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❛those damned blue eyes.❜

⋆ ✧ ⋆

It was a newborn afternoon when Zoya, Emma and Julian arrived in Victor Heights. The radiant sun was residing high in the azure sky, casting an array of golden rays over the tranquil scenery, but not even the mild touch of the cheerful yellow could brighten up the neighborhood Johnny Rook lived in.

Although the street had a seemingly delightful tone to it ー with young children playing around and occasional passerby wishing a good day ー it wasn't difficult to recognize the place that was Johnny's house. It was one of those dull, gray houses that parents warned their children about ー a tiny bungalow that decayed in between two ranch houses.

The three friends were standing close to each other, Zoya silently passing the weapons that rested on the backseat to Emma and Julian. Cortana was strapped to Emma's back in an instance, leaving Zoya and Julian to secure Lazarus and a simple seraph blade on them. It was one of those times that the three Shadowhunters were glad to have been granted the power of glamouring themselves; at least they didn't have to worry of the local children noticing their weapons.

"Ready to go?" Emma smiled at Zoya and Julian, smoothly as always. Unlike the pair, the blonde girl had taken her time to rest ー waking up an hour before they were to depart for Rook's. Her friends, on the other hand, woke up with the first rays of dawn, taking it upon themselves to prepare breakfast for the Institute's residents.

It was an awkward morning, to say at least. Although Julian had prepared tea for the two of them, making sure to use Malcolm's tea mixture for reducing the noise which tormented the raven-haired girl, everything that followed after the few moments of peace and quiet was an utter disaster. The two fell into their usual routine, but no words were exchanged between them. The pair kept on clumsily stumbling upon each other and even spilling the pancake mixture upon the counter, resulting in another round of silent stirring and even more dreadful assistance.

Zoya was aware that the bitter tension was a consequence from the night before; the touches still burned hotly on their skins, echoes of the spoken words loud in the back of their minds.

"As ready as we can be."

The Caldwell girl returned a weak smile to her parabatai, heading toward the pavement made of large, improperly-cut stones. Several hollow tree roots broke through the ground, elevating the chunks of gray as the three friends stepped upon them.

From the corner of her eye, Zoya could see Julian lagging behind her and Emma, repeatedly glancing at his phone. Occasionally, he would shake his head and huff in despair. The blonde girl seemed to have noticed it too, passing Zoya an inquisitive glance.

"Jules," Zoya took it upon herself to check on him, ignoring the message-sound his phone emitted. "What's going on?"

The brunette boy merely frowned at his screen. "Buffoon?"

Emma's lips parted ways as she glanced at Zoya. "Did he just mutter 'buffoon'?"

Zoya nodded at her parabatai, allowing her to glare at Julian as he approached them. "Jules," Emma stated. "Try to act not weird, okay?"

Just when Julian was about to reply, the front door of the bungalow flew open, revealing a tall, lanky man. He wore a pair of faded jeans, leather jacket thrown over his black shirt. His face was long and angular, a pair of tinted glasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

Folding his arms over his chest, the man leaned against the doorframe. His eyebrows were arched up, eyes examining the visitors. "Carstairs," he muttered, as if annoyed. "And wherever she is, there is the other half ー Caldwell."

Zoya resisted the urge to roll her eyes, but knew well that it would give the satisfaction to the man.

Johnny's gaze parted from the girls and toward Julian ー who still had a ringing phone in his hands. "Busy?" He questioned hoarsely, turning toward Emma and Zoya. "None of your friends seem to be polite."

"Politeness is to be deserved, Rook," Zoya responded. "Don't you remember our last conversation?"

The man chuckled. "How could I ever forget, Caldwell? You were most pleasant that dayー"

"Enough," Emma shook her head, deciding to take the situation under her control. "This is Julian. Our friend."

"Of course," Johnny's voice softened. "I should have recognized the Blackthorn eyes. You look just like your father, Julian."

Zoya watched as Johnny Rook smirked at Julian, as if he thought he had power over him. She was glad to see that Julian returned him nothing but a blank stare, focusing on typing yet another text on his phone.

Johnny shrugged his shoulders, swinging the door open and moving aside, allowing the Shadowhunters entrance. "Come in," he said in a firm voice. "You know the rules. No taking out weapons, Carstairs. And no back talk."

"Define 'back talk'," Emma responded as she stepped in, Zoya and Julian trailing behind.

An overwhelming cloud of warlock magic gushed at Zoya as she passed the doorstep, overwhelming her senses. It was a nearly impossible task to miss it; the veil of smoke moved through the living room, becoming visible under the light that penetrated through the old, yellow curtains.

The room wasn't much, but from what Zoya could observe, Johnny Rook was a bibliophile. Handmade, wooden shelves contained a tiny, but priceless collection of books. From grimoires to copies of Pseudomonarchia Daemonum and Dragon Rouge, Rook had it all.

Naturally, her eyes fell from the bookshelves to the creaky floor that was covered in a matching yellow rug. The nearest corner of it was twisted, allowing the raven-haired girl to catch a glimpse of a spell circle ー one warlocks used to summon demons.

It wasn't an easily overlooked sight ー the circles were an invisible protective wall and there were usually two. One inside of the other, usually accompanied by sigils of seventy Lords of Hell.

