
the show officially began.

in the light music, the little players stepped on the big paws of different animals, and collectively slowly moved into the live broadcast screen, as if it was the great migration of animal cubs on the prairie, all of them were cute and cute.

in the audience, the players' families and on-site staff cheered and applauded at the same time to cheer for the group of cubs.

the little lotus in the elk team looked at the grandstand with the cheers, and immediately found xiao ke's brother.

he smiled at brother ke.

what about uncle ye?

xiao lotus's big eyes carefully discerned in the crowd, and soon found the handsome and handsome tall uncle ziye among the staff in the center of the venue.

uncle ye was also looking at himself, and xiao lotus bent the corners of his mouth and smiled so well that his small teeth were neatly revealed.

on the polar orange live broadcast platform, the special page of "cubs rush forward" also has six major competition live broadcasts.

in the rongcheng division where xiao lotus is located, the little cute babies have just appeared, and the live barrage has begun to heat up.

"oh my god, isn't that an introduction today?" how is the theme of critters? the program team is so good at it! human cubs are invincible and cute! i really want to grab one and take it away. "i came to see tang xiaoluo?" our little lotus root ~ where ~ come out and let my aunt rub it ~ "

"i saw the little lotus root!" it's a little elk, uh, how so soft and so milky, and a little silly, so cute.

"little lotus is stupid fufu, smiling so happily, and looks like a little dog without troubles." <

the host of the program, cai jiawen, appeared.

this is the famous host of the children's channel of extreme orange tv, with a round face, always smiling between words, hosting many golden children's programs, and is loved by children's audiences with affinity.

as soon as cai jiawen appeared, several small contestants who liked to watch children's programs recognized him for the first time and affectionately called him "brother jiawen".

after a brief hello, cai jiawen began to talk about the rules of today's first level of the mini-game.

is a simple small animal transport small fruit basket game.

the four animal teams of baby babies need to be lined up in a row, and each baby baby carries a doll fruit basket with five different fruit dolls in the basket.

runners depart at the same time and run to the designated finish line.

younger players in the four age groups will be ranked separately according to the time spent and the degree of completion (no fruit was lost in the fruit basket).

little lotus was arranged to depart in the second place of the elk team.

his little expression was full of curiosity and seriousness, and he was looking at the leader's brother and sister to demonstrate how to play the game.

because the children are wearing cartoon suits, after the introduction of the host, the brothers and sisters of the leaders of each team have repeatedly stressed not to be in a hurry, mainly not to wrestle and not to lose small fruits.

the leader sister asked again, "do you understand?" is it okay to raise your small hand when you understand it?

xiao lotus raised his white and tender little paws, and his short little fingers were still scratching in the air. <

he looked at the doll fruit in the fruit basket and thought that it would be better to walk slowly for a while, otherwise if he fell, the fruit would not get out.

the leader sister said that small fruits are more important.

just as he was calculating, xiao lotus heard the first little elk muttering with its head down.

the first elk team to set off was qi qi, who walked back and forth in front of the starting line, crying without tears, and his small eyebrows were wrinkled together, as if he was losing his temper with himself: "i don't want to run the first, i don't want to." it wasn't

loud, but it sounded a little anxious.

xiao lotus looked at this child who was taller than himself and heard his muttering.

he pondered tangledly for half a minute, bravely stretching out his little finger to gently poke qi qi's arm.

"huh?" qi qi turned around, his expression a little uneasy.

xiao lotus leaned close to qi qi with the elk head and asked in a milky voice, "let's change it, okay?" little lotus runs first. qi qi suddenly stopped talking to himself, touched the elk hat and asked, "is it okay?"

xiao lotus thought about it, the small body turned to the back, and saw the leader sister walking back from the tail of the team, he raised his small hand and called softly: "sister, sister." 

the leader sister trotted over, bent down to listen to xiao lotus slowly explain clearly, and then let them change their positions.

the sister took a look at the name pasted on the back of qi qi's cartoon, rubbed his elk head, smiled and said, "qi qi, next time you can raise your hand like xiao lotus and tell your sister, you know?" 

qi qi looked at xiao lotus, then at his sister, nodded his head vigorously, and did not say anything about worrying about the position, he just didn't want to run the first one.

the leader sister said to the well-behaved little lotus, "if little lotus runs the first one, come on."

xiao lotus also nodded his head and said seriously, "mm-hmm, xiao lotus will protect the little fruit!" as soon as he shook, the elk hat fell down, and the leader sister helped him tidy up a little.

xiao lotus smiled sweetly, "thank you sister." the leader sister really wanted to take the opportunity to rub his baby's fat little face, but it was live broadcasting, and she could only hurry to take care of other children.

many viewers in the barrage noticed this scene.

