, I'd rather not," I laugh drinking more.

"Oh yeah, he doesn't even have a spare room though. He lives in student accommodation near the local university." He chuckles. I wonder what he meant by a spare bedroom then, I hope he did mean he was going to just put a blanket on the sofa and that's where I'd be staying. Well it doesn't really matter because I said no.

We talk for the rest of the night and laugh, joking around about the time we made weed cookies for the first time. It was definitely an enjoyable experience. I've also mentally come to the decision on what dress to wear to the party, I'm thinking this black short one where there's cut out holes on the hips and has a low cut neck line. It's definitely scandalous considering I'm with my family at this party but it's more of a clubbing party than a formal dinner. Go big or go home.

There was a moment between me and Reece when I thought we were going to kiss. There wasn't any awkward leaning in and pulling away, it was just a comfortable silence with intense eye contact. It was then we decided to finish our drinks and head to bed. He said he would wake me up if I slept in too late tomorrow for last minute party shopping.

I head to bed, going in my phone till at least 2AM when it seems Maya is now awake. We chat for a bit and then call so she can tell me all about this guy she met. She was too exhausted to tell us on the phone earlier but she seems wide awake and energetic at 2AM. I finally close my eyes and sleep only to be woke up hungry at 4AM. I walk into the kitchen quietly, only turning on a lamp so it wouldn't wake up Reece. I open the fridge and consider the options, nothing jumping out at me.

"There's ice cream in the freezer." I hear from behind me, startling me. I turn my head around to face Reece. He's dressed in grey joggers, no shirt. He knows what he's doing, I swear.

"Jesus, don't do that," I say calling my heart down.

He chuckles and opens the freezer getting out strawberry, chocolate and vanilla ice cream.

"My favourite," I smile opening the strawberry tub. Reece gets out two spoons and passes one to me.

We both dig into the ice cream, Reece deciding to have chocolate. I have nothing against chocolate ice cream but I feel like it's just so common and everyone loves it. I've always liked it but strawberry has always been my favourite personality.

"Why are you still awake anyways?" Reece asks.

"I just woke up randomly and was really hungry," I reply shrugging as I eat some more delicious ice cream, "and you?"

"Woke up when you turned on the lamp, I'm a light sleeper." He says.

I put the lid back on the ice cream and put it back in the freezer, feeling full at this point. Reece doing the same soon after.

We talk for a few more minutes just about ice cream and favourite foods. I learn he loves burgers, same as me, but hates tomatoes and burger sauce, which is also very relatable. He picked on me a bit because of how picky i am with my food. Like I swear I saw a Tik Tok video of someone describing it as 'chicken anxiety'. Like being scared the chicken you eat is too chewy or the wrong texture and it makes you feel the need to throw up and just stop eating all together.

We head to bed again, separately, and drift off until the morning where I get awoken my Reece, still shirtless. What a great way to wake up in the morning.


Part 1 :)

Not fully sure where I should head with this story so let me know if anyone has any ideas. I shall get started on part 2 as soon as possible.

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