As soon as Johnny noticed Zoya examining it, he used his leg to smooth out the rug, stepping into the circle. His eyebrows rose up. "A protection circle. You can't get in."

"And you can't get out," Julian glanced at the man. "Not easily, anyway."

Rook's lips formed a firm line. "Why would I want to?"

"Not sure about that, Rook," Zoya said, watching the man as he crossed his arms over his chest. "But you're playing with a dangerous kind of magic."

"Don't judge," Rook replied. "We who cannot wield the magic of Heaven must use what comes to hand."

"The sigils of Hell?" Julian questioned. "There's some middle ground between Hell and Heaven, surely."

Rook flashed his teeth. "There's all the world," he proceeded. "It's a messy place, Shadowhunter, and we don't all get to keep our hands clean."

"There's a difference between dirt and blood," Julian responded.

It was Emma's turn to step in. She shot Julian a distinctive, sharp glance ー one that told him that they were there because they needed something from the man who sold information for a living.

"Look, we're not here to bother you," Emma spoke. "We just want some information, and we'll go."

"Information isn't free," Rook eyed the blonde girl quizzically.

"I've got something good for you this time. Better than cash," Emma uttered, hand reaching inside her jacket and pulling out a silver-white object. She made sure to avoid Zoya and Julian's eyes as she displayed the unnamed seraph blade to Rook.

"What is he going to do with adamas?" Julian shook his head.

Zoya, on the other hand, didn't say a word. Her gaze kept on lingering around the living room ー it was a small place, but somehow, it had a warm atmosphere to it. A few clothing items were scattered across the armchair and sofa, drawing Zoya's attention. There was a sapphire blue shirt ー too small of a size to fit Johnny. There was also a jean jacket, ripped at the edges and with a badge pinned to the breast pocket; from all the facts Zoya had gathered, Johnny Rook always wore his leather jacket. She had never once seen him dressed in a bright-colored shirt and jean jacket.

There was someone who lived with him. A child, by the looks of it.

"Adamas that has been treated by the Iron Sisters goes for a high price at the Shadow Market," Rook remarked, too charmed by Emma's seraph blade to notice Zoya wandering around the room. "But it still depends on what you want to know about."

"The Midnight Theater and the Followers," Emma proceeded calmly. "We want to know about them."

Rook remained silent for a short moment, as if he were debating on his decision. "What do you want to know?"

Zoya listened closely to Emma's brief update of all the events that took place last night; she had omitted the fact that Mark had returned from the Fair Folk's captivity. Once her words died at the top of her tongue, Johnny chuckled.

"Casper Sterling," the man whistled. "I always thought that guy was a scumbag. Yakking on about how he was better than werewolves, better than humans, too. Can't say I'm sorry his number came up."

"Johnny," Emma interrupted. "They're going to kill him."

A look of confusion passed across the man's face, vanishing before any of the three Shadowhunters could notice it. "And you want me to do what about it? They're a whole organization, Carstairs."

"We need to know who their leader is," Julian proceeded. "Belinda called him the Guardian. He's the one we need to find."

"I don't know," Rook shook his head. "I'm not sure pissing off the Followers is worth even adamas."

"You keep on forgetting that none of them will know about you telling us anything," Zoya pointed out, crossing her arms over her chest as she met Johnny's eyes.

Emma nodded at her parabatai. "Besides, I saw you flirting with Belinda at the Shadow Market. She's got to know."

Rook cut Emma off. "She doesn't."

"Huh," Emma hummed. "Okay, which of them does?"

"None of them. The leader's identity is totally secret. I don't even know if it's a man or a woman. The Guardian could be either, you know?"

"If I find out you're hiding something you know from me, Johnny," Emma threatened, "there will be consequences. Diana knows I'm here. You won't be able to get me in trouble with the Clave. But I could get you in trouble. Serious trouble."

"Emma, forget it," Julian brushed the man off. "He doesn't know anything. Let's take the adamas and go."

"They get two days," Rook eagerly stated. His jaw clenched at the thought of the Shadowhunters holding him in the middle of their palms. "When their numbers get picked. They get two days before the kill has to happen." He glared at the three of them. "It's sympathetic magic. The energy of the death of a supernatural creature powers the spell that makes them all stronger. And the leader ー he shows up for the kill. That much I know. If you're there for the death, you'll see him. Or her. Whoever it is."

"The Guardian shows up at the murder?" Emma questioned. "To harvest the energy?"

"So if we shadow Sterling, if we wait for someone to attack him, we'll see the Guardian?" Julian added.

"Yeah. That should work. I mean, you're crazy to want to be there at some big dark-magic party, but I guess it's your business," Johnny responded, eyes falling onto Zoya whose eyes kept on wandering around the room. "You have no right to be looking around, Caldwell."

The raven-haired girl met Johnny's eyes, eyebrows arching up. "Why?" She inquired curiously. "Are you afraid I'd find something? A secret of yours, perhaps?"

The man's arms fell to his sides, hands clenching into tight fists. His scarred knuckles paled. "Shadowhunters," he took a shallow breath, spitting the word as if it were poison. "You always think you're so powerfulー"

Zoya rolled her eyes, gaze set toward the stairs that led to the secluded area beneath the ground. "What are you keeping down there?" She asked, a familiar ringing sound erupting in her ears. "Or whoー"

But before Zoya could finish voicing out her observation, a loud cry made its way to them. Its origin was the very same area Zoya had mentioned to Rook.