"wow, xiao lotus looks dumb and cute, in fact, it is quite clever." but a four-year-old child is so sensible?

"three- and four-year-olds are developing in all aspects, and some of them are really sharp teeth." the small lotus already belongs to the slightly slower response.

"who noticed that the lead sister wanted to rub a little lotus but didn't dare to do it?!" i also want to rua little lotus, this little guy is sweet to death, it belongs to honey! "so it's called little sugar lotus ~~~"

"ah, the nickname of little sugar lotus loves love, sweet honey can be cute love ~"

before the game began, little lotus looked at the brown bear team on the outermost track, but he was not tall enough, even if i tried to tiptoe my feet, i couldn't find the little brother. <

host cai jiawen stood in the middle of the track and said to everyone: "children, come, we are going to start the game!" the staff handed the fruit basket to the four young players in the front row.

xiao lotus solemnly took the fruit basket, very carefully hugged it tightly with both arms, bowed his head and said softly: "the little fruit must be obedient, and it is not allowed to run around." although he already understood the game process, when the whistle blew, xiao lotus was still confused.

it was so harsh that he almost raised his hand to press his ear.

that is, in this minute and second, the little brown bears on the left and right and the little cute babies of the red panda team have already twisted and stepped out.

xiao ke in the stands saw that xiao lotus was a little dazed and a little anxious: "it's bad." 

the ears of the little lotus are particularly sensitive since childhood, and it is uncomfortable to hear the harsh sound.

however, xiao ke had just lifted his heart, and the little lotus on the track had already taken a firm small step, and the male and female set off with great enthusiasm.

xiao ke breathed a sigh of relief and said softly, "our little lotus is really brave." 

like xiao lotus, there is also the little cute baby of the rabbit team, who is young and has a slower reaction.

the two of them set out one after the other.

despite the individual competition, the other children were cheering for their teammates.

the four little cubs on the track twisted their round bodies in unison and moved forward, not fast, but they all looked quite cute. <

the barrage was intense.

"it's so cute! macho men must see, macho women shed tears. "i'm an expressionless smiling machine, don't wake me up, i can watch them walk around with their small bodies and watch all day"

"attention all units, there are four little cute cute coming towards you, please be sure not to dodge, just hold and take them home!"

in the warm cheering sound, xiao lotus desperately twisted her little feet and feet, and stepped forward step by step.

suddenly, a round red apple rolled in front of me.

it was the red panda on the track next door who ran too fast, fell down, and struggled to get up.

what to do?

xiao lotus watched as he got closer and closer to the little apple, and then gave a quick glance at the wrestling panda.

while telling himself not to wrestle, he moved his feet forward and bent down to pick up the small apple, and as he passed the red panda basket, he squatted down slightly, put the apple in, and then continued to move forward.

the bunny on the other side of the track also helped the red panda pick up a small lemon.

the two kind little guys immediately gained the favor of the audience, and the number of cultivation liquid in the voting area continued to rise.

"the adult world is divided into what wins and loses, the children's world is only kind, whining, and moving"

"the red panda is about to stand up!" come on! <

"this show has just started, the atmosphere is so good, but it is too cruel to directly eliminate 50 cute babies!" the program group does not do people!

xiao lotus finally succeeded in transporting the fruit basket to the finish line, clapping her hands happily, and as a result, she was careless, overly happy, and sat on the track with a snort.

the staff rushed forward to pick him up.

xiao lotus said thank you softly, and tried to extend his arm to pat his own little ass, thinking that everyone was watching the other little players play without paying attention to him, and he spat out the tip of his tongue cutely.

the audience naturally did not miss his cute little expression, and the discussion in the message area was extremely warm.

"tang xiao lotus is really cute and cute ~ ~ ~ ~ how to do, why is this not a face value competition?" little lotus can definitely take the first! the ceiling of the cute baby value is not blown! "yes, but it's

sad, i feel that the movement cells of the little lotus are not very developed, the second game does not know what kind of game, in case i am eliminated, i will cry to death!"

"this is the same age players to do the ranking, the four-year-old group is similar, don't rush ha ~ xiao lotus did not fall down to play normally!"

at the scene of the race, more and more children have finished, gathered on both sides of the track, cheering the remaining teammates.

xiao lotus remembered his little brother with gloves, he was on the periphery of the children, inside the three layers and three layers outside, he couldn't see anything. 


there was only a small elk on the scene, bouncing left, bouncing right, running forward a little, and then two steps back, busier than the children who were racing, it seemed to finally find a perfect angle, and the cat squinted at the track.

just as xiao lotus's eyes quickly searched for the brown bear team, he bumped into a familiar face.

it's a little brother with a very calm and composed expression!

when the little brother set off, xiao lotus silently prayed for him: the little fruit should not run away, and the brother should not wrestle ~

xiao lotus stared wide-eyed, and did not dare to blink.

on the track, the brown bear tail on the little brother's ass trembled, and it was too cute!

want to pinch.

when the little brother arrived at the finish line safely and smoothly, xiao lotus was really happier than he was when he finished running.

he staggered around in circles, very happy.

some viewers were puzzled by xiao lotus's happiness: "what is xiao lotus happy about?" why does he look so happy?