"What the hell?" The man's eyes widened in shock.

Zoya bit her lip, silently cursing ー she was right. Someone had been living with Johnny Rook.

Without wasting another second, the raven-haired girl lunged for the stairs, Emma and Julian racing after their friend without sending another glance to the alerted Johnny Rook.

Zoya allowed suffocated murmurs to lead her, a witchlight displayed in her hand the moment she reached the basement. Julian and Emma were on either of her sides, both equally as stunned as they've taken in the sight before them.

Pressed against the wall was a relatively tall, lanky boy of messy blond locks and a defiant aquamarine gaze. Pinning him against the cold surface, with a knife pressed to the boy's throat, was no other than Ty Blackthorn.

Zoya's breath was knocked out of her lungs; how did Ty get there?

"Tiberius Blackthorn," Julian's blue-green eyes blazed, voice jumping an octave. "What on earth are you doing?"

Zoya could almost hear the anger which blended into concern in Julian's voice. He was gawking at the unexpected scene, much like her and Emma. And yet, despite Ty's surprising appearance, the Caldwell girl couldn't help herself but take in the sight of the blond boy whom Ty held so firmly.

A sharp blade rested at the base of his throat, courtesy of a steady-looking Tiberius Blackthorn, but the boy barely showed signs of fear. His locks were a mop of faded golden, but his blue orbs burned captivatingly. There was an almost familiar flame woven thickly into them; Zoya could have sworn she was staring into a mirror and into her own iridescent blue irises.

"Ty," Julian spoke again ー a drizzle of disturbance spilling over the top. "Ty, let go of Johnny Rook's son."

Of course he was Johnny Rook's son.

The blond boy's pupils dilated, lips parting in awe. "How did you ー how do you know who I am?"

"There's really not a wide variety of choices," Zoya met the blazing blue eyes of the boy, earning a sharp glare.

"Maybe you know something about the Lottery at the Midnight Theater?" Julian proceeded.

Emma drew in a breath, turning toward the brunette boy. "Jules, he's just a kid."

"I'm not a kid! The blond boy argued. "And my name is Kit."

"We're trying to help." Julian's voice remained cold, earning a bitter scowl from Kit and making him proceed a bit gentler. "We're trying to save lives."

Kit shook his head, jaw clenching ー but only barely. "My father told me that's what Shadowhunters always say."

"And you think that's a dreadful thing to say?" Zoya spoke to him softly ー if she knew anything about being approached by the strangers, it was that the person who was being approached did not enjoy being interrogated as if they were a criminal. "Have you ever thought about the possibility that your father's not allowing you to see a bigger picture?"

"He was right this time, wasn't he?" Kit replied sharply, blue gaze scanning the three older Shadowhunters. "You said it."

"I meantー"

"I don't know anything about a lottery," Kit barked out, eyes sliding to Ty ー who was already looking at the boy.

"Kit!" Johnny Rook's voice was a fire ready to burn everything and everyone in his way. His footsteps were urgent as they echoed against the stairs, the man dressed in leather jacket pushing past the Shadowhunters. "Leave my son alone!"

Ty didn't even flinch at the man's threat. Instead, he secured his grip on the blade that was pressed against Kit's throat. "Tell us about the Lottery," Ty told Johnny Rook.

Zoya had to push back a heavy sigh. It was so peculiar to see Ty acting like a ruthless executioner ー the burning determination in his eyes scared her. And not just her, but Johnny Rook, as well.

"I'll give you Casper Sterling's address," Johnny swallowed a lump in his throat, eyeing his son in concern. "I've got it, okay? He's got a bunch of identities, he isn't easy to find, but I know where he lives. All right? Good enough? Let my son go!"

Ty slowly lowered his knife, separating from the boy.

"Dad, Iー" Kit began.

"Be quiet, Kit," Johnny cut his son off mercilessly. "I've told you. Don't say anything in front of Nephilim."

"We're on the same side," Julian responded steadily.

Johnny Rook's body swirled around, lips forming a twisted smile. Anger bubbled beneath his skin ー raw and true ー as he sneered in the Shadowhunters' direction. "Don't you dare tell me what side I'm on, you know nothing, nothingー"

"Enough!" Emma shook her head. "By the Angel, what are you so frightened of?"

A glimpse of fear was present in Johnny's eyes. "I'm not frightened," he barked out. "Just get out. Get out, and don't ever come here again. I'll text you the address but after that, don't call, don't ask me for favors. We're done, Nephilim."

"Fine," Emma stated firmly, motioning her hand toward Zoya, Ty and Julian. "We'll go. Tyー"

But Ty was already spinning on his foot and storming out of the room, Julian tracing behind his younger brother. Kit didn't watch them as they sprinted up the stairs, blue gaze glued to his father.

It sent a wave of sympathy down Zoya's spine. She couldn't even begin to fathom the life Kit Rook was living. Born with the Sight ー he had to live in constant fear. At least that was what Theodore had told her once ー when all the Downworld's secrets were unlocked, one tended to feel nothing but bone-shivering fear. One had to constantly be alerted, hoping that those that were more powerful wouldn't end them.