"i don't know, it's just very dull, but it's cute"

"looking at the little lotus baby is happy, hehehehe, i like this kind of happy child ~"

"maybe there are people he knows in the game just now, right?" he seems to be cheering others on? "

one of the few little cute babies who just ran was named lu lu, so handsome, only five or six years old, he was invincible!" tthere is a sense of handsome and cool vision. after all the 100 little cute babies finished running, they gathered under the leadership of the staff and sat collectively on the furry green lawn floor mat.

the young players are not very old, it is the age of active, can not sit still, some stand, some lie down, and some hands on the ground to learn the appearance of animals, playing with each other.

when all the children were quiet, cai jiawen first pointed out the small mistakes in the game process and asked the children who had corresponding problems to raise their hands.

"after blowing the whistle at the beginning, who is the one who reacts slowly?"

xiao lotus obediently raised his hand and smiled silly.

a number of other children also raised their hands.

cai jiawen smiled and said, "should you pay attention next time?"

xiao lotus nodded, indicating that he understood.

cai jiawen continued: "who is the child who fell down because he was running too fast?" more than twenty small hands sprung up like mushrooms after the rain.

cai jiawen said: "next time, remember that safety first, you must first protect yourself, and then protect the fruit basket in your arms, don't be particularly anxious to accelerate in order to win the game, you know?"

everyone shouted in unison: "i know~" cai jiawen continued: "so who ran and ran to someone else's track?"

seven or eight small hands silently raised their feet. <

xiao lotus likes this host brother and looks very good to get along with.

a big brown bear suddenly asked aloud, "how many i got?" xiao lotus remembered this voice, and he turned his head to look at it with a dazed expression.

it was the little boy who was yelling during the change of clothes.

he was in the midst of the staff's good talk, barely wearing the clothes of a big brown bear.

with this problem, other children also began to care about their own rankings.

cai jiawen reassured everyone: "we still have to play the second game, and the ranking of the two games is to be calculated together, so we can't tell you the results for the time being." now let's take a break and we're going to start the second one right away. are you looking forward to the final result? the little boy was still standing, with one hand at his waist, pointing at the host, "huh? why can't i know the ranking? children are young, even if the parents have explained that it is live broadcast time, but they cannot control their words and deeds according to the occasion like adults, and children with straightforward personalities will inevitably go straight.

cai jiawen smiled and said, "xiao gu, because our game system is two games together to count and finally reveal the answer, can xiao gu understand?"

xiao lotus sat on the ground with the other children, and his eyes shifted from the face of the host's brother to xiao gu's face.

xiao gu waved his hand impatiently, "you guys are so slow." in the live broadcast room, there was an audience talking about this scene. 

"this kid has such a big temper." although i can understand that children want to know the grades, but the rules are so, it is true"

"suddenly feel that the children are really too real, if they are adults, even if they think so, they will not say it in public"

"although the child's straight temper is very normal, but i feel that his tone is good (light

after cai jiawen invited xiaogu to sit down, he began to introduce the second round of the "memory chess" game.

because it is a memory type, this level is not limited to peer competitions, it is a random one-on-one form of the whole field, which is drawn by the system set by the program.

xiao lotus had already seen the memory chessboard prepared by the staff and was eager to try it, hoping to speed up the entry into the game.

however, if you can play against the little brother of the brown bears, is it better?

xiao lotus vaguely looked forward to it.

the system began to draw lots, and cai jiawen reported the names of the little cute babies who were opponents one by one, and the little cute babies who were called names got up and stood together.

xiao lotus pricked up his little ears and listened carefully to his name, but he never waited.

but when he noticed that the host's brother was called "lu lu", the handsome brown bear brother stood up.

it turned out that the little brother's name was lu lu, a cute name.

xiao lotus saw him standing with another little boy with some regret.

at this moment, the host said, "xiao lotus, xiao gu is a group."

xiao lotus was stunned, who is xiao gu?

ah, it was the little boy who had just crossed his waist and spoke.

xiao lotus watched xiao gu stand up, and three words popped out of his round little head:bad, cake, and up.