"Em," Zoya came to stand next to her parabatai, blue gaze meeting the familiar hazel. The girl's voice was barely above a whisper, afraid that Johnny would overhear. "Perhaps we should offer Kit protection?"

The blonde girl nodded before meeting Johnny's gaze once again. "Fine, Johnny," she responded. "But if you change your mind, you have my number in your phone. Under Carstairs."

The man resisted the urge to curse.

"Call me," Emma shrugged her shoulders, hazel gaze falling upon Johnny's son. "If you ever need anything."

"Get out!" Rook barked out deafeningly, as if the parabatai had murdered his entire family.

Zoya and Emma didn't need another warning; the two headed out instantaneously, but not before Zoya stole one last look at Kit Rook.

She was surprised to see that the boy was watching her the whole time.

⋆ ✧ ⋆

Wind greeted Tiberius Blackthorn's obsidian locks, ruffling them and tickling his skin. The boy's lips were a straight line, arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the car trunk.

"Where's Jules?" Emma was the first one to speak as she and Zoya approached the boy.

"Over there," Ty gestured with his chin. "I got into the house with an open rune. I broke the lock on the basement door. He's fixing it."

Zoya stole a brief glance toward Rook's house, noticing Julian's lean frame leaning over the door Ty was speaking about.

"Ty." She turned around, unbuckling the weapons belt that rested around her waist and passing it to Emma who opened the trunk. "May I ask ー how did you get here?"

"Hid in the trunk," Ty shrugged his shoulders, as if it were obvious. "I saw you putting the weapons on the backseat and took my opportunity to jump into the trunk. You never budged to check it."

Zoya suppressed the smile that threatened to rise on her lips. It was the first and last time they didn't use the car's trunk for keeping their weapons ー of course Ty would notice it and seize his chance. Once again, the boy proved just how brilliant he was.

"Do you think Julian's mad at me?" Ty's voice surprised both of the girls.

"I doubt it," Zoya said, heart warming at the sight of innocence in Ty. It was a polar opposite of the sight she had witnessed only moments ago. "He was probably just worried."

"I disagree," Emma sighed, meeting Ty's eyes with amusement. "He's going to murderate you."

"That's a neologism," Ty stated.

Emma's eyebrows furrowed. "It's a what?"

"A newly coined word, Em," Zoya replied swiftly.

Ty nodded at Zoya. "Yes. It's a word you made up," he confirmed. "Shakespeare made up words all the time."

Emma smiled. "Well, 'murderate' isn't exactly Shakespeare."

"No, but you did create a new word," Zoya shrugged her shoulders, noticing that Julian entered their vision field and headed toward Ty. The younger boy had his shoulders proud, but his eyes did glimmer a speck of worry as he noticed Julian never once quivering as he strode toward him.

Zoya wanted to say something, but she shut her mouth the moment Julian pulled his brother into a tight embrace. It was unlike any other contact the two of them shared; Julian buried his head into Ty's black hair, arms not showing any intention of letting go.

"Jules?" Ty muttered, surprised that Julian didn't lash out at him. "Are you all right?"

The brunette boy's shoulders trembled, making him pull Ty in even tighter.

Zoya felt a sharp pang of fear and relief take over her heart, nearly sending her stumbling into Emma.

"I thought something happened to you," Julian spoke, cheek pressed against the top of Ty's head. "I thought Johnny Rook mightー"

Julian never finished. Ty surprised everyone by wrapping his arms around his brother. It was a careful gesture ー as if Ty wasn't sure of his intentions as he lightly patted his brother's back.

Zoya and Emma's gazes collided; neither of the two girls had ever seen Ty comforting his older brother. It was always the other way around ー Julian took care of everyone else, never asking for other's concern or pity. He was the pillar of the family, bearing the heavy weight on his shoulders without complaining. But in that moment, as if Ty had sensed all the barriers of Julian's heart crushing, he comforted his brother.

It wasn't the most smooth of actions ー but what Ty would never know is that it had meant the world to Julian Blackthorn.

⋆ ✧ ⋆

The brilliant apricot sun was ready to drown in the endless pool of blue waves as the four Shadowhunters drove up the Pacific Coast Highway. For the most part, the ride was silent. Everyone had their attention glued to something. Ty and Emma, sitting next to each other in the backseat, were observing the familiar scenery of Los Angeles. Julian had his eyes set on the road ahead, steadily driving their Toyota. Zoya, unlike others, had her attention captivated by Julian.

For the whole ride, she kept on glancing toward the Blackthorn boy, as if she were making sure that he wouldn't fall victim to his disturbance. Unlike before, his hands have stopped shaking and shoulders have returned to their normal, relaxed state. On occasions, his teeth would sink into his lower lip, gnawing at it nervously.

Zoya had recognized the unsettled state ー he was trying hard to push down everything that bothered him, thinking that if he buried all the troubles, they would disappear. Thinking that such an action would cast a veil of peace over him was a foul act of Julian's behalf ー and yet, Zoya wasn't in the place to judge the boy. She had done it plenty of times herself.

"You shouldn't have done that," he finally gave in, meeting Ty's gaze in the rear view mirror. "It was too dangerous for you to come with us."

Ty's fingers were playing with the cable of his headphones. "I know what you think. But this is my investigation too."

"Mark texted me to tell me you were missing," Julian announced, finally revealing the reason behind his constant obsession with his phone. "I almost walked right out of Rook's house. I don't think he would have let us back in."

"I'm sorry you were worried," Ty replied. "That's why I hugged you outside Rook's house, because I was sorry you were worried. But I'm not Tavvy. I'm not a child. I don't need to always be there so that you or Mark can find me."

"You shouldn't have come into Rook's house either." Julian's voice climbed on octave, making Zoya's head snap in his direction. Julian's head tilted only slightly, allowing him to meet her gaze. "It wasn't safe."

"I wasn't planning to come inside. Just to look at the house. Observe it." Ty's shook his head. "Then I saw you go in, and I saw someone moving around downstairs. I thought they might come up and attack you when you didn't expect it. I knew you didn't realize anyone was down there."

"Jules," Emma joined. "You would have done the same thing."

Julian shook his head. "Ty's only fifteen."

"Don't say it's dangerous because I'm fifteen," Ty protested. "You did things just as dangerous when you were fifteen. And Rook wouldn't have told you Sterling's address if I hadn't been holding a knife on his son."

"That's true," Emma justified. "He got into that protection circle too fast."

"You couldn't have known he had a son hidden down there," Julian argued. "You couldn't have predicted what would happen, Ty. It was luck."

"Prediction is magic," Ty said. "It wasn't that, and it wasn't luck, either. I've heard Emma talk about Rook. Diana too. He sounded like someone who would hide things. Who you couldn't trust. And I was right." Ty's gaze sharpened, even though he wasn't looking anyone in the eyes. "You always want to protect me," he observed. "But you won't ever tell me when I'm right. If you let me make decisions on my own, maybe you'd worry about me less."

Julian parked the car before the Institute, lips firm.

"It could help that we know Rook has a son," Ty pointed out. "You can't be sure it won't. And I got you Sterling's address. I helped, even if you didn't want me there."

Zoya watched as Julian's gaze softened, hands falling upon his knees. They were all too stubborn sometimes ー so much that protection over their loved ones grew into an intention of shielding them from the world they were a rightful part of.

"I'm sorry," Julian breathed out. "I didn't mean to make it sound like you didn't help."

"I know the Law," Ty stated. "I know fifteen isn't grown up. I know we need Uncle Arthur, and we need you." He paused briefly. "I mean, I can't cook at all, and neither can Livvy. And I wouldn't know how to put Tavvy to bed. I'm not saying you need to put me in charge or let me do whatever I want. I know there are rules. But some things ー maybe Mark could do them?"

"But Markー"

Mark might not stay.

Zoya read Julian's unspoken words.

"Ty," Zoya finally decided to take part into the conversation, realizing that Julian was struggling. She often thought that it wasn't her place to lecture the children unless the situation demanded her to ー but she was family. At least that was what Julian told her; family was always there to help each other when things became too much. "Mark has just returned and, in a way, he's trying to get to know you again. Years have passed since he's been around you and I think that he's trying to test the ground now ー see how things have changed. Perhaps he needs time to adjust and putting additional obligations upon his shoulders might result in complete disaster."

Ty watched Zoya closely. "He wouldn't mind," Ty spoke. "He likes me. He likes us."

"He loves you," Julian said. "And I love you too. But Ty, Mark might not ー If we don't find the killer, Mark might not be able to stay here."

"That's why I want to help solve the mystery," Ty justified. "So Mark can stay. He could take care of us, and you could rest." His fingers were caught in his jacket, pulling the material closer. "I'm going to go inside and find Livvy. Mark too. He was probably worried."

Julian could only stare after Ty's disappearing frame ー as if a part of him was leaving with the boy.

"I'll make sure Ty's fine," Emma opened the backseat door, passing Zoya a glance. "You take care of Jules."

Zoya's heart swelled with warmth ー and fear. It was definitely fear.

She pushed back on the hammering of her vital organ, passing Julian a glance. "Let's get out."

The boy merely nodded, allowing them to exit the car and walk toward the stairs of the Institute. "They all think that, don't they?" Julian spoke slowly, as if he had lost faith in his words. "They all think Mark is going to stay."

Zoya came to stand just before the staircase, rough gushes of wind penetrating through the gear. Hesitantly, she spun on her foot and faced Julian. "You can't blame them for believing so," she replied calmly, feeling Julian's gaze on her. "Hope should be the last thing to die."

She knew that her words were offering little comfort ー but not even Zoya was sure what was to be said. The girl didn't know Mark Blackthorn that well; she didn't grow up around the Blackthorn family, but from the facts she had gathered ー there was a part of Mark that yearned to be reunited with the rest of the Fair Folk. There was a tiny part of his soul that dwelled at the thought of riding through the night sky with the rest of the Hunt. It was why Zoya couldn't be entirely sure of Mark's decision ー whether he would stay with his family or return to the Fair Folk ー no matter how much she adored him.

Julian looked at Zoya. "We live in a world of demons and monsters, and the thing that scares me the most is the idea that Mark might decide he belongs with the Wild Hunt and leave," he confessed. "Even if we solve the mystery and satisfy the Fair Folk. He might still go. And he'll smash their hearts to pieces. They'll never recover."

Zoya bit into the soft flesh of her cheek, choosing to go against the vivid memories of the two of them standing close to each other, and reached for Julian's hand. The brunette boy's fallen gaze met her blue one instantaneously, the surprised look on his face sending her heart into an overdrive.

"I know that you love those kids with your whole heart. So do I ー and I've not even grown up with them," she licked her lips. "But we ー you ー can't protect them from everything. No matter how much the thought of them joining our mission scares you ー you have to know that they have an equal right to be included." She paused briefly, taking a breath. "Sometimes, people that are closest to us chose to leave ー it happened to me, too."

"That boy you danced with?" Julian inquired. "Theodore?"

Zoya nodded. "He was my childhood friend and no ー it wasn't easy, learning how to live without him," she confessed. "It was awful, but as time passes ー you grow thicker skin. Besides, those kids are strong. You keep on forgetting that you raised them, Jules."

For a few seconds, silence was Zoya and Julian's only friend. It allowed them to forget all about their awkward morning and fall back into the comfort they've felt around each other. It allowed them not to quiver under each other's gazes, but step closer to each other, fingers intertwined.

"Sometimes I almost wish Mark hadn't come back," Julian's voice was barely above a whisper. "What does that make me?"

His blue-green gaze collided with Zoya's aquamarine one, holding onto it like his life depended on it.

"It makes you human, Jules," she answered, giving his hand a squeeze. "Entirely human."

Julian's lips parted only slightly, making Zoya's chin tilt up. She knew he wanted to say something, but before she could get to ask what, she was pulled into an embrace. It was a swift motion, sucking all the air out of Zoya's lungs as her body collided with Julian's.

His arms were tightly wrapped around her back, fingers gripping into the rough material of her gear. Zoya didn't need much time to respond, her brain instinctively ordering her to wrap her own arms around the boy and offer him the comfort he was seeking.

Just like always, Julian smelled of fresh spring and safe haven. It was a scent Zoya had grown to associate with home; it poured in comfort and brought happiness.

Zoya felt like she could stay in his embrace forever, shielded from all the threats that loomed above their heads. There was something about the way every crease and crevice of their bodies seemed to fit together, almost as if they were matching puzzle pieces. Unless joined, they were never whole. Never fulfilled.

"Everything will be alright, Jules," she whispered into his chest, allowing the beating of Julian's heart to lull her into a calm state. "You'll see."

As those words met the daylight, a loud crashing sound broke into the Institute, making the pair flinch. Zoya heard Julian draw a sharp breath in, his arms pulling her closer into him before he stepped away. "Maybe you've said that too soon."

Zoya spared him no answer, merely sprinted up the stairs after the brunette boy. Both of them had a slight idea as to where the sound was coming from ー allowing the cacophony of dishware and laughter to be their guide up the stairs and toward the kitchen.

The place was an absolute disaster. If that word could do justice to the mess.

The first thing Zoya noticed was that the fridge was wide open and without anything in it. The shelves that were usually filled with food of all kinds were emptied out, urging the observer to look for its contents. Large pools of ketchup decorated the kitchen island, along with sticky maple syrup.

One of the pantry doors was tilted against the wall, clearly taken out of its hinges. Inside, a bag of powdered sugar was split open ー Tavvy sitting inside it and resembling a fluffy cloud.

Zoya's mouth opened in bewilderment as she noticed the working cooking stove, multiple pans placed over it and erupting in thick, dark smoke.

The raven-haired girl shook her head, racing toward it and moving aside the burnt utensils. She made sure to turn off the flames before she glanced around the room.

Emma had supported herself against the wall, eyes wide as she observed the chaos. Julian looked even worse. The brunette boy's frame was frozen ー he couldn't believe what happened to one of his favorite places. The usually clean and neat kitchen was nothing but a gruesome battlefield.

Candies were spilled across the tiles, along with several other ingredients. The children were scattered across the room: Dru too engaged with observing a glass of a frightfully looking liquid, Livvy seated on the bench and giggling at the mess, Ty licking a speck of sugar that reached his wrist.

Mark, on the other hand, effortlessly emerged from the pantry. His hand was carrying a plate of burned bread. "Toast!"

Zoya glanced toward the blond boy whose eyes widened slightly as he took in the sight of Emma, Zoya and Julian. He raised his eyebrows. "Toast?"

Ty looked at his brother. "That's my toast."

"Right," Mark nodded. "And what do you want on your toast?"

"Pudding," Ty said seriously.

Julian watched the scene unfold, wordlessly. It was like observing a volcano preparing to erupt. "Pudding?" Julian echoed, staring blankly.

"Why not pudding?" Livvy questioned, glancing around the room and seizing a container of pudding before passing it to her twin.

Julian turned to his older brother. "I thought you said she was locked in her room."

"She came out when you guys texted that you found Ty," Mark informed.

"There didn't seem to be any reason not to," Livvy stated matter-of-factly.

"Of course," Zoya shook her head, realizing that Livvy had known about Ty's plan all along.

"And why is the toaster in the pantry?" Julian questioned.

"I couldn't find any other..." Mark swayed his palm through the air as he thought of the right word. His face lit up as he remembered. "Electrical outlets."

"And why is Tavvy in a bag of sugar?"

Mark's eyebrows arched up, as if the answer was too obvious. "He wanted to be in a bag of sugar."

"That doesn't mean you should put him in a bag of sugar." Julian shook his head, voice raising. "Or practically destroy the stove. Or let Drusilla drink ー what is in that glass, Dru?"

"Chocolate milk," Dru responded promptly. "With sour cream and Pepsi."

Julian took a deep breath, pointing in his sister's way. "She shouldn't be drinking that."

"Why not?" Mark took off his apron ー one that had two red hearts printed upon it. "I do not understand the source of your anger, brother. They're all alive, aren't they?"

"That's a pretty low bar," Julian observed. "If I'd realized all you thought you had to do was keep them aliveー"

"That's what you said," Mark's eyebrows furrowed, a wave of anger radiating off the boy. "You joked about it, said they could take care of themselvesー"

"They can!" Julian approached Mark swiftly, chests nearly touching. Even though he was shorter than his older brother, Julian managed to tower over the boy with authority. "You're the one causing the chaos! You're their older brother, do you even know what that means? You're meant to take better care of them than this!"

Zoya was taken aback by Julian's response; although justified, he had forgotten his siblings were in the room as well. "Julianー"

"Jules, it's fine," Livvy joined. "We're fine."

"Fine?" Julian turned to Livvy. "Ty sneaked out ー and I'll talk to you about that later, Livia ー got into Johnny Rook's house, and held his son at knifepoint; Livvy locked herself in her room, and Tavvy is possibly permanently coated in sugar. As for Dru, we've got about five minutes until she throws up."

"I won't," Dru brushed Julian's remark off.

"I'll clean it," Mark replied.

"You don't know how!" Julian shouted, knuckles paling as he gestured across the room. Zoya had to bite her lips to prevent a flinch from escaping. "You," he continued, gaze set on Mark, "you used to look after them, but I guess you've forgotten that. I guess you've forgotten how to do anything normal."

Mark flinched at Julian's words, stepping back from his brother. The sight was so painful to watch and the only one who managed to react was Tiberius. He abruptly rose from his seat, gaze set on his brothers. "Stop."

His voice was low, but even then, it was sharp enough to make Julian's heart break in an array of pieces.

Nobody dared move. Breathing patterns have synchronized, shoulders still as they expected the scene to unfold itself.

Nothing happened.

Julian continued standing in the middle of the room, shoulders dropped in shame. Mark was no better than his brother, face pale and cheeks hollow as he tried not to cause any additional chaos.

To anyone else standing in the room, it was so obvious that the two brothers shared immense love for each other. It was seen in the way they kept silently glancing at each other, as if to make sure the other one was alright and still standing.

Zoya couldn't help but let herself slip into the past.

She could almost imagine the younger version of Julian before her, kneeling with a towel in his hand and trying to scrub off the kitchen floor. He was twelve years old and taking it upon himself to figure his way around the Institute, juggling in between being a good brother and fulfilling all the other duties. He learned how to cook and bake, often earning mild burns on his skin in hopes of perfecting the dishes for his siblings. He found no trouble in completing simple actions as buying the groceries, often walking a good distance to pick up the ingredients he needed.

Now, of course Zoya and Emma were there, but Julian rarely accepted help. Surely he allowed them to help when they offered, but otherwise ー the boy never asked. He never complained, even when things became too much.

He was ready to sacrifice his own happiness and freedom for the contentment of his family. No matter when or where. He was ready to do everything for them ー proving that his love was like no other.

But now, as he stood across from Mark and enduring the heavy feelings woven into Ty's single word, he felt exposed. His blue gaze dulled, as if anger toward himself prevailed and brought out the palette of disappointment to the daylight.

He walked toward the stove and wordlessly slid to the ground, back pressed into the cold kitchen elements.

Zoya watched his walls shattering, falling down along with the rest of his body. She wasted no time in sliding to her knees, seeing that she was the closest to him ー and yet, no matter how hard she tried, the boy didn't meet her eyes. His gaze was completely blank, emotionless.

"Jules?" Tavvy's soft voice greeted his brother as he passed by Zoya and put his arms around Julian's neck. His skin was dusty white, granules spilling from his messy locks.

A broken sound escaped Julian's throat before he clutched onto his youngest sibling, bringing the boy into him fiercely. He didn't care about inhaling the sweet powder, just like how he didn't care about getting his clothes dirty. The only thing that mattered to Julian Blackthorn was to have someone familiar close to him ー someone who would keep him from hitting rock bottom.

"¡Qué desastre!" A loud shriek was let out the moment the kitchen door opened and Cristina Rosales entered the room.

Everyone took that as a sign to get moving; Mark took it upon himself to pick up the dirty dishes, Livvy helping him without hesitation. Julian stood up from the floor, holding Tavvy into his arms. Zoya followed, grabbing the nearest sponge and brushing away the mess of ketchup and maple syrup.

"Where's Diana?" Emma questioned Cristina.

"She's home. Malcolm Portaled us there and back," Cristina said, eyes widening as she glanced around. "She said she needed to catch up on sleep."

"Sorry about the mess, Cristina," Julian finally managed to utter, blue-green apologetic.

"It's fine," she shrugged her shoulders. "It is not my kitchen. Though," she made sure to add, "I can help you clean up."

"Mark will clean up," Julian said expressionlessly. "Did you and Diana find anything out from Malcolm?"

"He had gone to see some warlocks he thought might be able to help," explained Cristina. "We talked about Catarina Loss. I've heard of her ー she teaches at the Academy sometimes, Downworlder studies. Apparently both Malcolm and Diana are good friends with her, so they exchanged a lot of stories I didn't really understand."

"Well, here's what we learned from Rook," Emma took it upon herself to unfold the story of their visit to Rook. Several minutes had passed and the kitchen was beginning to look more clean, although there was still plenty to be done.

"So someone needs to tail Sterling," Livvy commented the moment Emma finished her tale. "Ty and I could do it."

"You can't drive," Emma said. "And we need you here for research."

Livvy rolled her eyes. "So we get stuck here reading 'it was many and many a year ago' nine thousand times?"

"There's no reason we can't learn how to drive," Ty added. "Mark was saying, it's not like it matters that we're not sixteen, it's not as if we have to obey mundane laws anywayー"

"Did Mark say that?" Julian raised his eyebrows, quietly proceeding. "Fine. Mark can teach you how to drive."

Mark dropped the plates into the sink, nearly breaking them. "Julianー"

"What is it, Mark?" Julian's voice rose. "Oh, right, you don't actually know how to drive, either. And of course teaching someone to drive takes time, but you might not actually be here. Because there's no guarantee you're staying."

"Julian," Zoya's gaze parted from the clean kitchen surfaces and collided with the blue-green gaze. "That's enough."

She almost didn't recognize her own voice ー cold and distant ー but Zoya was growing tired of their bickering. Surely Julian was mad at Mark, but he didn't have to show his bitterness in front of his siblings. Siblings that adored Mark with all of their hearts.

"That's not true," Livvy proceeded despite Zoya's reprimands. "We've practically solved the caseー"

"But Mark has a choice." Julian was looking at the blond boy, fire lighting up inside of him. "Tell them, Mark. Tell them you're sure you'll choose us."

Silence spoke more than words did. Heart-wrenching silence that navigated its way around everyone's bones, squeezing and pressing at their insides.

This was Julian's worst nightmare. The children losing someone they loved too dearly.

"Julian." Another, unexpected, voice joined the conversation. One that belonged to Arthur Blackthorn. "Julian, I need to talk to you about something. Privately."

Julian nodded firmly at the same time Emma and Zoya's phones buzzed.

The obsidian-haired girl pulled it out of her back pocket, reading the two words: THE CONVERGENCE.

It was two words that succeeded in making bile rise up Zoya's throat and her skin shiver. Someone had managed to activate the monitor at the convergence site.

"Did someone call you?" Julian asked the question, but from what Zoya managed to gather ー it was directed at Emma. He probably didn't notice that Zoya had gotten one as well.

The brunette boy was setting Tavvy to the ground and pushing the boy toward Dru. Emma's face, on the other hand, was blank as she met Julian's gaze.

His phone had died at Rook's. He didn't know about the Convergence.

"Just Cameron," Zoya heard Emma utter sheepishly. 

Julian seemed to buy the story, exiting the kitchen and tracing after Arthur without another word.

"Cristina," Emma turned to the Rosales girl, speaking in a hushed tone. "Can I talk to you in the hallway?"

Zoya huffed to herself, dropping the towel she was holding and following after her two friends. There was no way she was letting her parabatai go alone.

"Is this about Cameron?" She heard Cristina question Emma. "I do not think I am up to giving any romantic advice right nowー"

"She's not going to see Cameron alone, are you, Em?" Zoya raised her eyebrows, displaying her phone to her parabatai.

Emma shut her eyes tightly, as if she'd been caught red-handed, before she turned to Cristina. "Zoya's right. I'm taking her, as well," she sighed, silently begging her parabatai not to utter another word before she finished. "Look, someone needs to tail Sterling. I don't think anything's going to happen with him we're still within the window of two days ー but just in case."

Cristina nodded. "I can do it. Diana left the truck; I'll take it. I need the address, though."

"Julian has it. And I'll give you a note for him."

"Good, because he'll ask," Cristina pointed out. "Especially since both of you won't be here."

The sound of Dru vomiting broke the conversation three girls were having, making them scrunch their noses in disgust.

"Oh, Dru..." Zoya shook her head, feeling sorry for the girl.

Emma shrugged her shoulders. "That thing she drank was really disgusting."

Cristina sighed, passing the parabatai a significant glance. "Look, I know the two of you are not telling me the truth. I know you are not going to see Cameron Ashdown," Cristina said, lifting her hand up as soon as Emma went to respond. "I know that Zoya doesn't like the guy, but it's all right. The two of you would not lie to me without good reason. It's justー"

"Yes?" Emma questioned.

"Be careful," Cristina told them. "Don't make me regret lying for you, Emma Carstairs and Zoya Caldwell."

⋆ ✧ ⋆


Well, that was a long chapter. Around 8K words long, in fact. Nevertheless, I am really happy that you are enjoying the story. My heart jumps whenever you vote and comment.

Thank you for your endless support, it literally means the world. Your kind words motivate me to write so much - I don't think you understand. And also, I love to interact with you guys, so feel free to comment whenever you feel like it.
